WEEE! Why hasn't anyone done this before ^^ heehee!! ^-^v peace \m/>_<\m/ ROCKON!
Here's out first banner^^
Well, How we're going to go about this is beyond me! ^^; heh heh. I figured we could just put up our pictures by artist...I don't know that many J-rock/ J-pop artists, but I will put up what I do know. @_@ Lol. I'll try to do it alphabetically. If the page gets waaaaay too big, umm...I guess you could send it to me via E-mail, and I'll start a wierd-o Geocities site X_x Lol. heh heh
Dir en Grey Art:
Gackt art:
1. By [Channy]
(eh-heh, hoping to get a better quality Image soon ^^;)