Page name: Jewl De La Mirdesang [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-26 19:56:56
Last author: Jewl
Owner: Jewl
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Jewl De La Mirdesang

Name: [Jewl]

Character Name: Jewl De La Mirdesang (Just call her Jewl)

Sex: Female

Height: 5'4

Weight: 138 lbs

Age: 3,316

Appeared Age: 20

Eye color: Blue-purple, with a red ring just on the outside.

Other eye info: Changes colors with mood, beautiful almond-shape.

Skin color: Normally pale

Hair color: Normally Shiny Blue-Black

Hair length: To mid-waist

Other Hair Info: Wavy/Curly, normally wears it down.

Character Race: A mutt--Half shape shifter, half Siren, all vampire.

Appearance: As she is a shape-shifter, her appearance changes to fit her mood. However, the form which she originally takes is this which has been described above. A smirk usually dawns her pale face. Lean, strong, yet feminine enough to be curvy.

Dress: A long cape or trench coat - black, naturally. Underneath it will vary from renaissance dresses to corsetted shirts and leggings. Calf high boots, black leather.

Personality: She's got a personality like a loaded shotgun. Get on her wrong side, she'll shoot first and talk later. Usually laid back and easy-going, though. Creative, calm, and cool. Get her mad and you probably won't live to regret it. Make a note: She is NOT invincible.

Vampire History: At the age of 20 she was transformed into a vampire. Not in any way by the traditional method, however. When the vampire species seemed almost on edge to be destroyed, 3,294 years ago, their leaders banded together to create a super-vamp.
  Seventy five victims were chosen, ranging from humans to dragon-halves. Jewl was among them. The vampire Council took each of them and put them through some of the most horrifying torture imaginable. Those who survived each 'test' with their minds intact were upgraded to a new level. The Torture was physical, mental, and subconscious. Jewl and two others were the only graduates from the thirty trials.
  In order to pick the best of them, however, the Council decided to be even crueler. They made the three go head-on in a fight to win at all costs. As you've probably guessed by now, Jewl won, but just barely.
  For her 'reward', each member of the Council took a bit of her blood, pint by pint, and drained her life away.
  When she was at the point of death, each member in turn tore open their own flesh and made her drink from their wrists. The power that surged through her was greater than any before, and they knew it.

  The only problem with this plan was that Jewl was unwilling to be their slave, doing their bidding when called. Unbeknownst to them, she had become stronger than their wildest of nightmares. One night at a council meeting, she struck. Killing each and every member of the council in a wild fit of revenge on the pain they put her through, she took the throne. She reigned over the vampire kind and its dwindling numbers with a heart of ice and a fist of steel, as the metaphors go. Over the years, however, she became bored with ruling a race, and left without warning, just about 1500 years ago. It wasn't just boredom, she was afraid of turning into what she had destroyed. Since then, vampires and their mysterious ways have ruled themselves.

Since then, she has wandered, seeking new curiousities and excitement. She refuses to acknowledge her heritage, though. She is the only one that knows her own powers. Everyone else thinks Jewl is merely one of them.

Shape-Shifter History: Her father, Caldon, was a shape-shifter, who normally took form of a very, very handsome man. He died during a storm, having drowned. He was the captain of the ship Siren Song, previously the Sea Whore. The name switch was due to Jewl’s mother. She learned from him while he was still alive all the shape-shifting she could. Since she is only a half-breed, she had to choose the genre of shapes to one kingdom. Naturally, she chose animal.

Siren History: Jewl’s Siren side comes from her mother, Serkeseni. Serkeseni and Caldon met through a shipwreck, where Serkeseni was spied trying to steal provisions. She eventually seduced Caldon, and instead of leaving him after she had her way, she fell in love with the shifter. They married, but it was a doomed thing. Caldon died sailing, and Serkeseni was left to raise the 7-year-old Jewl by herself. She died when Jewl was fourteen; Serkeseni was 349, a ripe age for a Siren. Jewl didn’t need to learn from her mother the ways of the siren, as she always loved to sing, and the, ahem, other aspects come naturally through instinct.

Personal History: There really isn't much to tell that hasn't been told, except that one of her greatest wishes is to forget her past. She did not ask, nor want, to be who she is.

Abilities/Skills: She has vampiric powers, clichéd with the unique powers an individual gets. Hand-to hand combat was her passion whilst she was learning her new lifestyle as she-vamp. As far as weapons go, in her mortal lifespan she perfected the art of blade craft, and small handguns. Her weaknesses are poison, and the fact that she cannot heal herself. She may be immortal, but she is not untouchable. Jewl, actually, is quite fragile. She just tries not to let anyone see that by constantly retraining and honing her skills.

Weapons: Two sabers at her hips, two daggers in the inside of her wrists, one on her left calf, and inside her right boot. Two pistols on hip-holsters, and her left lower thigh. Total weapons count: 2 Long Blades, 4 Short Blades, and 3 guns.

Other weapon Info: When Jewl is out, that is her normal style. When she is comfortable, she decreases her weapon count to her wrist and boot daggers, and one blade at her waist. When she is prepared for battle, however, she has 2 guns on cross-holsters and 1 more on her lower back. She also doubles her dagger count and adds one on her shoulder. She carries two swords on her hips and one on her back.
The only time she looks unarmed is at formal occasions, when she restricts her weaponry to a dagger at her wrist and on her boot.

Fighting Style: She will tend to stay in Hand-to-Hand combat for a while until she gets a feel for her opponent’s style and weaknesses. Then there are five options: Guns, blades, magic, knives, or staying with the current style.

Weapons History: She learned hand-to-hand combat by years of training--it was the only valuable skill she had not learned, in her opinion. She shot her first gun at age four, from her father, who needed them quite often. She was trained in the art of knife and bladecraft by her mother, a specialist. Magic is instinct, she tought herself. 

Status/Jobs: She doesn’t need a constant job, as new adventures keep her traveled and small bounty-hunting jobs, singing, and other miscellaneous things keep gold in her pocket.

Alliance: Chaotic Neutral

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2007-02-22 [Ylaraniala Majere]: Y'know, if she wasn't a supervampire, Jewl would fall over from the weight of all those weapons.

2007-02-22 [Jewl]: made it more realistic.

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