Page name: Into the Night [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-03-25 19:07:23
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 11
D20: 18
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Into the Night

A collaborated roleplay/story.


If you are interested, please message [XxTsomexX]. Your character can be one of three things: 1: An Amdromidon (a mutant person with angel like wings and varient powers) 2: An infected human (this "infection" makes the humans pretty much go crazy, going back to the most wild instincts. Animals lose their fear of humans completely, while the humans pretty much try to kill everything they can. It's really bad.) or 3: A human that hasn't/can't be infected.

Let's see. I can try to explain what is going on: The year is 2043 (yeah, 2012 was a lie.) and for the last 25 years, humans have been multiplying like crazy. Some however, have been born with wierd defects. They are now called Amdromidons, now having their own race. (So people: your Amdromidons can't be older than 25.)

Now that Earth is deteriorating more than before, Earth has released a disease amongst it's inhabitants. The disease (explained above) is Earth's last defense against the overgrowing population. Mother Earth didn't count on the Amdromidons though, who are unaffected by the disease.

I'm up for any ideas that you all may have. So if you seem interested, please message me? This is a story of survival, and the Amdromidons must find a way to save at least some humans, so they don't die out completely.

Roleplayers (Also order of posts):

[Amelia Stark]
[~Crimson Angel~]
[Koho Ai]

When the rp starts, we will have a post order that way it doesn't get crazy when people try to post. The post order is the rper's list above. If you are not able to post for a while (internet issues, vacation, moving etc) Please inform either [Piercedskull] or [XxTsomexX]. We'll probably have your character become separated or put into a coma, and I (Skull) will give you a brief recap of whats happened. If you don't message either owner, we will skip over your turn until you come back.

Character page: [Open!!!!!!!!!!] Into The Night Characters

Roleplay Page: [OPEEEEEN officially :3] Into The Night RP

Fun Facts! This is a page in which you can post odd quirks or habits that you may or may not explain about your character. Into The Night Fun Facts


Hey everyone! I am going in for surgery tomorrow (3/26/13) so when it comes to my turn, we're going to be put on a light hold, alright? This is due to story plot thickening that I need to be present for. I'll be out of commission for 3 days, perhaps a day or two more depending on how I'm feeling. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but worry not! I'll be back :)

- Piercedskull

Username (or number or email):


2010-06-22 [XxTsomexX]: If you're interested in taking part, please leave something on the comments? :)

2010-06-22 [Eyden13]: Okay, so what is your main conflict? Are they having war against each other, all fighting the disease or some other issue.

2010-06-22 [XxTsomexX]: Dunno yet, got any suggestions? This is based off a really foggy dream, soooo pretty much anyone can add stuff to make it complete :)

2010-06-22 [Eyden13]: Well Off the top of my head, you could have the Amdromidons killing of those infected because they are trying to clear the earth of it's ickyness. And the other human's are in hiding out of fear for their life. You could even have some of the ones who aren't infected teamed up with the amdromidons, meaning they're killing their own kind.

2010-06-22 [XxTsomexX]: I know I was planning to have the Amdromidons be like saviors to the uninfected, something like that. Kinda like humans killing off zombies? XD lol

2010-06-22 [Eyden13]: sounds like you have a plan. How do you save the infected. Is there a cre or some type of trial that has to be gone through to stop the disease?

2010-06-22 [XxTsomexX]: Hmm that I have no clue yet. I haven't figured it out :)

2010-06-23 [XxTsomexX]: Soooo are you interested to join Eyden?

2010-06-24 [Eyden13]: sure!

2010-06-24 [Rhymes With Orange]: I'm in :) Just a suggestion...but maybe we could have some of the non-infected humans working on a cure or something? And that's why the Amdromidons are kind of teaming up with the non-infected people, because they're trying to protect them from the infected so they don't get killed before they find a cure?

2010-06-24 [XxTsomexX]: That'd be a cool idea :)

2010-06-27 [Les chansons d'amour]: this sounds really interesting, would like to join :D

2010-06-27 [XxTsomexX]: Awesome! :D

2010-06-28 [Rhymes With Orange]: When do you think we'll be starting this shindig? :D

2010-06-28 [XxTsomexX]: Uhmmm I'd like to get a few more people in :) lol

2010-06-28 [Rhymes With Orange]: Cool :)

2010-06-28 [Les chansons d'amour]: do the infected humans have no control ever or are they sometimes normal?

-Posting again, not sure if you saw it :O!

2010-06-28 [XxTsomexX]: Oh sorry XD uhm usually the infected humans have no control.

2010-06-28 [Les chansons d'amour]: Aw ok, I was thinking about having a charcter who was infected but if he has no control then that would be no fun :( lol

2010-06-28 [XxTsomexX]: he could be a special case if you wanted ;)

2010-06-28 [Les chansons d'amour]: Aw really??? That would be cool :D

2010-06-28 [XxTsomexX]: If you want to :) lol

2010-06-28 [Les chansons d'amour]: thanks, got my character all sorted now :D

2010-06-28 [Koho Ai]: hmm. i think i have an idea for my character in this story already. This will definitely be fun and bring back memories of character i had ages ago.

2010-06-28 [XxTsomexX]: Yay >:D lol now all we need is like 1 or 2 more people then I can make the page so you guys can post your characters, and once everyone has at least one character, we can start!!

2010-06-28 [Koho Ai]: Sweetness lol XD

2010-06-30 [Les chansons d'amour]: Waa I want to start!

2010-07-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: oooohhhh.

2010-07-02 [XxTsomexX]: Are you interested Mrs Vicious????

2010-07-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: yeeaaahhhh!

2010-07-02 [Eyden13]: Coolio. GIve me till next friday and I'll have a character for you. ^-^

2010-07-02 [XxTsomexX]: Awesome :) soooo everyone you have until next friday, then we can start :)

2010-07-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: ... a character for me? so you dont make your own?

2010-07-02 [XxTsomexX]: Wait huh? No you make your own lol what Im saying is that you all have until next friday :)

2010-07-02 [Mrs Vicious.]: lol ahh kk, i was like, wait, what?

2010-07-03 [Eyden13]: Wow, I didn't mean to set a deadline fore everyone. I have magic powers ^-^

2010-07-03 [Koho Ai]: lol alot of us are ready lol

2010-07-03 [XxTsomexX]: I just wanna make sure no one gets left behind :(

2010-07-03 [Koho Ai]: that too LOL :)

2010-07-03 [Eyden13]: ^-^ We love you too XxTsomexX

2010-07-03 [Talos Cyrion]: oooh can i join?

2010-07-03 [Rhymes With Orange]: :D

2010-07-03 [Rice]: Add me please. Oh and don't mind the name change. Tee hee.

2010-07-05 [XxTsomexX]: Sweeeet :D lol

2010-07-09 [Talos Cyrion]: sweet now to create a character

2010-07-09 [XxTsomexX]: Yup. By 23:00 elftown time, I'm hoping everyone hs their character in so we can start. I'm planning to start TONIGHT

2010-07-09 [Rice]: *gets ready* mwhaha

2010-07-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: :] Yay!

2010-07-09 [Les chansons d'amour]: Whens 23.00hr et time??? damn living in England! Its 11.00pm here now *cries*

2010-07-09 [XxTsomexX]: that would be two hours :S that'd be 7 pm for me.

2010-07-09 [Les chansons d'amour]: Aw man I'm gonna be in bed got work in the morning :(

2010-07-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: its not 11, its 20 to 11, where in england are you? geeze? btw theres a clock in the upper most corner of elftown, on the right in ET time. and oh crap, im not gonna be here i dont think..

2010-07-09 [Les chansons d'amour]: Frickin hell calm down love gawsh

2010-07-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: Sorry bad hair day. Blinkin stuff, looks like a dandylion clock I swair.

2010-07-09 [XxTsomexX]: ... say wha?

2010-07-09 [Les chansons d'amour]: Its this ridiculous HEAT!

2010-07-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: nah, just washed it and went for a walk, frickin thin wont bloody go down. that an im trying to get a blinkin party organised, I tell you s'like organising a pissup in a brewery. It just aint happenin.

2010-07-09 [Les chansons d'amour]: Whats the party in aid of?

2010-07-09 [Mrs Vicious.]: Oh nothin just goin to the cinema then off to do some bowlin or sumthin then KFC, but its getting everyone together an gettin propper answers off of people is the pissin hard bit.

2010-07-09 [XxTsomexX]: Well since half the people here aren't gonna be here... we'll just start whenever. I don't like posting first though, so that's up for grabs :)

2010-07-10 [Eyden13]: What you mean a lot of us wonr be here?

2010-07-10 [XxTsomexX]: like a lot of people are asleep XD lol

2010-07-10 [Eyden13]: oh! that's true

2010-07-10 [Talos Cyrion]: oi well i won't have my character up till sometime around sunday or monday cuz my comp is missing (i'm useing my gfs desk top and don't have access to all my rp templates)

2012-11-02 [XxTsomexX]: Restarting.

2012-11-03 [Piercedskull]: I have questions about the infected.

2012-11-03 [XxTsomexX]: Ask away my friend :)

2012-11-03 [Piercedskull]: Are they rotted and or rotting?

2012-11-03 [XxTsomexX]: Nope. They aren't undead. Their emotions and their intellect are basically taken away, leaving them with only animal instinct, and it makes them very vicious. They basically aren't really humans anymore, because everything that makes them human is taken away with the disease.

2012-11-03 [Piercedskull]: Ah... Hm. Perhaps I could be human and catch said disease?

2012-11-03 [XxTsomexX]: Yes :)

2012-11-03 [Piercedskull]: LET IT BE SO

2012-11-03 [XxTsomexX]: And your human with the disease can stalk the group as they try to find a safe place to live, ruining their every chance to find happiness :D

2012-11-03 [Piercedskull]: Otays!

2012-11-03 [XxTsomexX]: And tell people about this rp. We could use people to join :D

2012-11-03 [Piercedskull]: Otays!

2012-11-03 [ancienteye]: Ooh. Stalker-character. I like it! XP

2012-11-03 [Kbird]: Sound good I might join. ^.^

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: soooo when do's this actully begin?

2012-11-07 [XxTsomexX]: When I feel we have enough characters to get the ball rolling.

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: Good enough for me!lol

2012-11-07 [ancienteye]: Hey, Tsome, did you check out Kbird's RP, yet?

2012-11-07 [XxTsomexX]: I did, and it confused me lol

2012-11-07 [ancienteye]: You mean the way it's set up on the RP pages, or the idea itself?

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: oh sorry what confused you I can try and fix it.

2012-11-07 [XxTsomexX]: The idea itself

2012-11-07 [ancienteye]: ??? Post-apocalyptic. The world is at war with itself and has been for centuries. During the course of the war, a chemical developed for use in warfare was accidently spilled and released to the general populace. This chemical mutated them into zombies, vampires, and werewolves. Aliens already existed. The story takes place generations later.

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: <img:44166_1164145221.gif>oh well it takes place in the future of curse uhhh now I under stand I suck at saying what something is about.<img:44166_1164144921.gif>

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: Yes and (I forgot to say this but)America had made a wall dividing it from Canada and Mexico so thats why its just America.

2012-11-07 [ancienteye]: USA got a bit territorial, eh? *raises eyebrow*

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: yeah it was because they got a little "suspicious" of

2012-11-07 [ancienteye]: At least it worked out well for the rest of the world. >_> Does it make sense now, Tsome?

2012-11-07 [XxTsomexX]: Kinda-ish lol

2012-11-07 [ancienteye]: Yeah. Well, that's as much as I know. My characters are kind of just going with the flow. Heck, I have no clue what Jace was doing during my posts for him, I was just making up terms for that. >_>"

2012-11-07 [XxTsomexX]: Haha nice. Btw if you guys are joining this rp, please put your username above :)

2012-11-07 [Kbird]: Done!

2012-11-07 [XxTsomexX]: Thank you.

2012-12-12 [Piercedskull]: We've officially started!

2012-12-12 [XxTsomexX]: Posting order will go:

[Amelia Stark]
[~Crimson Angel~]

Then of course anyone who decides to jump in, can.

2012-12-13 [Piercedskull]: Kbird, is your post :P

2012-12-13 [Kbird]: ok sorry didn't relize

2012-12-13 [Piercedskull]: Is otays, hun

2012-12-13 [Kbird]: Done!

2012-12-13 [Piercedskull]: Huzzah!

2013-01-30 [Vessel_4_Christ]: hello. I am new. My name is Pamala. ancienteye mentioned this rpg and I thought I would take a look.

2013-01-30 [XxTsomexX]: Cool :) Welcome.

2013-01-30 [Piercedskull]: Greetings Pamala! By all means have a look. :)

2013-01-30 [Kbird]: Hey ya!

2013-01-30 [Vessel_4_Christ]: Thanks. Welcome is most soothing. ^-^ Been thinking on a character. Is there room for one more?

2013-01-30 [XxTsomexX]: Of course.

2013-01-30 [Vessel_4_Christ]: Oh, ok. I am going to write it down first and then a couple scenarios. Then when thats done and edited I will add on to the story.

2013-01-30 [Vessel_4_Christ]: There. Uploaded what I have. :D

2013-01-30 [Piercedskull]: :D

2013-03-08 [XxTsomexX]: I think I'm gonna pull my characters out for now. Have them get seperated from the group or something. I will still own and help with the rp, but I wont be posting frequently. I have to concentrate on my school work.

2013-03-08 [Piercedskull]: Noted.

2013-03-15 [Vessel_4_Christ]: hey, sorry I have been gone. Did my turn get passed? Or maybe a sum up of whats been going on or something? Thanks.

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: awwww poor Mr: drugy!<:O

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: XD What can he say? He loves him some drugs.

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: hehe he's so but he creeps Emily out :P

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: Lol he creeps everyone out. He just has a "I really don't care" attitude about most thing.

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: lol yeah and she's afraid he'll poke her with a needle before trying to disect her.

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: XD Naah. Jaxon would only experiment on the living if they were willing... Or in a coma. lol

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: Emily:O.O I'm scared...what if I get nocked out?!

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: Jaxon: Weelll... I guess if you tell me not to before you get knocked out, I won't... Kinda. I guess.

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: Emily: what do you mean "kinda. I geuss"?

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: Jaxon: *shrug*

2013-03-15 [ancienteye]: Lyra: "He means; 'no consciousness, no promises'." e___e

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: Emily: O.O *Hides*

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: Heehee

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: good thing she can fly.

2013-03-15 [Piercedskull]: Jaxon: Until I remove her wings?

Me: What?

Jaxon: What?

2013-03-15 [ancienteye]: Lyra: e______e "Yeah, she's never coming back, now."

2013-03-15 [Kbird]: Me: probably not

2013-03-16 [Piercedskull]: Don't worry. Liz will keep him under control...


2013-03-16 [Kbird]: OWWWWWWWWWWW~~~ PLOT TWISTS!!!!<3 <3 <3

2013-03-16 [Piercedskull]: Mhm. I'm still trying to figure out whether to do it later on in the rp or not. Probably later when they all get close to each other.

2013-03-16 [Kbird]: aw :'( hehe okay

2013-03-16 [ancienteye]: Sounds good. XP

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