Page name: Ivan Wright [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-13 04:43:11
Last author: Koho Ai
Owner: Koho Ai
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User Name: [Koho Ai]

Character name: Ivan Hopfield Wright

Mutant Name: Hope

Abilities/powers: Ivan's ability in a general fashion is healing small or fatal wounds upto the brink of death. Upon healing a wound like a minor scratch Ivan would immediately feel pain on a scale of 4 (given that a normal person feels a minor scratch at a pain level of 2). Examples of pain are listed below on a scale of 1 to 10. When Ivan is experiencing pain from 9 to 10 his brain protects itself by shutting down, and he goes into a coma like state until the pain dies down to level 7. Ivan's injury scale can add up to increase his overall pain level. For example, if he heals two minor scatches his pain level will be calculated as 3+2=5 due to the fact that he's feeling pain already his body's somewhat adjusted so it goes up by half (halves are rounded up), but when he reaches 9. Then, he'll enter a coma like stage. Once Ivan gains better control over his power the pain levels may go down allowing him to use his power more often. If Ivan heals a Pain level 10 injury he will go into a coma like state until proper medical care is given (high dosages of pain medication works wonders). Then, he may be up, and walking around sooner then expected. When Ivan restores a person back from the brink of death his body immediately enters a coma like state that at this current point in time will last up to five years or greater due to his inexperience with his mutation.

Bruising or Finger Jams = 2 and under
Minor scratches and Other Minor Injuries = 3
Major Scratches and Sprains = 4 to 5
Minor Stab Wounds and Dislocation of Said Bady Parts= 6
Getting Grazed By a Bullet, Major Stab Wound, Broken Bones = 7
Getting Shot Directly (Non Fatal) = 9
Fatal Wounds (Shot in Chest still alive) = 10
Brink of Death (Unconscious about to Cross over) = Unknown

Sex: Male

Age: 16

Date of Birth: January 1

General Appearance Below:

Hair color: Brown

Hair Length: Shoulder length

Hair Style: Straight and smooth

Eye Color: Blue, but when he goes outside they change to a blue-green color.

Skin Color: Pale White

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: 120lbs

Additional Appearance: Ivan has three different outfits that he normally wears. He wears small lensed glasses, but doesn't require them to see. He is currently a malnourished looking teenager who has no visible scars or other markings known to him.

One: He wears a dress blue button down shirt with tan pants and brown shoes.
Two: He wears a dress black button down shirt with black pants and black shoes.
Three: He dawns a white doctor's coat when he studies medicine, medical procedures, and medical applications.

Current Attire: Ivan is wearing a combination of a black button down dress that has a small pocket above his right breast. The shirt has a collar that goes down about 1 inch or so, and has about a 1 inch length cuff at the end of each long sleeve. His Pants consist of a black silk variety sit just on top of his black dress shoes. The pants have one button that is at the top and uses a zipper for the crotch area. There is one pocket on his left side and one pocket on his right both just below the belt line. Now, given Ivan's petite figure he currently is wearing a nice cloth style belt to keep his pants firmly at his hips and not sagging near his buttocks. Ivan's shoes are more a dress variety and have laces that are clearly tightened and tucked away out of sight. The shoes themselves look polished and when he steps into the light they let off a remarkable gleam to whoever wishes to look at them. Ivan's white doctors coat has four pockets. Two of which reside on the outside and two on the inside that are easily accessible for Ivan. Inside the pockets is ussualy room key and medication. Also, the collar on the doctor's coat is clearly down about one inch giving Ivan the look of a more professional individual. The backpack that Ivan carries is of the black leather variety and has three pouches. One main pouch and two secondary pouches. On the inside of the first pouch you can see a little card with Ivan's name and current room number that he has in the mansion. In the bag is ussually a couple of books and a laptop that Ivan uses daily.

Personality: Ivan is a smart intelligent boy whose never give up personality clouds his reasonable side more times then not. Other then that he tends to get angry when he doesn't understand whats going on, and then laughs it off when someone or he figures it out later. He has an overly obsessive quality when it comes to learning what he wants to know which goes hand and hand with his never give up side, which becomes the root cause of many arguments that he has with himself. He motivates himself by remembering how his mother and father were killed. He desires to help any and all individuals who get injured in front of him. He doesn't like violence and killing, but secretly wants revenge for the person who was responsible for his parent's deaths.
Special Skills: He has studied in the Art of Medicine and General Medical Procedures and stives to become a Docter one day.

Place of birth: New York, New York
Weapon(s) of choice: Bag full of Medical Supplies (Non Combatant)
Medical information: He has the tendency to pass out from exhaustion when staying up multiple nights in a row to study tediously in a library or room. Also, he goes into a coma like state upon reaching a pain level of 9 or 10. He currently appears to be malnourished due to his current release from the hospital. He's currently taking Hydrocodone due to the pain that still resides within him from his last encounter. He takes it every 4 to 6 with food as directed on the bottle until his pain levels drop. He's currently still physically weak, and he undergoes physical therapy until stated otherwise by a doctor.
Brief History: Ivan was an orphan in New York, but he refused to tell anybody. When his mother and father died he ran away, and hid in the confines of New York for about two months. (He was Age 10) before he encountered a group of individuals that had stabbed, and shot an unknown women in a alleyway that he was getting ready to enter. The group looked at him, and shrugged him off as a kid while walking down the other way. Then, he walked up to her, while his thoughts went to his mother, and how she had died. He hugged the woman, and wished he could help her. That's when his powers finally came out, and he went into a coma like state. The woman who had just been on the brink of death awoke, and left the boy assuming he was also killed by the individuals. 10 hours later the boy was found, and rushed to the hospital. He was put on life support, and the woman who thought she was going die had gone to the press announcing she had the ability to heal herself, and prevent death itself. Charles Xavier being interested in what happened to her found out that she was not a mutant, but had read her thoughts, and learned about the boy who was on top of her that may be one. He immediately started checking hospitals in the area, and located the boy in question laying in a room on life support. He could hear the boys thoughts, and placed a Psionic Shield around the boys mind so he would never forget what he already learned in his life. As the five years passed by, Charles checked on the boy every now and then to see if he was getting better or worse. To The Professor's knowledge, the boy's mind was active as ever never wanting to stop learning, and ceasing knowledge of everything he can get. At that time the Professor under went the legal proceedings, and made the boy the property of his school. Then, he began teaching the boy using a Telepathic Illusion inside the boys head. After five years of comatose Ivan awoke, and The Professor was notified immediately. Ivan began physical therapy, and gradually regained his physical functions, as well as expanding his mental functions. He read several medical books that the doctor's had in their staff room, and with help from them and The Professor he began to grasp the knowledge of more advanced medical procedures. He learned that he was a mutant, and that there was a school that existed for him. Professor Xavier explained it all to him, and how we was the property of the school itself. Now, he's 16 years old, and finally entering the halls of Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.

Relatives: All relatives deceased.

How long your character has been in the mansion: New Arrival

Character Relation Chart

Ivan's Relationship Chart

X-Men RP X-Men Characters

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2012-09-13 [Figgy]: Love the clothes description :D

2012-09-13 [Duredhel]: ohhh :O nice description. We might have a winner for first chibi in the batch.

2012-09-13 [Koho Ai]: Thanks... XD

2012-09-13 [Duredhel]: <img100*0:>

2012-09-13 [XxTsomexX]: D'aaaaaw!

2012-09-13 [Koho Ai]: Ivan's adorable.....Thanks Duredhel.

2012-09-13 [Figgy]: Indeed he is :3

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