Page name: Isaac Santi [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-31 20:02:05
Last author: Chen stormstout
Owner: Chen stormstout
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Username: Chen Stormstout
Character name: Isaac ‘The Sniper’ Santi or Constance
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Class/Rank: Trained Civilian, archer ;peasant class
Appearance: Isaac is about average height for a person his age, with black hair and his eyes a mixed brown and gray. He is fit and wears simple middle class cotton clothing with an exception of an expensive silk scarf he wears around his neck which he keeps in better condition than the rest of his clothes.
Personality: Isaac mentally is beyond his young age, he is calm and collected most the time and doesn’t really say much, simply because he just doesn’t have anything to say, he is kind, and gentle but doesn’t like to show it, something that is in contrast with being a Legionnaire, but where Isaac is ‘beautiful’ in he can get really ‘ugly’ as he can get stubborn, cold, and vicious.
Weapons/Magic/Skills: From first glance it doesn’t look like Isaac has any weapons but a simple short sword, bow and arrows, but he does carry various small projectile items on him from marbles, to coins, pins or needles, to small pointed steel balls. The reason for this is because Isaac has the unique ability to charge an object with energy and launch it to a wide variety of distances with nearly impossible accuracy and have it achieve its terminal velocity or even beyond almost instantly, allowing it to nearly penetrate anything with enough power or instantly kill a person, giving him the nickname The Sniper to those few that actually know him. Though he does know how to use a bow skillfully and a few hand to hand techniques and close range spells just in case.
History: The Santi family was not well known, like many other middle class families, but they did make a small fortune, when Isaac’s father was the archery teacher at a local militia training center which Isaac went through up until a bandit raid killed his father, and news that a rebellion was forming against the emperor. Not wanting to be in a hostile environment Isaac’s mother fled to the capital city, while he went to join the rebels in a fit off rage, where his powers bloomed, and was immediately noticed for his potential. Everything from there became shadowy and unclear.
Other/Details: Rumors floated around saying that Constance (a name Isaac goes by in the Legion) assassinated the emperor himself, while others just say he’s a loyal hound to The Hammer, there were even some that said that he hunted down fellow Legionnaires that were considered weak links in the name of Christophe.

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