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2006-07-17 19:17:03
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Quotes from the book It that I like. Written by Stephen King.

You can live with fear, I think, Stan would have said if he could. Maybe not forever, but for a long, long time. It’s offense you can’t live with, because it opens up a crack inside your thinking, and if you look down into it you see there are live things down there, and they have little yellow eyes that don’t blink, and there’s a stink down there in that dark, and after awhile you think maybe there’s a whole other universe down there, a universe where a square moon rises in the sky, and the stars laugh in cold voices, and some of the triangles have four sides, and some have five, and some of them have five raised to the fifth power of sides. In this universe there might grow roses which sing. Everything leads to everything, he would have told them if he could. Go to your church and listen to your stories of Jesus walking on water, but if I saw a guy doing that I’d scream and scream and scream. Because it wouldn’t look like a miracle to me. It would look like an offense. -430

He knew that real loneliness was a smeary red: the color of the taillights of the car ahead of you reflected on wet hottop in a driving rain. – 553-554

“Oh shit the time goes by,” –554

…the guy who had played with the Moondogs on Saturday nights and who had gone on to become a mathematics professor at Cornell would suddenly find himself on stage with the band, a Fender guitar strapped over his shoulder, whopping out “Gloria” or “Surfin’ Bird” with gleeful drunken ferocity. What was it Springsteen said? No retreat, baby, no surrender… but it was easier to believe in the oldies on the record player after a couple of drinks… - 575

…in the end he had outgrown the nightmares that were on the dark side of all those laughs… - 576

There was a power in that music, a power which seemed to most rightfully belong to all the skinny kids, fat kids, ugly kids, shy kids – the world’s losers, in short. In it he felt a mad hilarious voltage which had the power to both kill and exalt. – 582

But, as Abraham Lincoln or Socrates or someone like that had once observed, enough was enough. – 586

As Abraham Lincoln or Socrates or someone had also said, I’ll eat fish and I’ll eat meat, but there is some shit I will not eat. – 587

Enough shocks; enough exploring. He didn’t like the way his mind was skittering from one subject to the next. What was that Peter Gabriel tune? “Shock the Monkey.” Well, this monkey had been shocked enough. – 588

With no light, things could come in. The locks on the door and the wire mesh did not stop them. They came like mist. Things. They talked and laughed… and sometimes they clutched. Hairy things, smooth things, things with eyes. - 615

Someday I’m going to be a rock-and-roll star. That’s it, yes. I’ll be famous. I’ll make records and albums and movies. I’ll have a black sportcoat and white shoes and a yellow Cadillac. – 753

… and when lightning flashed blue-white, he turned his head away from the windows, afraid he might see a monstrous, grinning face etched across the sky in that electric fire. -791

Whatever it was… it blew that poor toilet right to hell. –867

In Its wake the silence seemed very loud. – 873

He reached for it, and then his hand froze. “Stay tuned for more of the Richie Tozier All-Dead Rock Show!” the clown’s laughing, screaming voice cried over the finger-pops and guitar-chops of the Eddie Cochran tune. “Don’t touch that dial, keep it tuned to the rockpile, they’re gone from the charts but not from our hearts and you keep coming, come right along, come on everybody! We play aaaalll the hits down here! Aaallllll the hits! And if you don’t believe me, just listen to this morning’s graveyard-shift guest deejay…” - 1001

Our lesson for today, boys and girls, is the more things change, the more things change. Whoever said the more things change the more things stay the same was obviously suffering from severe mental retardation. –1003

It was the suppressing weirdism. - 1004

Shit washes off. – 1011

…a darkness that screamed with wind and stuttered with electric fire and racketed with falling trees that sounded like the death-cries of huge prehistoric creatures. – 1015

They were with him, and for that little while the darkness was kind. - 1041

I made the universe, but please don’t blame me for it; I had a bellyache. –1053

Once you get into cosmological shit like this, you got to throw away the instruction manual. – 1054

Hey bitch, you’re never too old to rock and roll - 1064

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