Hogwarts: New Age Create your character using the form provided and post it here. If it is excepted I will post it in the appropriate house.
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User: [Rice]
Name: Vandal Ford.
Age: 15.
Gender: Male.
House: Slytherine.
Year: 4.
Height: 6ft.
Weight: 11 stone.
Appearance: http://i1.tinypic.com/2ylpbeu.jpg (with his sister ‘Cyan’)
Description: Vandal can be a bit of a cocky wise ass, he is often right though he wont always accept praise since he believes himself to be a ‘rebel’. He is very daring and is often the center of attention and chaos, even if he didn’t cause it. He gets average grades though he has the capacity of getting much higher, he just really isn’t bothered.
History: Vandal lives in London with his mother, farther and sister Cyan, they are a wizard family with a bloodline tracing back to the Victorian times. They are quite wealthy and respected amongst the wizard world.
Other: Vandal often tries to be the gallant hero for girls often throwing him self into danger to save them, even if the girls weren’t in danger to begin with. He is a bit of a flirt.
User: [Rice]
Name: Cyan (Kai-Anne) Ford.
Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
House: Gryffindor.
Year: 4.
Height: 5’4ft.
Weight: 8 stone.
Appearance: http://i1.tinypic.com/2ylpbeu.jpg (with her brother ‘Vandal’)
Description: Unlike her brother Cyan is more controlled and hardworking, she can however be a little headstrong at times especially around people she considers a threat. She can however be very courageous and brave always standing by her friends and loyal to those who help her. However, she also has a bit of a temper and when fired off she is defiantly a girl not to be messed with.
History: Cyan lives with her brother in London.
Other: Cyan has a pet lizard she calls ‘Monty’ which is always with her.
User: [Rice]
Name: Lucy Lovell.
Age: 15.
Gender: Female.
House: Slytherine.
Year: 4.
Height: 5’5ft.
Weight: 8 ½ stone.
Appearance: http://i4.tinypic.com/2hcjiti.jpg
Description: Cynical and slightly cruel, Lucy comes off as an arrogant power hungry girl fitting into the Slytherine criteria almost perfectly. She hates being mocked and wont stand for disrespect from anyone, even teachers. She can be a bit judging and sometimes jumps to irrational conclusions about people with half the information in front of her. Lucy does however have quite a caring heart, she hates violence and meaningless death.
History: Not much is known about Lucy’s life behind Hogwarts, she lives in Oxford with her mother in a fatherless home.
Other: Lucy has a snake named ‘Loki’ which hides down her top hissing at people she feels are threatening Lucy.
User: [Rice]
Name: Seth Thgin (Pronounced 'Thine')
Age: 28.
Gender: Male.
Subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts.
Height: 6'2ft.
Weight: 11 stone.
Appearance: http://i9.tinypic.com/40bljld.jpg
Description: Seth if defiantly one that is hard to be described. He seems level-headed though the slightest disobedience can send him up the wall. His constant grin and 'amused' facial expressions make him very creepy and very unnerving. It's defiantly a 'more than meets the eye' categorisation when Seth is discussed amongst his fellow employees. Many think he ventures a bit too much into the dark arts to have nothing to hide.
History: Seth has been working at Hogwarts since he was 20; it had been his dream since he was little to work at Hogwarts. He has no immediate family connections and no other member of the 'Thgin' family has ever been mentioned.
Other: He has a fascination with modern day 'muggle' technology and is often seen with stuff venturing from Ipods to Gameboys.
User: [Jade Lee]
Name: Nathan Adair
Age: 16
Gender: Male
House: Ravenclaw
Year: 6th
Height: 5'8
Weight: Muscular
Appearance: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/Hotaru123/doll2.jpg
Description: Popular and goodlooking, Nathan is the kind of person who can fit in anywhere.although he changes his personality to fit in with some people. He never truely comits to either side of an arguement, out of fear of making enimies. His marks are usually top of the class, and he's very witty.
History: Nathan is Half Blood, his father being a pureblood, and his mother being a muggle born. They are very suportive, though sometimes they can spoil him. He has two sisters, though they are both quite a bit older than him, and both left home just before he began at Hogwarts. The youngest of the two is a squib.
Other: Nathan has a magical pet mouse called Merlin.
Note: I'm not sure if this will be allowed, as it is a decendent of an original J.K. Rowling character.
User: [Jade Lee]
Name: Belinda Malfoy
Age: 15
Gender: Female
House: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Height: 5'7
Weight: Slim
Appearance: http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f197/Hotaru123/doll.jpg
Description: Living up to her family history (below), Belinda definately comes off as cruel. She often feels pressured to live up to her family name and gets upset about it, but she's sure to keep that to herself.
History: As you may have guessed, a direct decendant of the Malfoys, whose wealth and discriminary views have passed down throughout the generation(s) (I'm not sure how much time has passed). She lives the Malfoy manor with her Mother, Father, and older brother, Edmund, who is two years older than her, therefore not in Hogwarts. Melinda, of course, is pureblood.
Other: She owns an owl, but isn't really affectionate towards it as one would treat a pet, its strictly for mail.