Page name: Jessica Masters [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-13 05:24:27
Last author: Koho Ai
Owner: Koho Ai
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User Name: [Koho Ai]

Character name:

Jessica Albright Masters

Nickname: Jess

Mutant Name: MasterStrike

Abilities/powers: Jessica's ability allows her to throw one punch with devastating power, but It requires her to focus for 5 seconds. Afterwards, she unleashes a deadly phyical attack with 100 times as much force as she normally has. Unfortunately, upon completion of the attack her strength is normalized. She can only use the power in her dominant arm (right arm), and the results are ussually destructive to a degree. Otherwise, her mutant powers caused her strength levels too quadruple their normal amounts, but as a result when tapping into this power she becomes fatigued, and must rest accordingly. Otherwise, she will risk permanent physical injury to the muscles and tendons located in her arms.

Sex: Female

Age/Date of Birth: 17, April 10

General Appearance:
Body Frame: Muscular
Hair Color: Black
Hair Length: Short
Hair Style: Tom Boyish
Eye Color: Light Green
Skin Color: Slightly Tanned on arms and face.
Height: 5'5"
Weight 115 lbs.

Additional Appearance: Jessica is ussually wearing a black trench coat with the right sleeve cut off. Underneath the trench coat she wears a Black shoulderless shirt (She has a green, red, pink, blue one also). She has tightfitting black leather pants (multiple pairs), and wears black leather boots to complement them. Sometimes, she subs out the black trenchcoat for a black leather vest with a red flaming skull on the back. She has two scars on her wrists wear she attempted to commit suicide, but she wears wristbands to cover them up. On her hands are plated leather gloves that are fingerless, and she uses them to punch people with. She also outfits that consists of basic shorts and t-shirts that she works out with to include a pair of black tennis shoes.

Current Attire Jessica's currently wearing her favorite black leather vest with the red flaming skull on the back. The vest has two pockets on the inside with one carrying her lock picking kit that was given to her in the days of gang life. Underneath that she has on a basic sleeveless shirt ussually worn when working out. There are no special designs or colors embedded into the shirt and it remains the solid color of red. Her pants today are one of many pairs of black leather pants that are tightfitting. They have two pockets underneath the belt on each side, and currently hold the key to Jessica's room. On her wrist are tight fitting wristbands that cover the scars that she gave herself. The one on her right arm is a little looser having been shoved into the ground during Jessica's little rampage. Jessica footwear consists of black leather boots that go up up to her ankle and are tightened just enough to make sure they don't fall off. Jessica's going commando, and has a black strapless bra on under her red shirt.

Personality: Jessica's ussually care free and chill except when it comes to fighting and training where she becomes more aggressive then normal. If somebody puts up a good fight with her. Then, she'll gain a slight interest in that person, but she refuses to lose any fight, and will resort to her critical strike if necessary. Other then that, she can be sensitive about death, which ussually brings her to tears immediately or causes her to run away. She also enjoys listening to music that pumps her up, and can be scene training with earbuds in if she hasn't misplaced them in her room along with her ipod.

Special Skills: Jessica was a troubled teenager, and picked up two unique skills from a group of individuals she ran with once. She's able to hotwire vehicles and pick locks on doors. Other then that, she has a basic knowledge of just street style brawling.

Place of birth: Chicago, Illinois.

Weapon(s) of choice: Plated Leather Gloves, or just her fists.

Medical information: Jessica has a clean bill of health, but requires a sling after she activates her mutant ability that gives her times 100 normal strength.

Brief History: Jessica grew up in Chicago her entire life. She had a basic education, but eventually kept skipping school to hang out with a group of individuals who were apart of a gang. Jessica learned the basics about street fighting, and trained herself to be stronger and faster then any guy. When she reached the age of 14 her mutant power manifested itself when she was fighting a rival gangmember, and she punched him in the gut causing him to die instantly on the spot. At that point, Jessica dropped out of school completely and left the gang refusing to go outside anymore. A few days later, she attempted to end her life, but was found before she could succeed. She has been in counceling for almost 3 years, and has been deemed no longer a threat to herself. At this point, her parents decided to send her to a new school so she could start over with her life. Thats when she packed up her things, and left on the motorcycle they had bought her after she recovered. Unbeknowst to Jessica, her parents planned on moving away after she left. They wanted nothing more to do with the troubled teen.


Mother: Alicia Masters
She's Jessica's biological mother, and secretly hates her for existing. She agreed to allow her daughter to leave on her own, and attend the new school.

Step Father: Michael Masters
Unknown to Jessica, he isn't her real father, and would do anything to get her out of his hands. He convinced her mother that she was an abomination to this world, and had her sent away.

Real Father: ????
Her real biological father remains unknown to this very day, but Jessica has no idea about it.

How long your character has been in the mansion: New Arrival

Character Relation Chart

Shana Grace Tilar: NA

Emily Sanders: 5 Met her in hall, and she seems nice.

Mihir Proudclaw: NA

Korvka Shostakovich: NA

Akantha Kostas: NA

Endelyn Hagan: NA

Adrianne Wagner: NA

Olivier Reeves: NA

Eddie Ryder: NA

Jonas McKimmly: 4 He seemed uncomfortable when me and Alyssa walked up maybe he doesn't do well with groups or girls.

Nathan White:NA

Lucas Alexander: NA

Elizabeth Charms: NA

Luloah Esther Akins: NA

Kenna Duncan: NA

Light Arely Tilar: NA

Vladimir Shostakovich: NA

Marcus Grant: NA

Casper: NA

Kobayashi Hisoka: NA

Zeke Savage: NA

Shade: NA

Daniela Morgan: NA

Alyssa Jameson: 6 We could be friends one day, but she may have to much happiness in one setting.

Valerie K. Sprouse. NA

Lireriel: NA

Kyle Bedlington: NA

Justin Alphar: NA

Camille Anderson: NA

Charles Xavier: NA

X-Men RPX-Men Characters

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2012-08-03 [XxTsomexX]: Interesting....

2012-09-13 [Ms. Steel]: Jessica is going commando with leather pants on? ewwwwww!

2012-09-13 [Koho Ai]: She found it enjoyable when she was riding her motorcycle if you catch what I'm saying.

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