2005-01-23 18:06:53
# of watchers: 2
Fans: 0
| D20: 13 |
Name: Jeffery
Username: [
Code: J@
Gender: Male
Age: 55
Species: Gnome
Clothes: An outfit, heavy stained with a few burned marks here and there, which includeds a jacket, heavy boots, a scarf. At least some of these are on inside out. There are a part of goggles set askew on his fore head. A few odd items stick out of his pockets.
Occupation: Alchemist/inve
Physical Description:
Eyes: Blue
Skin: Slightly tan
Hair: Brown and greasy
Height: 3' 5"
Build: muscular
Other: an askew smile is ever present on his face as his mind is always cooking up some crazed idea, often at the expense of knowing what’s going on around him.
Mental Description: Generous and insanity are only separated by degrees of success. We'll see where Jeffery ends up.
History: Middle child of a large, and nearing broke old money family. He grew up around the old machines that the family had bought generations ago, few of which now work. With out much to do he spent a lot of time working on them. When he came of age, he began to feel that he was an extra mouth to feed on the already stressed family fortune and left to find his own fortune.
Home: He travels around know but still thinks of his family's home as home. He hopes to set up a lab somewhere soon and then he'll probably call that home.
Hobbies: Taking things apart, put them back together (not always in the same way), playing with chemicals, and making strange inventions.
Health: Good
•Normal Cross Bow (That will change)
• Cart
• Donkey named Sally to pull cart
• Odds and ends (mostly in the cart. A few are on his person)
• Chemistry Set (in cart)
• Alchemist's Fire x 4
• Tools

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