Kay's Characters
When I create a roleplay character, I really put a lot of thought into it... they are, or will be, a part of me sometime in the future. This is a page showing a lot of things about my characters... Their importance, their significance, their specific game, and, most importantly, their age/race/sex/n
ame. :P
You can look at these descriptions as pieces of me, or for inspiration for your own character, or just to judge how I play RPG's, although for me, there is no real equation.
I'm also starting up a random section for side characters but they will probably not make the character count. Basically, not main characters, just people I thought up to stuff them in for plot issues. So: Kay's Side Characters.
They will be separated by Roleplay Game. Probably in chronological order, although the lines between them get kinda blurry...
Current Character Count: 64-homfg!
Deeper then Beyond One of my first... so judge me not.
username: [kay-chan]
fantasy name: Loron (Lor)
fantasy race: half-elf.
fantasy pet: squirrel!
fantasy pets name: Ning
history: he's a thief, only about eleven years old. He does this to support himself after his parent's died. Motto: "If it's not nailed down, it's public property. If it can be pried loose, it's not nailed down."
Personality: He's slow to trust people, but hides this with a happy-go-lucky personality-he feels that if people think he trusts them, he will get more out of it. His parents were killed by people he trusted. Not much is known about his parents besides the fact that they taught him a couple of tricks (magic and otherwise) before they were killed... All that IS known is that he bears a deep grudge against any person connected with the royal family.
fantasy name: Mint
fantasy race: dark elf
fantasy pet: none, controls hobgoblins but they're loans to help her fight and not really pet material anyway...
fantasy pets name: n/a
history: She was brought up to be a smallish character, but [kay-chan] decided she was hella fun and made her into an actual character-hopefully, she won't be killed... She was also brought up in a small, elven village, the kind where everyone is a martial artist or have some special skill. She loves to fight with her hands but loves even more using her secret attack: attacking with herbs. She uses every kind of herb imaginably to defeat her opponents, and is usually successful. Her opponents are usually people that's she's been hired to kill-she's a glutton for money (although she doesn't really need it... it's shiny...)
Personality: Seriously narcissist, insane, loves money (will do anything for it), actually nice if she isn't hired to fight you-beware, if you've made friends with her and she's offered good money to fight you, then odds are she will.
Muffin Killer's Castle (I guess also MK's Return
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Pixie Stix Girl
Age: 15
Gender: girl
Race: Those-Who-Groove (as opposed to Those-Who-Do-Not-Groove); also dabbles in Voodoo Priestesses, CarnivrousMuffins and various sugar god clubs. Plus Ryoga guilds.
Occupation: I steal from the rich, and buy sugar from the poor! Also: assassin, thief, anything sneaky, Insane Millionaire (ish).
Abilities: Has...sugar. And can perform a bit of magic, but also likes to fight and perform illusion.
Weaknesses: Will do almost anything for sugar, and has trouble remembring things. And even though fighting is not her weakness (she is very quick and can change to a fully-trained assassin) she could quickly forget she was in a fight and fall asleep.
Extra: Very, very hyper and insane. Her tendency towards sugar is scary. Tina the Shoulder fairy is usually present, also. Curly hair w/glasses, jeans, towel/cape, and T-shirt with a picture of a pixie-stix on it. Can switch identities/costumes at a moments notice, not that she does all that often...
And another occupation:
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Hermit Lady, also: La Hermita.
Age: Old.
Gender: Female.
Race: Human and hermity. Used mainly as a side-character. Is permanently a body possessed by a demon... whoops. did I just say that? Oh well. Is a demon that's insane and for some reason believes she has a purpose.
Occupation: Hermit in the Forest of Ryc and helper and side character.
Abilities: knows many things about the forest, has a house...and food. And can give advice and magic demony help.
Weaknesses: Is on no particular side and could not care who she kills, if anyone.
Extra: Has some objects of exorcism, but only a couple.
User:[kay-chan]... AGAIN!!
Name: Tom, the demon half being Cerr.
Age: he doesn't really know, but he looks about twelve/thirteen. the demon half is around 500/600 ish. the demon half doesn't care how old he is.
Gender: dude, both halves.
Race: human and evil demon thingy.
Occupation: he's a thief...or was. ever since being possessed by an evil demon he never really could find time to steal. Cerr is a student enrolled in the same academy as Drilajan and Angel and thinks their plight is amusing.
Abilities: when he falls asleep, a demon with no sense of restraint and little emotion controls his body. The demon is a top student, and has killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of his assignment (and loves it all the way).
Weaknesses: the demon can be made reckless with rage, and when tied up with the right kind of rope he cannot move, but other than that the demon-half is invincible. the boy half, on the other hand, is pretty much your average boy with more than the usual knowledge about swordsplay. Lots of human weaknesses there, and very very pouty when caught (as a thief or a demon...the demon can become arrogant and pouty as well if tied up with the rope).
Extra: the demon looks like a human with fangs, yellow skin, bright purple (not oh-so-original red) eyes, a whip-like tail with a lion's tuft at the end, and bat-shaped ears. as a human and awake, he's an ordinary boy with brown hair, brown eyes, and regular clothes...the only thing that's even slightly unusual about his looks is that he carries a two-foot sword on his belt, which isn't useless as it's sharp and he knows how to use it (mostly) but it looks ridiculous, with the hilt covered in dirt and all... ooooh, mystery! (doo nuh nuh!!!)
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Um (No, her name is "Um", pronounced 'Ooooom' cept not that long)
Age: Same as Cerr/Tom (two ages at once!)
Gender: Female
Race: Half-demon, half-human
Occupation: She is the 'evil', or 'yin', side to the combined Cerr and Tom.
Abilities: She is a good fighter, has magic, and has no conscience.
Weaknesses: She is only half a mind. Whatever she cannot do, Yang can. For example: she cannot plan into the future, she lives for the moment. She also doesn't have a sense of duty and barely any morals.
Extra: Her straight black hair is tied up into a braid, that loops about her back; it'd be about waist-length. She is quite cute. She wears a chinese outfit that is completely black except for a white dot on her chest. For someone who looks twelve, she has boobs. Because I said so. She was part of the combined Cerr and Tom, when they became fused, and due to a missed part of PSG's spell, Cerr/Tom DID split into two people: the Um and Yang of their combined form. She is the combined evilness of Cerr and Tom.
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Yang
Age: same as Cerr/Tom (two ages at once!)
Gender: male
Race: half human, half demon
Occupation: The 'yang' part of Cerr/Tom
Abilities: he is a very good planner, and can do most things that the impulsive Um cannot.
Weaknesses: Is a wimp! He avoids fights at all costs, and is scared of basically everything.
Extra: He has black hair that's cut short, about at the tip of his ears. He's cute and wears a white chinese outfit that has a black spot on his chest. In the same accident Um was in, he got ripped from Tom/Cerr and is now completely lost. He clings to Um like a bad STD.
Heavens Above
Her name was Zoey, she was a little fox-girl, and she became friends with Gwendanna, the goddess of love. I also played Zaerith, busty goddess of lust. Neither of these characters had a bio; they were VERY unnofficial.
8-bit continued!
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Black Mage
Age: Uknown. Probably very old.
Race: Uknown
Occupation: A minion of Chaos and destroyer of...things...
Description: Is short and squat, with a blue robe and a laaaarge yellow hat. Only bright yellow eyes are visible-everything else is dark. Which is a good thing. The last person to see him without his hat had a traumatic shock to his brain.
Specialties: The Hadoken, a 9-level spell that can only be used once per day but is very large and evil and powerful that can blow up whole cities and make a lot of people dead really quickly (hehehe); also stabbing Fighter in the back.
Weaknesses: Is very crude and rude, comes up with the lamest insults, and he smells bad because of the 'magic components' he keeps in his robe. Plus, he can only use the Hadoken once per day (he has other spells but that one is his specialty).
Name: Nin-Nin
Race: werecat
Age: 18 (but acts 12 and looks around 15)
Gender: male (needed to even it out)
Appearance: He's quite young-looking for his age. He has short, shockingly blond hair that falls over hazel, cat-like eyes and tan skin. He's always grinning, showing pointier-than-usual canines. He wears a VERY loose shirt that stays on due to some freak of physics, a leather belt, and brown cloth pants that go down to mid-calf. His left ear is adorned with multiple earrings, and he wears a simple gold necklace. When a cat, he's the same color as his tan, his ear still holds the earrings, but his necklace is a white circle about his neck. His clothes and his short, almost useless sword disappear into Hammerspace, or whatever.
Personality: Trusting to a fault. He follows people around like a kitten-which he is. He also has Blitherers Disease (not a real disease, but whatever), which means there is no filter between his brain and his mouth-he speaks whatever is on his mind, straight up. Both of these things get him routinely into trouble. He also acts a lot like a cat, which helps, as he doesn't get bothered by a lot of things that would creep out ordinary people (dead things, fights, etc.) He also makes friends easily, because he likes whoever pets him and feeds him (and he gives them food in return... dead rats, yes, but food.)
Background: He grew up learning to be a scholar in a rich family, but that went down the drain at the age of 12 when his mansion was attacked by a tribe of werecats. Whoever wasn't slain was changed into a werecat, and that was, basically, Nin-Nin. He travelled for maybe three days, confused and in a daze (being a werecat is strange for a young human boy) before falling off a cliff. His reflexes now barely saved him, still recieving a nasty blow to the head, which gave him amnesia-except, of course, for the occasional phrase of learning that surfaced. Another part of the 'accident' was that he was permanently stuck at the emotional (and sometimes mental) level of 12. He woke up as a werecat, so he was always a werecat, acting and having the reflexes of a cat (the only thing that's saved him in the past, as he gets in trouble a lot). He remembers his true age, but that can get confused with the fact that he looks younger. Also, Nin-Nin probably isn't his real name. He decided to name himself that as a lady was calling out the door, "Nin-Nin!" to call cats to eat. He got his sword off of a skeleton.
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Toko
Age: 32
Sex: male
Race: Youle
Description: The race is characterized as nomads, brown-skinned humanoids that travel the earth, usually in the places referred to as 'inhabitable'. Although usually accustomed to hot, tropical places, they are very adaptable, and their form mutates with the surroundings. It is not uncommon for a tribe to wander into frigid territory and become fair, stout creatures, as opposed to their usual twiggy, tan selves. They are solid beings with strong ties to the earth, and sometimes are born with the ability to manipulate their surroundings or the literal shape of the earth. Their family situation is very fluid, with people leaving the rejoining different nomad groups. Thus, Toko thinks nothing of just ditching his group to join another of a completely different race. Due to this fluidity, the structure in a group is totally anarchic, with everybody pitching in and no one person the leader. Toko himself is tan with black hair cropped at his shoulders. He usually doesn't wear much besides a cloth tied with a belt. He goes barefoot (his feet are terribly tough) and there are a few blue markings on his face, signifying that he's passed his earth rituals.
Personality: He's mellow and doesn't have much of a temper. Toko has never encountered the emotion 'rage' except when he was a very little kid, leading to his banishment from the group, so he doesn't like to show much emotion except a mild joy. He never saw his parents after that, and was raised very independent, making it more difficult for him to adjust to his grouping nature, although he has.
Weakness(s): He can shape the earth, but has a hard time doing that if it rains and separates the particles with water (he has to go deeper into the earth). Other than that, he's pretty resistant to the other elements, although his attack prowess isn't that strong (he's into defense). He also has a really hard time coping if someone shows emotion towards him.
Survival of the Fittest
Username: [kay-chan]
Name: Tir
Sex: with a name like Tir... male.
Age: 18
Level: 1.
Appearance: His darkish green hair is cropped to two-inch spikes on his head. He has a pierced nose and eyebrow, with the clothes described below. He has green eyes (thus, he dyed his hair green). He's pretty built, in a good way-none of that... *shudder* VEINY crap.
Abilities: Level 1 lock-picking
Equipment: His summoning bracelet, of course. Hopefully, he's not naked-oh, here it is! He has a T-shirt, on which says Sword-chucks yo! in bold. He has a pierced nose and eyebrow (with safety pins on the eyebrow, because he felt like it). He also has cool black pants with many useless (but light!) chains and belt buckles. He's wearing ordinary sneakers, and not boots, sorry.
He found a tranquilizer gun wif 2 shots
Personality: He's very... outgoing, let's just say that. He won't hit on you unless he feels you won't kill him. He likes to smile a lot, and if you leave him alone too long with a safety pin and nothing better to do, chances are he'll pierce something himself. He isn't very sensitive to pain. He doesn't talk too much when he's thinking-that's talking and thinking at the same time. Multi-tasking... So if he hits on a girl, he's not thinking too much at the same time, so don't blame him.
Strengths: He's pretty strong, and was on the track team (so he can do endurance, but not so much sprinting). He is also strong-willed.
Weaknesses: Remember what I said about strong-willedness? Well, that melts when he's talking with a beautiful woman (beautiful, mind you). He's also quite not-charming around women. He can't run quickly, just for long periods of time. He also freaks old people out with his 'whippersnapper' punkish appearance. That's a weakness, don't ask me why. Um... what else... He's afraid of the color mauve because I said so.
Dragon's Last Roar
Username: The wonderful, the mighty... [kay-chan]!!
Name: Peejee
Gender: female
Age: 20
Occupation: hehehe... She's a stripping vampire. Not a prostitute. Amazingly, she has yet to lose her virginity.
Species: Vampire!
Appearance: Very pretty, but by no means breathtakingly beautiful. She has very short, black hair, and purple (sorta) eyes. She likes to wear leather (big surprise). Currently,she has black pants and a midriff-baring black shirt, whose tight sleeves end at the elbows. She has very dangly earrings and no shoes. Pointy ears and pale skin. Fangs, of course, although those only grow very sharp and prominent when she feeds. She also wears her stripping outfit underneath her clothes in case of emergencies. She has a large bag that contains money, changes of clothes, disguise get-ups, and make-up.
Personality: Very ditzy, although she randomly spurts out good information or advice. She's not too bright in the areas of common sense. She hangs off of people when she gets to know them. Could be considered annoying and useless if she wasn't useful and had a good memory.
Strengths: She can remember things pretty well-falling just short of a photographic memory. As a vampire, she has increased strength, although she's a little vague on how much fighting ability she has. She's also very good at disguises.
Weaknesses: Again, ditzy. Although she can remember things very well, she doesn't RECALL them until someone tells her to. She draws too much attention in the crowd to be unnoticable when it counts. Plus, she has the bad habit of giving random secrets away, although she has yet to give away the secrets that count. Oh, right. She's also afraid of shoes.
Weapons: She has... um... large earrings... That COULD be used as a weapon... She kills people with her mouth! Her mouth is a weapon! Oh, and her feminine wiles-for EITHER sex. ^_^
History: She was trained to be a stripper at age 12, and has made quite a living off of it. She has yet to lose her virginity. A bad encounter at the age of 7 made her forever terrified of shoes, although she can barely remember what the bad encounter was. She has better hearing than most, and thus, while stripping, she picks up on a lot of information spilled from drunk lips. She's a travelling stripper, one of the few... But she likes it, and is slightly well-known among the... lesser circles.
Username: [kay-chan]
Name: Rayne
Gender: young lady
Age: she looks about 12, but slightly over 13... yeah...
Occupation: Dark mage!
Species: human, probably, but it's hard to tell.
Appearance: Her eyes are colored black, and anything else is hidden by a dark blue robe that covers everything except her pale face (although that's mostly in shadows) and her hands (although they're mostly covered by the sleeves). She has a silver belt with gold designs-signifying the highest level of black mage.
Personality: She hates you. All of you. She has a soft spot for those who truly like her, but she still loathes everyone.
Strengths: She's a master in her field at a very young age, and has perfect control over her emotions-if she didn't loathe everyone, then the world would probably self-destruct.
Weaknesses: She really, REALLY hates people. Not a social bug, and has no people skills. And she's deathly afraid of the color pink. If she sees it, she loses control of her emotions and turns into a quivering wreck of out-of-control power.
Weapons: Her magic. She also has a small medallion that is a protection medallion, given to her by her parents, but due to her powers she only keeps it around because she can. (it's tucked into her robe, so it's not very visible... at all...)
History: Nobody knows much. She was stolen away at age five by wizards, there was a gap, and she returned. I think she blew up her former mentor's house when he became too annoying. Too bad he was still in it.
The "Never-Ending" Story
Rayne. There is no bio. But she was based off of Raven from Teen Titans, so you get the general idear.
Within the Darkness I Come
Name: Hoji Distin, pronounced how you want it... Hoe-Jee Deesteen, if you wanna be VERY specific.
Origin of Name: When she as a baby was found, they laughed at her orphanness and named her, in their language, 'the nameless one' (Lit. "Without Name"). Har.
User: [kay-chan]
Age: 18
Sex: female
Race: Circa
Description of personality: She comes from a species of people that slightly acquire the characteristics of birds: she is slightly skittish and not very trusting. Her wide-open eyes have a cute feature about them, but really, she's blunt, saying what's on her mind. She's not very good at the whole 'speech' thing, yet; none of her people are. Thus, she leaves off quite a few words to her sentences, like pronouns, and she refers to herself in the third person frequently. She doesn't bob or anything like a chicken when she walks, but instead simply moves quickly (not always quietly, because she sometimes bumps into things-speed, not grace!).
Description of clothing She's not that rich, so her clothing is quite simple. She has a white tube-top-she's able to wear it in a way so that it's hardly revealing at all. Her black shorts used to be pants-they're tearing and fading at the end, now very short. She wears strange shoes (just look at the picture, I can't think of how to describe them). Her only ornament that's pretty and rich-looking is an armband, decorated with blue jewels and green beads. She was told she had it when she was a baby, and that it's practically imprinted into her arm, unable to be stolen-for some strange reason...
Description of race: Her race is the much-ignored, yet still proud, Circu. As a circuan, she has wings where her ears should be, and the power to levitate-although hardly useful, as it's only a few feet off the ground, especially for peasants like Hoji. The power also doesn't last all that long-maybe for ten seconds, especially if you're tired. Also, circuans are known for their speed-as birds, they dart from one place to the next (visibly), and can sprint almost too fast for the eye to see (kinda tiring to go THAT fast, though). However, they are much too skittish to use this in a fight-unless of course, if it's against other circuans. (They fight a LOT, as a species.) Circuans are quite loud as a rule, and usually ramble off long sentences. They're also egotistical cowards, although Hoji isn't as full of herself (prideful of her race, but not of herself. If you were called 'The Nameless One', would you be proud of YOUR life?). She also has the hereditary 'short thighs, long calves' that the race is also known for (although it's not as obvious as the wings on the side of her head).
Weapon: Her speed is her only ally-she uses it mainly to run away. However, if she were to ball her fist up and run into you with it, or just hit you with her head, yes, she'd be hurt (being pretty weak), but so would you (and then she'd run away!).
History: Her nest was ransacked, and her parents killed by rival circuans, before she was born. She was lucky-her egg fell out and landed safely in the bushes below. The bushes were fuzzy and produced their own heat for the cold nights, and so she was born there. She was found by some passerby circuans, who raised her as a servant and gave her the name she carries. Then THAT house was attacked by larger prey-unknown-and again, she escaped. So far, she's had the luck of the gods surviving in the real world, although it's been miserable. She got caught thieving in a faraway island, and was branded with the symbol for 'theif' (shown in picture), although most think it's just a pretty tattoo (it was very out of the way). Now, she's still just trying to survive.
Abilities: Her speed is an ability, and her only one, so please let her be very good at it... She is also mediocre at thieving, but that's just to survive, and only done when necessary-because, again, she got caught once, no unnecessary risks for greed needed.
Strength(s): Her speed! She's a twig ready to be snapped, otherwise.
Weakness(s): Just being weak. If you were to immobilize her, she'd be helpless. Which, of course, is why she usually runs away.
Quote or fav. thing to say: "Look! A distraction!" *run*

A Fire in the Night
Name: [kay-chan]
Fantasy Name: Dierde
Fantasy Race: human mage
Fantasy age: 16
Personality: withdrawn, but very gullible and trusting. In her experience, this is a fatal mistake, but she can't help it... She only wants to be accepted. She's desperately clingy (she can take care of herself but she LIKES FRIENDS...)
Description: Short, dark black (purple hints) hair, and dark dark eyes. Her skin is medium between tan and pale. She usually wears loose robes and the gold-gilded belt that signifies a mage of great prowess.
History: she used to travel around in the guise of a man-although her current group of friends discovered this secret, and accepted her, even though women mages aren't readily accepted anywhere. Although she is young for her human years, she is a most powerful mage-this she thinks is an outcast feature, and usually lets people assume about her as they see her outfit (and the belt that tells her rank). She LOVES to play with her magical gadgets... Crystals and whatnot. You REALLY have to wonder where they all come from... She just pulls them from her robe... ^_^
Pet: a small mouse that is bewitched to find people with black magic, as finding and eliminating black magic is mainly what she does. (she needs a hobby...)
Pet's name: Maus (mouse in german... she's not very imaginative when it comes to names...)
Death Mist Saga
User: [kay-chan]
Character Name: Feb
Age: 18
Gender: female
Race: human (slight werecentuar.....)
Personality: She’s spacy, never REALLY down to earth. She’s smart, but she doesn’t KNOW she’s smart-as in, she never shows it off with a self-righteous attitude.
Background: She basically grew up in a library. She now knows just about everything there is to know, including dead languages, advanced (SUPER advanced) math and science… Everything. One of her ancestors was a species known for their intellect and information retention, but long since extinct-a werecentaur (only a centaur on full moons-what are the odds?). Her mother is a prostitute down the street, and since she never needs help around the house (she lives in a brothel), Feb is free to go about whatever she wants to do. Recently, her mother caught the plague, and Feb is trying to concentrate her intellect upon finding the cure-important for her, because if her mother dies, Feb will have to (dun dun DUN) work.
Weaknesses: She’s weak. As in, she has the grace of a badly coordinated orange. And about the strength to match. However, she has a decent knowledge of magic; given enough time and ingredients, she could figure out a potion to increase strength.
Appearance: Her auburn hair is pulled back into a hasty ponytail. She has a puffy pink shirt that matches her puffy pants, and she wears white shoes with a brown semi-corset, usually used for armor, although she wouldn't realize this (for a smart person, she lacks common sense). She's usually never seen without a book.
Special Qualities: Her ability to see in the dark-used to read books when her stupid candle was weak and low. She can now see as well as an owl.

The Omega Weapon Quite possibly the most fun brat ever.
User: [kay-chan]
Character Name: Kide (nickname, but nobody calls her 'Victoria'-her real name)
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: Beas-Indo
Appearance: She has bright, bright short, short pink hair. She has pure-white skin (paper-white with tints of blue at random spots on her body, not her face) and six-fingered hands. Her single tail looks like what we would think as a lion's, except it is striped white and blue like a tiger (kitty references!). Her ears look like very fat bunny ears that are quite short. She wears state-of-the-art technology on her head, a headband that can change her clothes at will, so whatever she wants to wear, she does. Her favorite outfit, though, is a black shirt with the word 'No!' written on it, a leather skirt with a belt around her thighs (because?) and a metal collar that has a chain dangling from it.
Personality: Beas-Indo's are typically the stuck-up, rich morons of the galaxy. Some are smart, and thus keep up the rich part of their title, but many more are fat, lazy, and concieted. She's concieted, all right, but she's certainly not fat or lazy. When she has her guard down, she might be nice, and she likes her friends. However, guarded is her natural bratty state and she orders her friends around.
Background: Yes, she does come from an extremely rich family-she's always had what she wants for all time. She's a clothes designer, or more accurately, she's known for her strange style and several people take her ideas and turn them into fads. She's a famous name but not really well-known by her face. She's also a great dancer and coreographer (sp?), and with her money she's produced several very fast-paced music dance videos, although she looks different on them than in real life. Now, her stuck-up brother (also not fat, although both lazy and concieted) ticked her off enough to run away from home and try to experience the world. She made it as far as the port, and is contemplating stowing away on the first boat she comes across. If she should be found out, money would shut the captain up-and she has plenty of that.
Special Qualities: She has great style (even though it's strange, she pulls it off!), a natural ability to dance and be graceful, and if she wants to, she can charm the pants off of the softer type of people. (As a dancer, she's also pretty strong and can do endurance... Although she'll still complain if she's forced.)
Weapon(s): Her money. Money makes the world go round, and she is rich. She dislikes to spend it on others, however.
Weakness(s): She is repulsed by poverty and has a bad time gathering sympathy, although it's not exactly because she's lived the hard life. Her first impressions on people have been known to start feuds and she can be very rude and demanding.

(Inked/colored, maybe (my pens broke on me!)... Just imagine neon-pink hair, white skin, blue spots...)
User: [kay-chan]
Character Name: Nik (gah! Didn't know I've used that name before when I made my char for Yuin...)
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: Beas-Indo
Appearance: Male Beas-Indos are a bit different than females. He is pure blue (very light color) except on his back and arms, which is heavily decorated with black markings. His hair is white. He's been voted 'Most Wanted Bachelor' for a galaxy-wide website magazine four years in a row, so one can guess how attractive he is. He usually wears a tight black tank top with loose black pants.
Personality: Like his father, he's quite smart in the business-sense, but he doesn't take it seriously. He just wants to have fun, and if having fun means having a new girlfriend every week, sometimes two at once, then by god he's going to do it. He's sexy, so of course he's conceited as anything. He's also very lazy. Next to him, Kide is a very hardworking, humble girl-and usually when he enters the scene, she becomes just that. He sort of keeps Kide under control.
Background: He's the older brother of Kide-yes, the one that made her run away from home. He's been captured in digital image more times than most monuments, and excels in intelligence and athletics, even though he's very lazy. He wants to be a programmer for space ships when he grows up, unless he can be youthful forever, in which case he wants to be a model. Both he and his sister have made his father proud and ashamed at the same time, because they're both pretty famous but not into the family business one bit. And now they're breaking up, it seems, since Kide ran away. Their father doesn't want that, and sent Nik (amid much grumbling) to go find her. Of course, as much as he picks on her, Nik really loves his little sister.
Special Qualities: He is very smart, athletic, and handsome.
Weapon(s): His fists and very large bodyguard, Luvrois.
Weakness(s): He's very conceited; in plays, his tragic flaw would be Vanity. It was his vanity that drove Kide from her very comfortable home, so it's not a small flaw. That, and he tends to solve problems by ignoring them, and maybe hitting on their girlfriends.
It's the end of the world
User: [kay-chan]
Character Name: Rynx
Age: a solid, but still sexy, 19
Gender: female
Job: Main Evil Minion under the Main Evil Baddy Dude
Race-if you're not human: Nah, she’s human.
Appearance: She’s voluptuous, and she knows it. Her black hair usually hangs loose, brushing against her hips sexily. Rynx has brown eyes and full lips with pale skin, making her noticable in these times, although she doesn't go out much. She usually wears leather-lots of it. It’s also usually low cut on top and high-cut on bottom, showing off every curve to its fullest potential. She also loves thigh-high boots.
Personality: Evil to the core. She’s also very impatient, prone to outbursts, and pouting evilly. Her favorite activity is mental torture.
Background: She was pretty much born evil-except, she was born over 50 years ago. How is this possible? Well, her family was inflicted with a strange curse shortly after she was born. Rynx as a teenager knew about it, but as to what it was, she was only told that it is designed to stop the family line from progressing. Of course, she still didn’t know what it was, and died from inciting it. She drifted as a ghost, half-unconscious from the blast of the curse, for more than 20 years before taking over the body of a random young woman, making her look like she did in her past life. A lot of memories were lost during the transition, and one of them was how she died. In any case, she took on the job of Evil Minion very shortly after taking on the body of the young woman. Of course, even if Rynx were to be exorcised, it’s not certain that her host would be good.
Anything else you'd like to share with the class: Rynx doesn’t like to talk about the curse. She feels it makes her vulnerable, so few know about it. Also, few know about her being a ghost, as well.
Crimson Moon (Never got the chance to play him; the wiki died before he was introduced. Might reuse him.)
Name: Rutte (pronounced like root)
User: [kay-chan]
Age: 25
Sex: male
Race: human
Description: He has black hair that normally would fall to his shoulders, but he keeps it tied back, with several wisps escaping and becoming his bangs. He's quite handsome, but the knowing smile on his face turns people off much of the time. His loose brown shirt, tied in at a belt, hides the fact that he's toned, and his long pants do the same.
Abillities: He's a good hunter and an okay fighter, but his main strength is in cunning and wit-that, and gathering connections. In his short(ish) life, everyone in town-and an abnormally large amount OUT of town-seem to know him and/or owe favors to him. Although he seems unobtrusive and silent, he's actually quite interlocked with a huge community.
R.E. Crater High The bio wasn't made by me, but I still like it.
Username: [kay-chan]
Character Name: Leala
Gender: Female
Age: ?? (Grade 11)
Looks: Leala has very, very long blonde hair that reaches to the back of her knees, and warm brown eyes. She's really pretty, and usually wears clothes borrowed from either Helga, Tessa, or Mia. But usually, it's Helga's stuff. They're pretty good friends.
Personality: She has a personality similar to a gerbil. Or budgie. She's just usually exceedingly happy, and doesn't talk once. She did once, but not really since then. We think she might be mute. Or budgie.
Other: Leala was burnt at the stake for witchcraft over a thousand years ago. Mia and Tessa brought her back from the dead one fateful night before the school year started. She has a toaster that she takes everywhere with her, as some sort of a pet. Toast is ALL she'll eat. (And occasionally, Jellybeans)
Mythology Colliseum
Name of God/Goddess: Venus; also, Aphrodite
Origin: She's a Greek goddess, originally; born from the sea and skies, honored as Mother of the Roman people, mother of Aeneas (mortal-born) and Harmonia (Mar's).
Personality: She's very into true love, or even temporary infatuation... Okay, personally, she's a believer of lust, as well. She's associated with Marriage, though, so she really likes the true love bit. She's also into babies, being associated with the rites of Spring and Fertility. She's quite a flirt, but is faithful to her true love Mar's, even though there's been strife in their past.... of course, faithfulness is relative. She'd run into his arms if he were ever around anymore. But since he isn't, she must fulfill herself... other ways. She's had a child with just about every god, or at least slept with them all.
Physical Description: She's vain-but really, she has every right to be. Flawless skin, blue eyes, perfect lips, and golden hair, complimented by a perfect body. Even her ears are perfect. She looks about eighteen to twenty, in that range, but can change her age. She wears anything from the classic toga to modern fashions.
Likes: She likes to flirt and meddle in the love lives of mortals. She loves offerings of sweet incense, and enjoys attending loving weddings.
Dislikes: She hates when people marry against love. She's had to do that, and REALLY hates it. Moreover, Venus inspires great works of art, so she hates it when or if fellow gods ignore or insult her obvious beauty.
"...She was married to the graceless and lame Vulcan, the god of fire. Her true love was Mars , the god of war. Their child was the beautiful goddess Harmonia. One day while Venus and Mars were together they were caught in an invisible but strong net forged by Vulcan, and exposed to the ridicule and laughter of the other gods at Mt. Olympus."
Oh, yeah, she's still steamed about that.
Side: Definitely a goddess of the light.

My own Venus.
Name of God/Godess: Thanatos (also: Mors)
Origin: Greek mythology (also Roman)
Personality: He's a quiet youth. His personality isn't as negative as Hades, but he isn't exactly chipper all the time. He is sometimes founds in poses of repose-especially in the paintings of him. He can be quite cynical towards those who love life. He can also be quite cynical towards those who despise it. Hell, he can just be really cynical.
Likes: He likes justice and quick deaths. He's also into heavy metal and punk. He actually has a guitar with the modern representation of The Reaper on it-a scythe at the end (also, a sticker of an urn with a wreath on it, for anyone into the classics of Death). He doesn't carry it with him all the time, but has the god-like ability to conjure it out of thin air. To complete this motif, Thanatos also likes piercings, and has a few of his own. He loves sarcasm with about as much positive emotion he can conjure up, but delivers it dryly, so it's difficult to know when he's being serious or sarcastic. He actually likes answering mail from children who send letters about their parents dying (they get forwarded to him), but if you were to ask him about it, he'd deny it.
Dislikes: He hates it when someone dies without his permission, or before or after their time. Due to Fate, this is mostly not the case, but accidents happen-and he corrects them. No matter how closely they work, Thanatos doesn't enjoy talking with the other gods or any mortals he happens to see, due to eventual conflicts of interest-hey, everyone dies (or a mortal dies that was close to them). If he gets a hankering for some public relations, he finds those people whose relatives died before their time-which again, doesn't happen very often, so he doesn't have to go out very much. Thanatos doesn't like it when people make fun of his appearance, his strange, deadly guitar, or his small, black wings. He's also, for some unknown reason, gets mad at people who attempt to analyze life instead of accepting it for what it is. Thanatos is the same way around people trying to analyze death. Or him.
Side: His mother is Night and his twin brother is Sleep. He is definitely a god for darkness. Even though he doesn't necessarily disagree with the light side.
Name of God/Goddess: Jesus H. Christ
Origin: Christianity
Personality: Forgiving and loving, although lately he's become a bit more depressed and tired as he loses faith in humanity as the people around him fall deeper into sin and despair. He's inherently perfect... but inherently flawed.
Physical Description: Dark brown tresses that fall to his shoulders, a small goatee, tan skin, brown eyes, jeans, and a t-shirt that says 'Make Love Not War' on the front. He also has wings and light coming out of his head, but only sometimes. More often, he just looks like a regular mortal.
Likes: Peace, his religion, teaching wayward souls, praying, and virgin strawberry daiquiri's.
Dislikes: Those who go against his religion or just because he can conjure alcohol out of water, Satan/Hell, just plain negativity, and alarm clocks.
Side: light-ness.
Image: To be continued...

Heeheehee, you know you like it. XD
Yuin Due to my vast involvement in this wiki (and thus vast characters) I will merely direct you to the page: People of Yuin. Thank you for your understanding.
Also see War of Gods and People of WoG.
Weeping Willow Grove
User Name: [kay-chan]
Name: Taina'Rita Talia Naralith Tadith Tináwiel Cadrieclya, shortened to Rita for everyday use.
Age: 20
Gender: female
Species: centaur
Magic: She 'connects' with Fire as her main skill. However, she's studied magick most of her life, and pretty much knows just about every spell to cast in Fire and most of the other ones for all other types... She just sucks at actually USING them.
Weapons: A bow and arrows (which she is a natural with and has been practicing for a while, since centaurs usually use a bow/arrow as a traditional thing, maybe not so much as a wespon, but she can use it) and a sword (in her bag). No magical weapons are used by her-she uses her hands to create magic, if needed, although magical items ARE probably in her bag.
Physical Description:Her wide eyes are brown, with wide eyes (the almost resemble a horse’s eyes). Her hair is a very rich, deep chocolate-colored brown. When washed it is very shiny and pretty, but usually she does not concern herself with such matters and keeps it tied back in a ponytail or in a braid. She has a dark brown horse body, a shade lighter than her hair, with a tail the same color as her hair. She is short for most centaurs (average: 11 feet) and only a little above average when compared to humans. Her skin is pale, which is strange considering the amount of sun she gets. Her skin brings out the richness of the brown of her hair and horse-half, but her good looks are undermined by the fact that she doesn't care. She wears practically nothing except for a thick strip on her chest, because anything else might interfere with her use of weapons-aka, might tear or catch on an arrow, etc. She also wears a long arm glove, perfect for protecting her wrist against the bow string but not a shield, as her primary weapon is the bow and arrow. The only other thing she wears is a bag, which at times seems small for the amount of items it carries, and she has some winter clothes (rarely used). Her bag probably carries more than she knows, but she can’t really find much in it most of the time, so she doesn’t use it a lot unless she has time to dig through it.
Personality Description: She likes quiet, especially when reading a book, but isn’t incredibly anti-social. That, and when people hang around her, she can’t figure out a nice way to get rid of them, so she basically puts up with them. She can become flustered and confused much too easily for someone of her intelligence and learning. She is always taking notes when there is something of even the least importance to learn, including random dictionary definitions. Plus, she has somewhat of a temper.
History: No one knows much about her. When she came to her university where she began her studies at age 17, there were no records of her past or any clues to her past existence. She was pretty solitary at school and didn't have many friends (she had a lot of rivals for her intelligence in school, though). She seems to be on a quest to get a human body, and left school suddenly to accomplish it.
(This is a very old drawing of her)

User Name: [kay-chan]
Name: Sade
Age: 21
Gender: female
Species: merpeople...mermaid!!!
Magic: Water, of course. Not much knowledge about the other types-yet...
Weapons: the only magical item she carries is a shell that can communicate with any mermaid she wants. She carries no pointy objects.
Physical Description: Sade has green eyes and hair that is short, dark dark green, cropped, and spiked (naturally...no hair product can stay on in a merperson's hair). She's in between a tan and pale...normal skin. She has a dark green tail with some black stripes on her scales and a couple of piercings on her fin... she's a wannabe punk mermaid. She looks sweet but her outfit-the dark colors on her and her leather, lace-up bra-say differently. Punkish, really. She has a nose piercing, an eyebrow piercing, and too many other piercings to outline. Her dark green hair is naturally spiky, and she has dark green, flashing eyes.
Personality Description: She can be helpful...but usually for her own reasons. She’s quite open and a little sexual when it comes to ordinary conversations. In everything she does and is, she likes to go for the shock value. She tones it down around her friends, mainly because she’s realized it’s harder to shock them after a few years of being with her.
History: She led a pretty normal life. A wannabe punk girl with a job in the castle as a guard (although she carries no weapon). Her only thing is that she can absorb more than one magic type-rare in mermaids-but she's too lazy at the moment to learn more than one, her water, although she knows a bit of fire. Sade went to school with Rita by a crystal ball, which she could see through and act through and talk through within the nice wet company of her own watery home. Sade’s visited the school in person once or twice, but it’s difficult to keep up her human form, so it’s been very briefly. She's still in school, where Rita's been gone nearly two months now, and even though they're rivals she had been starting to get a little worried. She's easily recognizable by voice.
(Another very old illustration.)

The Asylum Laboratories
Username: [kay-chan]
Name of Creation: Cha
Project Number: 128
Means of Creation: She was the product of three-way splicing between a flower, a human, and a parakeet.
Mental Age: 12
Physical Age: 20
Physical Description: Her skin seems like a collage of colors-dotted with purple, yellow, blue, green, pink, and human tones that range from dark to pale. Her eyes slant and are very wide, with the black and red centers filling nearly the whole eye. Her body is quite lean and short, proportioned as a very short twenty-year-old. Her purple-and-yellow hair is wild about her head, with a headband keeping it out of her eyes. Although the dominant gene was of the human DNA, the other features of the other contributors show up quite prominently-many small feathers on her forearms and calves and light, plant-like veins criss-crossing her hands. Her toenails show a remarkable resemblance to talons when not trimmed severely. She wears a badly-torn sundress from her many attempts to fly, and sandals, one of which has a flower button on it. She gets cold easily but detests more clothing.
Personality: She loves to sing and to waft around in a gentle dance, like a flower in a breeze. She hates arguing with someone, and cries easily if someone yells at her. Other than her fearful aversion to discord, she is easily the most cheerful little girl around. She can be unreasonably paranoid one minute, and then calm the next. She loves people in general and company, talking and listening, unless there are too many and she becomes crowded and skittish.
Psyche: She thinks her life is a cage, and is eternally looking for a way out-the classic psychological dilemma, one that seems almost metaphorical at times. She gets jittery if stuck in a too-small or crowded room for a time. Quite frequently, she forgets she can’t fly-and can ‘fly’ into a rage that damages herself and sometimes others when she realizes it again. She has a small grudge against the fact that she was ever ‘created,’ but since she can’t change it and she doesn’t hate her Creator, she usually tries to just forget it.
Special Abilities: Her hearing is finely tuned and her eyes can see well in daylight. She’s agile and, if there’s sunlight around, able to go without food for several days.
Unique Weaknesses: Her natural skittish parakeet survival instinct makes her a lover, not a fighter. She’s also afraid of the dark. When confronted with a dark place, she usually screams for about one second, running about, then falls asleep.
Other: She eats insects and has extreme objections to cursing. Oh, and she’s a lot of fun if she spies herself in a mirror.
Cha is more colorful in person than I pictured her... o.O

Here We Are
Username: [kay-chan]
Student's Full Name: Brook Hazelton
Prefers to be called: Brook
Age and Birthdate: 16, 12/08/90
Gender and Bloodtype: Female, A positive
Yearbook Photo: A girl with a long braid of reddish-blond hair looks off-camera, as if momentarily distracted. With her mouth slightly open, she looks like the type that day-dreams a lot. Her outfit is a grey sweatshirt covering up a plain T-shirt. In a crowd, she'd look invisible.
Counsellor's Notes: Brook seems nice. She doesn't have too many friends. She's creative. Distant, though. Her parents broke up last year. Quiet. Decent grades.
(I also took over Sky and Lola and random other characters. Cannon fodder!)
Of Angels and Mobsters: A Match Made in Heaven
User: [kay-chan]
Character name: Koa
Race: Angel
Age: about 900
Height: she's 5'4" with a 5-foot wingspan.
Eye color/shape: She has pink eyes that are always wide-open.
Hair color/style: Koa has big poofy lime-green hair that's usually up in two ponytails, which fluff all the way down to her shoulders.
Face specifics: She has a sharp face with a small nose and pouty lips that are usually smiling.
Body specifics: She has dark skin, and thus usually wears all-white to complement that. She's skinny and flat and her body looks like it belongs to a 12-year-old. She has sparrow wings with the color-scheme of a parrot, making her overall look like a thing of watermelon candy.
History: Nobody knows where she came from; she seems to have spontaneously generated out of a pile of Heaven trash. Her death isn't recorded in any books, so a lot of people don't believe her to have once been mortal. She's basically been wandering the streets and somehow avoiding being hurt.
Personality: She's bubbly and cheerful and quite an idiot. Koa is easily led about and beguiled into doing what people want her to. Nothing seems to scare her at all, not even a threat of her own death.
Sexual preference: As far as anyone can tell, she's asexual.
Relations: Koa likes to talk to people and be open and outgoing, but she doesn't the attention span to remember names of her random encounters. If she's around a person enough, she'll remember them, but that hasn't happened so far-not in the current Heaven atmosphere.
Abilities: Koa's senses are sharpened drastically-she has excellent eyesight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing.
Johnsonsville's Whimsical Academy
Username: [kay-chan]
Character name: Jayne Smythe
Age/Gender: 17/female
Physical/Visual Description: Originally, she was a cute little Asian girl with bangs that went to about an inch below her chin, while the rest of her hair was only a few inches long, swept back with a bit of gel. However, with her condition, her appearance keeps changing, and she doesn't have a solid physical description, although her original look reappears someone often. To make sure people know who she is, Jayne continuously wears a black-and-white striped headband, although she still has to repeat "I'm Jayne" more than once.
Mental/History Description: Her 'ability' wasn't triggered until she started getting serious allergies at the age of 16. For about a year now, she's been having one major identity crisis after another. Thus, she is quite cynical, and was a little apprehensive about going to the new Johnsonsville's Academy. She had to leave behind a lot of good friends, and none of them know about her 'condition'-she only talks with them through the internet, due to the fact that her voice changes a lot, too.
Mysterious Happening: Whenever she sneezes, and it has to be one of her allergy sneezes, she changes appearance. She's usually the same level of attractiveness as her original form, but everything else has changes-weight, height, eye color/shape, hair... It makes buying clothes a bitch. She wears a lot of loose clothing.
Other: She's not very good at being sneaky, which makes her gift less useful. She also knows how to speak Japanese, although she prefers English-it was her first language. (Shall draw... a collage of pictures... later.)
Wisher #5
WISH: To convince her parents to let her go to art school.
Username: [kay-chan]
Character Name: Aubrey
Age/Gender: 17/female
Physical Description: She's the daughter of Indian parents, so she has dark brown hair and very tan skin, with dark brown eyes. Her hair is relatively long, about five inches from her waste, and her thing is to keep it up in a bun with chopsticks.
Mental Description: She can be very sarcastic, and through this sarcasm she lets Milly know she doesn't like her. Aubrey is quite creative, although her artistic side is not what gets her known in school. She's more well-known for her fashion sense and how well she pulls anything and everything off.
History/Other: Her and Milly do not get along-more due to the fact that Aubrey just hates Milly flat out. The first time she met her, she just knew she'd hate Milly, and it was only over a period of time she knew why: she hated people lacking in self-esteem. In the back of her mind, she wonders if Milly was just too much like her, but she ignores that little voice. In any case, Aubrey's Indian parents are pushing her to go into engineering or genetics, like themselves, but Aubrey really wants to go to art school and become an animator and a painter. However, she hates standing up to them, as they are quite adept at crushing her self-esteem in her art-and she gets a little like Milly at those points...
Eat the Pure
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Poi
What you are god of: God of Hunting and Passion
Age: a gentleman never tells. He was born of a God, obviously, who shot his arrow.
Height: 5'11"
Eye color/shape: He has medium-sized, gorgeous green eyes that glitter when he's horny, so they're pretty much always shining. They squint a little when he's smiling, which is very hot on him, and he knows it.
Hair color/style: Poi has black hair, the bangs falling in his face in an attractive manner, wisping to one side at the right moments. The rest of his hair comes to about mid-ear.
Face specifics: He has an angular face that shifts when he looks at different people, as if it knows what they like to see when it comes to face shapes. However, it's very subtle, and you'd have to be very focused to even notice it.
Body specifics: He's lean, verging on the muscular side, although not overly. He has a dark tan that seems out of place in the land he lives in, although he's a god-he doesn't need sun to maintain it.
History: Poi was born as an arrow was shot into the earth. He doesn't know who his 'father' is (the man/woman who shot the arrow) but he feels very connected to the earth, which helps him as he hunts. He doesn't kill-hunt for fun (he doesn't sport-kill) but there's always use for hunting somewhere in the world, and it's always easy to find some animal spirit willing to go along with his game and put up a good sport.
Personality: Poi is very sexual, and expresses himself thusly. He loves a good hunt of women, but what really gets him going is a hunt through the forest. Poi can be very focused when he's on the hunt, and he can go forever until what he's after is HIS. Poi is very passionate about things and loves when someone is passionate about whatever they do, no matter what it is-enthusiasm is his number one turn-on.
Sexual preference: He'll try anyone once.
Relations: Oh, Poi has definitely spread his wild oats... Plus, he 'knows' a lot of the dieties, if you know what I mean.
Special Abilities/Talents: Poi is the God of the Hunt-nobody can escape him for long once he begins the hunt, no matter what.
Special influence on the world: Passion makes the word-er, universe-go 'round! I mean, it has probably started a few wars. Also, he has a soft spot on people who hunt and need the end result badly, so his skill has fed a few people.
Also, answer in character the following question:
"What's your favorite thing to do?"
Poi flicked hair out of his eyes so that their glittering depths could gaze straight at his interviewer. He leaned closer, his muscles rippling with that simple motion, and drew close to the asker. A finger lifted the chin of his interviewer as his mouth went next to their ear, his entire body dangerously close as he answered:
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Armis.
What you are the god of: Healing, also has a deep connection with medicinal plants.
Age*: only about 650,000.
Height: 5'11"
Eye color/shape: Normal-looking green eyes that have the tendency to squint a little when she smiles.
Hair color/style: She has straight cherrywood-brown hair that would fall freely to her waist; she keeps it in a coiled braid.
Face specifics: She has a normal, if slightly thin, face; her expression always seems to suggest she's thinking about something else. She really doesn't look like a motherly type, which is surprising. She has the appearance of a young maiden, about 20, with full lips and a nose that's just a little too big. Her face is not significantly more than plain-looking, but many a man have fallen for her when they see the expression she wears when helping the sick or tending to a random plant.
Body specifics: Being rather tall, she makes up for it by not having a lanky look about her. She is not particularly well-endowed. Overall, everything about her screams average.
History: Once upon a time, a human was in much pain; their tears landed upon a speck of celestial dust that happened to be there. A plant grew from the ground, and out of the plant emerged Armis. Upon chewing on the plant's leaves, the human was cured; some say the plant still exists and can cure any ailment... Rumors include 'death' in the list of things it can cure.
Personality: She's a very gentle woman, although her soft voice has been interpreted as 'apathetic' or 'half-asleep' before. She is also a little vacant at times, verging on the edge of being a ditz. Thankfully, she's at least a not-abrasive ditz and will avoid an argument at all costs.
Sexual preference: If you mention the 's'-word around her, her ears turn red. Go ahead and do it; it's fun.
Relations: She knows a few gods that she has crossed paths with, especially those who have similar talents or who were in need of help.
Special abilities/talents (if you have any): She can heal a wound at a touch, although it can cause pain to the recipient. Basically, her power is speeding-up the natural healing process of the body, which can be painful if the wound is large enough. She can also neutralize infection or viruses easily enough, as long as they're in their starting-stage. If it's an advanced case, it's a toss-up if her powers would work. Armis also might have difficulties with poison.
Special influence on the world** (if any): She eases suffering, and plants based off of her image have been known to cure diseases from the mild to the horrifying.
Also, answer in character the following question:
"What's your favorite thing to do?"
"Oh, I don't know," Armis sighs. "Maybe it's just me, but working in the garden is nice. I have a garden, you know, full of all the useful plants there are." She stares off. "A lot of them, some of them are very rare, but my garden isn't exactly open-access." She laughs, almost giggling, and goes back to reading her book.
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Raza
What you are the god of: Goddess of all nasty things Creepy-Crawly; special protector of dragonflies and spiders.
Age: ...really, really old.
Height: 5'9"
Eye color/shape: She has large eyes that are mostly filled with iris and pupil, speculated to give her great eyesight. They are an iridescent green, the color of a dragonfly's back.
Hair color/style: Raza wears her black hair long, with two thick braids tied around to keep it out of her face. She keeps it clean-cleanliness equals health, and you can't hunt while sick.
Face specifics: She has an oval, flat face that tapers down into a decidingly angular chin. It's not that pretty, but her large eyes give her an exotic look that makes up for it. Her nose is small but a bit wide. When Raza grins, you can see that she has unusually large, sharp canines, and her other teeth are a bit pointy, also.
Body specifics: Raza's actually quite voluptuous, as voluptuous as you can be while still being lithe and quite agile. She has hard fingernails that are about a half-inch long. Raza likes to wear minimal clothing, so it's not unusual to see her in something akin to a bikini-top (except made of leather) and either a leather skirt, shorts, or a tunic of some kind that won't slow her down. Or, you know, naked. She goes about barefoot. Raza also has dragonfly wings on her back, 4 total, which look very fragile but somehow have the ability to lift her into the air at rapid speeds, where she can flit about. They also don't tear. Unlike normal dragonflies, she can fold them down when she lands on the ground.
History: Some of the first god's dust had rolled together with clay, to form an oval, which looked a bit like an egg. Raza hatched out of this oval complete with wings. Raza then went to Fallon, as she wanted to create creatures in her image. She made spiders, dragonflies, scorpions, and other nasty things from clay, and asked the Goddess of Life to breath movement into her children. As she grew, she just created more variations of the same things, with an occasional new idea thrown in.
Personality: Raza isn't really malicious in any way--she's just very un... domesticated. She hunts and eats when she's hungry, and usually doesn't bother to cook her food. She's also not that picky about whether or not her prey is fully dead, as long as it's 'dead enough.' She isn't incapable of making friends, but one must first escape her classification of 'food item'-usually by being either entertaining, useful, or more of a threat than what Raza would normally eat. If Raza is not hungry, she will not kill unless it's in self-defense. Raza also has a tendency to talk in her own dialect, her best imitation of the languages she hears around her. She does love her children, in an odd way, but not in a mammalian way--she will not risk her life to save their's. On the flip side, she will not risk their life to save her's... not yet, anyway.
Sexual preference: She's a straight as a twig-a few bumps and curves, but mostly in the same direction. But be careful. I won't say she has a TENDENCY to eat her mates, but it has happened.
Relations: Raza knows a lot of gods and they know her-and that's about as deep as a relationship she'll ever get. She kind of creeps a lot of them out.
Special abilities/talents (if you have any): She can fly, flitting around as quickly as a dragonfly, and she has the insects of the world at her command. She's also a ruthless killer (BUT she has a tendency to go for things she can kill easily... Raza doesn't like to fight unless she has a sure chance of winning. Against a lot of mortals, she has a sure chance of winning...) Raza can also secrete a powerful poison, but it takes up a lot of her energy to make, so again-NOT unless she has to.
Special influence on the world** (if any): She is a big part of the ecosystem, naturally, as those things she creates and sustains are pretty much the bottom rung of any foodchain anywhere, save maybe the ocean, although her children have many relatives in there that she may have had a hand in creating.
"What's your favorite thing to do?"
Raza looks off with large eyes, her expression emotionless. "Favrite?" she asks.
"Er... The thing you like doing the most."
"Lyke? Enjoy. I donn't," she says, her voice thick and uninterested. "I donn't enjoy. No-thing."
"Then... what do you do the most? At all?"
Raza finally makes eye contact. "Hunnt," she hisses.
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Ras and Fam (they’re twins, albeit not identical, so I’m putting them together)
Child of: Poi and a few goats… NOT LIKE THAT.
From the Kingdom of: The river nation.
Age: They’re both a few hundred years old. They both appear about 8, physically and mentally.
Height: Exactly the same; 4’8”.
Eye color/shape: They both have large eyes that slant upwards. Ras’ eyes are slightly more almond-shaped and are more hazel than Fam’s eyes, which are a dark brown shade.
Hair color/style: Ras has floofy bangs and shaggy, blond hair that falls to her mid-back. Fam keeps his black hair cut short to his head.
Face specifics: Ras has a slightly round face, making her seem younger than the gaunt Fam.
Body specifics: Fam is a stick-version of a boy, as some boy’s are; sometimes his ribs show and you can see his spine clearly. Ras is a bit more plump than him, although by a child’s standards, she is still skinny. Ras wears a strip of cloth around her chest, while Fam goes topless. Both of their lower torso’s are elongated goats legs and backs, in the style of the satyr. Ras is white with black spots, and Fam is black with white spots, while they both have pretty white upper torso skin.
History: They were born out of the sacrificial goats, the escape goat and the one to be sacrificed. Ras is the scapegoat… everybody blames her for everything. Fam is the one who gets sacrificed to whatever diety they worship. At least, that’s what they represent: they haven’t actually been used in formal ceremony. Poi made them quite on accident one day while he was attending a formal ceremony (he’s still not sure how), and had to go hunt a few goats to take their place so the satyrs wouldn’t get used in the ceremony.
Personality: Ras is more of a risk-taker than Fam, who is already nervous about losing his life. Ras also has a tendency to not care if people blame her for the most random stuff, even things that could not possibly involve her, which gets Fam angry. Fam can get overprotective of her, but also is pretty submissive; Ras is definitely the leader of the two. They’re also both rather smart.
Sexual preference: …they’re mentally 8. Girls and boys still have cooties.
Relations: Each other. Poi also plays with them, usually “hide and go seek” (big surprise), since he’s technically their father. They also have lukewarm relations with the other gods, as in everybody else just blames Ras for everything and might want to kill Fam.
Special abilities/talents: They are good at running and hiding. Ras is willing to take the risks necessary to win a fight, as long as they’re strategic and not just made of brute force. Fam is willing to follow Ras. They’re a pretty good team.
Answer the following question in character:
"So, how's life been treating you lately?"
“I found the prettiest firefly the other day!” Ras excitedly exclaimed. “We were wandering through the woods to find a really good hiding spot for when we play with Poi, and it was HUGE.”
“Other than that, we almost got eaten by a wild boar the other day,” Fam grumbled. “Ras was obsessed with her shiny insect too much to notice she practically stepped on one of its babies. We spent most of the day running from it.”
“And I never found that firefly again,” Ras sighed.
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Gata
Position in society: An ex-priestess, current thief.
From the Kingdom of: mountains, currently.
Age: 24
Appearance: She has light brown hair, almost blond, that falls to her shoulder blades in a choppy cut. Bangs fall into her green eyes constantly, but she has ceased to notice. Gata is usually wearing pretty simple clothing, usually consisting of a leather vest over a long-sleeved shirt, and long pants tucked into her boots, in shades of green and brown. Gata always seems to have a smirk on her face when she is resting. She's rather skinny, and her breasts aren't that large, although her hips are wider.
(Brief) History: She was a priestess in a rather large city temple on the coast until she angered her boss, who had her kicked out. She was a thief in the city for a while to support herself, then went to the woods, where she met Poi. Poi thought her rather pretty and a good conversationalist, and so struck a deal with her, that he would occasionally make sure she wasn't dead and help out if needed, and teach her how to hunt, if she would enjoy his company. She returned the affection and is now his sometimes-lover. Gata realizes that Poi has other women, basically whoever he wants, and doesn't care. She has told him repeatedly that she doesn't love him that much. Gata currently only goes to the woods on a visit; she basically lives in the city, selling furs and stealing from the rich that live there.
Personality: She used to be a rather smug git, but time has made her a bit harsher. She only lives in the forest part-time, mostly living near the sea, so she hasn't become a hermit quite yet, but she's a little more accustomed to silence than most people. Gata has been known to smile, however.
Patron god (if you have one): Currently, Poi has agreed to look after her. However, she was not a priestess following him, but a different deity that she keeps secret.
Talents: She is a rather good thief and can lie extraordinarily well.
Answer the following question in character:
"Jake is being an ass. What should we do with him?"
Gata looks over at Poi, above her fire. She had gone into the woods tonight hoping to see him, and as usual, he had rather suddenly appeared. Gata, however, frowned at his entrance.
"We? What should I care?" she asked, building the fire a bit more so that it could accommodate more than one person.
"Well, he makes me unhappy," Poi said, sitting next to her on the ground. Gata felt a bit warm in response, and it wasn't just the fire.
"My happiness is not dependent on your's," Gata replies. After a moment, she asked, "What did he do?"
"It doesn't matter," Poi says, and leaned over to kiss her.
They both left it at that.
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Kiava
Position in society: Priestess of Poi
From the Kingdom of: Mountains
Age: 28
Appearance: She totally looks cocky, and acts like it, too. She's the Head Priestess in the Temple of Poi situated in the mountains. She wears a lot of leather and fur, all won by herself, and she looks excellent in them. Occasionally she will be wearing her ceremonial clothes, not much more than a leather thong bikini, and covered in body paint that illustrate a history of hunting and passion. She has black hair cropped close to her head and dark brown eyes. Her face is angular and her mouth is expressive. She can raise one eyebrow a good inch above the other for her famous incredulous look. She carries a spear and a bow and arrow set, both of which she can use expertly.
(Brief) History: Young, strong women can often be asked by Poi to represent him in the temples, or by the priestesses residing there. Most of them are young, which explains Kiava's position at such a young age. She was brought up there and in the forests, and is an excellent hunter.
Personality: She is very cocky and self-assured. She is also very sexual in her actions, but in an Amazonian 'me conquer NOW' kind of way. Which is hella hot.
Patron god (if you have one): Poi
Talents: Sex and hunting, just like her patron god. She also has a talent of pissing people off by being too cocky. What can she say, it's a gift.
If a King/Queen, describe your kingdom:
Answer the following question in character:
"Jake is being an ass. What should we do with him?"
"Throw him in a pit of fire. What the hell are you asking me for?" Kiava replies, spitting out a seed from the fruit she was munching on. "He's being an ass to YOU. To ME, he's just a great PIECE of ass." Kiava grins, flashing white teeth, before going back to her small treat and ignoring any further questions.
Name: [kay-chan]
Character name: Diox
Position in society: Priest of Armis
From the Kingdom of: the River nation
Age: 36
Appearance: He's usually seen in clean clothes, pressed and tidy. He has already gotten many wrinkles, despite having a young child. He is usually wearing a necklace with the emblem of Armis on it, and can be seen in his own personal garden often.
(Brief) History: He's been the Head Priest for about ten years, and has had a young daughter for seven of those years. His wife passed away shortly after the child was born, but the daughter looks exactly like her--light brown hair, green eyes, a little button nose. Recently, his daughter has fallen ill, and despite his limited healing powers and extensive knowledge of healing plants, he cannot figure out what is wrong with her or how to treat it. He's been studying all the writings related to Armis to find the plant she was born of, and has been praying for guidance. Guidance that has yet to come.
Personality: He is a gentle soul with a core of steel, and will do anything to protect his young daughter. He has strong faith in Armis' willingness to help, but it has since wavered, just a bit, as his daughter becomes more and more ill.
Patron god (if you have one): Armis.
Talents: He has limited healing powers from his faith in Armis and has devoted half of his life to the study of plants related to healing, so he knows most of them.
If a King/Queen, describe your kingdom:
Answer the following question in character:
"Jake is being an ass. What should we do with him?"
Diox looks up from his readings, a stern look on his face. "For one, do not use such language," he chided. "For two, send him to my office. I'll have a chat with him." Diox shook his head. "Young men can be stubborn but it's not like they never listen to reason," he muttered, looking back down at his readings until he would be interrupted again.
the modern angels
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Dr. Laura Tanner
Age: 33
Description: About 5'11", leggy for a field ecologist. She's pretty tone from tramping through forests and setting up most of the manual labor for field experiments. She has blonde hair, although it was originally a brown color, from her time spent in the sun. It is shoulder-length and usually kept up in a simple ponytail, out of her eyes. She has bright green eyes that squint a lot in the sun. Most of Tanner's clothes are what you would call 'work appropriate,' meaning most of them have been dunked in streams and dragged through the forest. She has one nice outfit that she would maybe wear to a wedding or similarly important event, and a nice pair of clothes that are supposed to be for lectures, but that she hardly ever wears. Her skin is a little dark to match her sun-bleached hair, although she's avoided wrinkles so far by using moisturizing sunscreen. The most makeup she wears is maybe mascara, when giving a very important lecture.
Personality: She is a quiet individual when alone, preferring to read a book over listen to music. When Dr. Tanning is in a group, however, she can become much more assertive and talkative in an effort to get people to be active instead of look around blankly. She can follow directions quite well and is pretty humble and accepting, knowing that she doesn't know everything. Tanning likes to communicate, but only professionally; she doesn't share much of her personal life.
Abilities: Fast note-taking, quick analytical response to situations, and high intelligence in her field. In fact, high intelligence in many situations.
Special Fact: Learning new languages when in a different environment, under stress, is a skill... but she can't learn a language in a classroom.
History: She recently got a PhD in ecology and is a practicing field ecologist, working towards a masters in social anthropology. She alternately teaches classes and takes sabbaticals to study species ecology.
User: [kay-chan]
Name: Cras
Age: 28
Description: A tall male, Cras has the dark skin of most underclass Brazilians. His body is lean, as he doesn't get enough food to be really built, but wired muscles ripple under his skin. He looks built for speed and combat. He has a smile that can make women weak in the knees, from the top of his short, brown hair and sparkling brown eyes to his perfect jaw and flashing white teeth. When Cras gets deadly serious, his smile disappears. He gets deadly serious when he's about to go to work or when a woman gets hurt (and she didn't want it). He is always seen with a long knife in a holder on his hip, and a gun if he's hunting.
Personality: Cras is very sexist, seeing women as weak beings that need protection. However, he doesn't mind using them for their bodies, and when they demand his attention past that he gets more than a little impatient with them. He grows cold when he had to do a job, in order to distance himself from anything unpleasant. Cras is very money-oriented.
Abilities: Cras is an excellent shot, one of the better bushmeat hunters, and can be very quiet and almost invisible. He is also a good fighter, although he fights dirty.
Special Fact: Cras is a bushmeat hunter, meaning he makes his wages on hunting animals in the Amazon basin and selling them as food. There are laws against this, but they are very loosely enforced, and he has to eat somehow. He can also do a bit more serious poaching if something valuable-looking comes along.
History: He became a bushmeat hunter when his family moved closer to the basin. Cras continued to make his living as such when his parents died, and still somewhat helps his sister support herself, although she's doing alright as a teacher. Lately, the economy has plummeted a little, making him a bit more desperate for cash.
Evil is Sexy
Username: [kay-chan]
Name: Moli
Age: 26
Gender: female
Race: human
Occupation: She’s best at healing, although she can hold her own in a fair fight.
Appearance: She has bright-pink hair that’s short in the back with long bangs that completely cover one eye and threaten to take over the next. Moli has slanting green eyes and a sarcastic stance. She has a dull red sleeveless dress that covers her neck but has slits up to the side with matching, large pants underneath. Her accessories include hand-guards, a belt with small ‘sticks’ studding their length, which also holds her bag, and a few large fans. Her outfit might draw attention, but she still blends in when she wants.
Personality: Moli moves best in packs, when there are people to fight for her. She is quite sarcastic when she needs to be but in most cases, Moli attempts to be the voice of reason. She also has her own voice of reason that tells her when it is best and most profitable to turn on those helping her, which stops her from doing anything stupid, but not from stabbing those closest to her in the back.
History: When she was really small, she was an urchin, and tried to steal from a very aware knight. His nobility didn’t stop him from putting a sword to her eye. She stumbled blindly into a nearby Midas temple for help. Since Midas is the Goddess of Destruction, not much could be done in the way of healing except to bind a piece of the Goddess to her eye-this was done by branding the symbol of the Goddess to her eye. It effectively stopped the bleeding, thus saving her life, but she was blind in that eye forever. Additionally, Midas is her official guardian, whether Moli likes it or not, since if she dies a very small (almost insignificant) piece of the Goddess dies. Anyway, she left the temple immediately to study white magic with another ‘good’ temple, and after five years of effectively leeching them dry of information she went to a black magic master and finished up her learning there for about six more years. Along with black magic, her instructor taught her a bit of fighting, especially how to use fans as weapons. Her fans are razor-sharp and covered with stain-resistant cloth (of course).
Overlord: Midas, by default.
Strengths/Weaknesses: She’s a very good healer, but would need to work in a church in complete silence to bring someone back from the dead. It’s harder for Moli to use black magic in a fight, even though she knows a few deterring tricks, usually used in close combat to melt flesh or whatever, so she isn’t very good in a fight. Plus, the fans are good for one-on-one or surprise attacks, but the smaller ones (the sticks) are basically toothpicks with attitude, and her fans can’t do a lot of damage in a serious group fight.
Quirks: She doesn’t like a lot of physical contact, especially not intimate, unless she’s doing her job (healing).
Patient #35
Screenname: [kay-chan]
Name: Megan
Age: 19
Description: She's a slightly chubby, petite blond, weighing in at 135 pounds and 5'2". Her medium-length hair is styled in a boring way and is usually falling into her gray eyes, as she stares at the floor a lot. She likes to wear sandals or go barefoot around the facility, and has a lot of shirts that would be more appropriate for preteens (the design, not the size). She's not ugly, but she has the uncanny ability for people to tell her that she's 'not their type.' Her room is painted a light blue and she has a huge bookshelf, filled with books that she's read repeatedly.
Personality: She seems childish for her age, or at least shy and cautious about talking to people. She's self-conscious about her looks and doesn't speak often. Megan spends a lot of her time looking out the windows through the bars.
Special ability: To make things float. It's not quite telekinesis, since she can't control where they go. Megan can just... turn gravity off.
History: Megan used to live in a rural area in Missouri. At the age of 10, her powers began to manifest, which gained the attention of the asylum. She's been there now for 7 years after an incident involving a herd of cows and a few angry villagers. Megan doesn't like to talk about the incident or what happened in the two years between when she got her powers and when she was taken away from the Asylum. All she says is that, for the most part, she prefers it here. She knows all of the staff on a first-name basis, which is saying something for someone as shy as she. She has a few friends but prefers to stay in her room, where she writes down quotes she attributes to other people but are really things she thought up.
How long they've been at the asylum: 7 years, longer than pretty much everybody there.
Patient #170
Screenname: [kay-chan]
Name: Alex
Age: 21
Description: He has red hair that always seems to stand on end, though he insists that there is no product in it. He has bright green eyes that seem large on his face, and crinkle slightly when he smiles. Alex is strangely clear of freckles anywhere on his lean body. He also has large scars on his face and body at random intervals, like he got in a knife fight with a kitchen of chefs and lost.
Personality: Alex is very upbeat and cocky, and likes to talk with people. He doesn't like it when people don't like him but will stick up for what's right, blah blah. Doesn't mean he's not selfish and will consider the consequences, but 9 times out of 10 he'll disregard them. He's no stranger to pain.
Special ability: Alex's blood is acidic, meaning it will burn anything that isn't glass; in this case, the doctors have to be careful if collecting samples of his blood. Luckily, he clots fast. His own body is obviously immune, and the rest of his bodily fluids are normal (spit, erm... et cetera). The orderlies don't consider him in danger, as he would die of blood loss while getting through just one steel door.
History: He didn't know of his "problem" until he was 19, when in a bad accident in the kitchen his roommates found out that he dissolved whatever they tried to press against his wound to stop it from bleeding. When he came through it alright, Alex used his winning personality to convince them to keep quiet, but his own curiosity revealed him. That got him into trouble just before his 21st birthday, which accounts for over half of the scars on his body, as he got into a brawl in his downtown area with people who regarded him as a freak. He spent his birthday in the Asylum recovering from the wounds and has been there 5 months now. He's just gotten to the point that they wounds are just scar tissue now. He doesn't mind them, seeing as how he already had a few nasty scars before then, with one accident or another, so a few dozen more don't matter.
How long they've been at the asylum: 5 months. 4 and a half of those months he was kept away from the other patients until his scar tissue formed so as to not unduly scare the other patients, so he unofficially arrived only a few weeks ago.
Patient # 128
Screenname: [kay-chan]
Name: Tom
Age: 22
Description: He is six foot, so rather tall, with brown hair that looks just plain unkempt. Tom likes his sunglasses and with them on is convinced he looks like a rockstar-which he does, in the drugged-out, distantly handsome kind of way. He has brown eyes that are oftentimes glazed, with dark rings under them from lack of sleep and exhaustion, so dark as to mimic eyeliner. When Tom isn't giving a crooked smile to random people, he's acting fidgety and staring off into the distance. He is freakishly thin for his height and if one were to take off his shirt, very little muscle mass would be showing. It was better than when he first came here, when Tom looked practically concentration-camp anorexic. He is often listening to music at very high volumes with his large headphones.
Personality: Paranoid, but still hangs out with people, if only to be in a large group and not feel so alone. He finds the oddest things funny and occasionally makes statements that sometimes don't make any sense. Usually, though, if you can get him to explain his transitioning, he can actually connect what he says to the conversation. So basically he acts like a druggie.
Special ability: Tom can alter sound. He can amplify sound or eliminate it, and alter his voice to match those of the people around him, or air-guitar... REALLY well. When he uses his powers, you can see the air in front of the sound source distort, like heat rising from concrete. He only recently realized how to control it, but is still having problems with himself. They've figured out that he probably uses his own energy to alter the kinetic energy of the air molecules, and since he uses his power so often he is always eating but looks almost freakishly thin.
History: Tom was, of course, always the loudest baby in the nursery. He also had quite a musical talent with singing and the guitar at a very early age. Later in life, Tom was checked into a psychiatric ward for trying to kill his flatmate. It turns out several voices had been keeping him up for weeks telling him to kill her for what she had done-which was skip rent for the third month in a row, putting them in danger of being evicted. Tom was diagnosed with a case of schizophrenia and kept in treatments, although the medicine only dulled his habits. After a mild incident with his powers, he was then transferred to the Institute. There, they found out about his ability in more depth, and the fact that his 'voices' were a focus of his power in his inner ear. Tom had actually been hearing auditory voices, not just delusions, but as a function of his subconscious, especially those parts that all people have but most suppress. He still hears the voices but is undergoing massive therapy to deal with his issues. He doesn't get a lot of sleep, as the voices still keep him up, but medication calms him down so he doesn't do what they tell him to do.
How long they've been at the asylum: 2 years.
Screenname: [kay-chan]
Name: Kelly Jackson
Age: 31
Description: She has wispy brown hair pulled back into a tight bun, which many strands escaping and forming thin bangs. She has business-like glasses over narrow green eyes and is routinely seen in a lab jacket over a few scrubs. She's quite pretty but doesn't smile enough to make her inviting or anybody safe to hit on. She's pretty tall, almost six feet, and is lean and muscular, with a body definition that makes her stand out as someone who has a black belt in jujitsu.
Personality: She can be coldly brisk when she's nervous, in a hurry, or angry. Around the patients she likes, though, Kelly can warm up and be almost sociable. However, she does draw the line between patient and friend rather sharply, knowing what happens to those in the asylum and preferring to not associate with them personally, not more than necessary.
Job position: Nurse, usually socializing the inmates (also known as taking data on their condition), patrolling the area, or giving out drugs and IV's when necessary.
History: Kelly has worked in asylums on internships for quite a while, graduating with honors as a nurse and working closely with psychologists. Her experience with asylums and martial arts made her more than qualified for this job position. She accepted as a professional, but became personally intrigued in the people here. She's currently conducting research on the side of the effects of such an unusual situation on the minds of the patients. Of course, she could get fired for this, but she keeps her research hidden in her room, and it's more or less just notes of her experiences... nothing extremely incriminating unless they were looking to fire her anyway. With her ability to defend herself if things got hairy she associates with the patients a lot more than most of the other staff, although she has orders to let the trained guards take over immediately if at all possible.
How long they've been at the asylum: 3 years.
Perfect Bounty
Screenname: [kay-chan]
Name: Tak
Race: Quarter pixie, different species from the fae.
Age: 22
Description: He has a shock of white hair in the front serving as bangs, and the rest of his hair is brightly rainbow colored and swept back into a short hairstyle. Nobody really knows if it’s his natural hair color or not; his ‘mother’ has rainbow hair, but his mother didn’t. You’re welcome to see if the carpet matches the drapery, but he’s not a slut. He’s not terribly tall, 5’5”, and quite scrawny. He has a few piercings on his pointed ears but nothing too much, as the cartilage there is easily weakened. Tak also has shockingly blue eyes. He is not terribly pale but cannot tan to save his life.
Personality: Can get squeaky when he gets nervous, has a tendency to Serious the Fuck Up when on the wrong end of a gun, but he’s also rather ‘whatever’ about the whole bounty thing. Once he figures out how to do it without leaving traces, he’ll hack into the police database and change his bounty, but he gets distracted easily. He’s incredibly intelligent but lacks common sense.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Is very tricky and knows computers like the back of his hand. Can write a program to set a trap in under two minutes on any system. He's not strong and can't fight, he can't even run fast. He also has the power of illusion, like most pixies, and can disguise himself for short amounts of time. However, unlike a full pixie, his illusions can't extend past himself (his surrogate mother could cast a spell that would make a person walk off a cliff happily) and any actual pixie would see through his disguise in a heartbeat.
History: His mother (half-pixie) married a human and had him, but died soon after. Her half-sister (full pixie) took care of him since he was five. Now they look the same age, but that’s what’s fun. He took to computers like a fish to water, and has hacked into major computer banks for funsies, a federal crime. He was never caught for that; what gets him is the one time he was caught counting cards at a casino, but switching disguises like a madman so they never caught him until later. Not technically illegal, but this is a private bounty, not through the typical means.
Bounty Amount: 40k. Wanted ALIVE.
What their rap sheet says: stealing from the casino.
Screenname: [kay-chan]
Name: Edom
Race: Vampire
Age: 54
Description: Short black hair and pale skin. He has brown eyes, but when he’s feeding they switch to blue. He stands at about 5’9” and is rather muscled. He usually has a scar of some sort on his body, but they continue to heal until they disappear, which only takes a few years. He has a black tattoo of a winged, maned dragon breathing fire. It is made of magicked ink and will never fade or be marred by any injury. It is totally covered AT ALL TIMES.
Personality: Kind of a cocky bastard, he’s a little too rash for his own good. He hates Hunted, but he’s still hesitant to kill them, and if they’re on the wrong side of the law for the wrong reason he backs off. It’s probably because he knows the law can be, for lack of a better word, fucked up. He smokes like a chimney and it’s probably just due to his vampiric nature that he doesn’t have cancer or yellow teeth. Yet.
Strengths/Weaknesses: Yes, he’s allergic to silver, and for whatever reason rose thorns cut through his skin like a cleaver through soft butter. Holy water burns his skin but should more be used as a distraction, and crosses/Bibles in the hands of believers do about the same. In the hands of non-believers, it’s a stick and a book. He’s sensitive to light, but often wears sunscreen and sunglasses to counteract that. He actually likes garlic, although too much and the smell is strong. He has sensitive sight, hearing, and smell, is stronger and faster than the average human. He has to feed at least a little every other day or he will start to fade. He can be killed by chopping his head off or draining his blood entirely, but everything else he has a chance of healing from (although he could be on the brink of death for a while). He lacks a strong survival sense.
Weapon of choice: He has a semi-automatic handgun, several knives, and his fangs.
History: He actually has a bounty on him, but nobody knows that. Last time he had a partner was his lover, who was killed by a Hunted. He went after the Hunted only to find out that they were heavily entrenched in the police system, and for whatever reason highly protected. He still went after them, and it ended up that he emerged from the raging inferno of a four-car pile-up, severely burned from head to toe, having just obliterated a good six cops and his bounty. That lead to a famous bounty for the person with a tattoo of a maned dragon on his back-the only detail they could see on his mangled, charred body as he walked away. Of course, they finally deduced that he might be a Hispanic man standing a few inches taller than Edom actually was.
Name: Tucker
Gender: Male
Age: 24, about to turn 25
Occupation: Mechanic (specialty: motorcycles)
Appearance: Has blond hair that's cut short in the back but hangs down in his face, like bangs. Sometimes the bangs get long enough to push behind his ears, but usually they hang free. He has bright green eyes. His face has quite a few piercings (snakebite, tongue, double-eyebrow, and many up and down his ears) but nothing anywhere else. He also has quite a few scars all over his body, but the only one visible with his clothes on is a small scar on his jaw. He's tall, about six foot, and has quite a bit of muscle, although he isn't one of those scary-muscley guys. He usually wears simple clothes, like worn jeans and a t-shirt, but due to female and foster-parental intervention his wardrobe is occasionally classier.
Personality: Typically happy at most times. However, he is an adrenaline junkie and is never more high on life than when he's doing something dangerous. He will sleep with your sister just to see the look on your face (although he'll probably be really nice to her and call her later). He's also not typically the type to settle down. He's bisexual. He's also comfortable enough with himself to cook, and X taught him a whole helluva lot.
Strengths: He's an excellent biker. He can't dance worth a darn unless he's sitting on his bike, Faith, then he's as graceful as they come.
Weaknesses: His impulsive, reckless behavior and sometimes, a lack of social grace. Tucker can have difficulty at times recalling what is socially normal outside of the usual company he keeps. Plus he's a bit too used to one-night stands and nothing else.
History: He and his parents moved to Korea when he was five, and then when he was ten/eleven, his parents died in a tragic car accident. He got injured, but survived. Cain and X, his parent's best friends (and lovers to each other), immediately adopted him, and he lived with them for the next eight or so years. This was how he got involved with the motorcycle gang of which Cain (a lawyer by day) was a leader. (X used to be a famous chef until he got a knife wound across the face, and now nobody will hire him.)
Name: Reed (Real first name: Tobias, last name: Saunders)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Occupation: Student, and member of the Order (as a fire mage)
Appearance: He has long-ish black hair with red streaks dyed in. His hair falls a little past his ears but is usually kind of unruly. He has brown eyes that are usually ringed with a little black, from lack of sleep. He's about 5'7", a full five inches shorter than his boyfriend, and is skinny, although not as bony as the other guy. He usually wears black clothing with maybe a band logo across the chest, looking always ready for either a funeral or a Metallica concert. He looks good in eyeliner and a skirt, although he has to be drunk or under duress for the latter to happen. He has two tongue piercings, an eyebrow piercing, and his ears are pretty much totally pierced. Apparently: he has girlish hips and when he frowns, a little dimple forms between his eyebrows. He can out-cute his boyfriend but has no willpower to even battle.
Personality: A little insecure about his relationship with Doven (vampire), in that he can't believe he could be that lucky (okay, so he's a little cheesy). He doesn't fall in love with a lot of people, and his type is totally unknown, but when he does like somebody he falls hard and fast. He's also generally not smiling, even frowning, but that's cuz he can be an emo bitch. He's fiercely independent and is reluctant to go anywhere for help, plus has a tendency to get easily caught up in the moment and forget the consequences... naturally, he's a magnet for trouble. His fire magic is constantly trying to get him into fights, as it likes a good fight, but he's better than other fire mages at resisting. He would never hurt somebody he cared about, even at serious harm to himself. He's also very much against trying to change people or be changed, due to his last relationship, and for the same reason has a bit of an issue with bottoming, although he's trying to work that out (buuuut so far it absolutely hasn't been an issue). So basically in his new relationship, his boy has problems, but although he will try to be the inspiration for change he's so against forced change that he doesn't even want to mention it. He also has avoidance issues.
Strengths: Has fire magic, and if he were to not be a lazy ass could probably work out with his magic and build it up to maturity far before his time. He can also be smart, although at times that's debatable... He can do other magic, too, but it requires a knowledge of Latin and more focus than usual.
Weaknesses: Reckless and can have a bit of a temper. Is a lightweight. And is definitely not the strongest member in the Order.
History: He had a normal childhood, discovered he was bi at the tail-end of middle school, and has dated/slept with both sexes ever since. He enjoys girls, but could never have a serious relationship with one (he claims there's too much drama, but he's kinda dramatic sometimes). He dated Tynan for a month during the summer before college but never really liked him, and ended up dumping him for a guy (Brian) he totally fell in love with his freshman year. That turned out to be a mistake... Brian verbally and physically abused him, becoming one of those horribly controlling bastards you hear about in soap operas on Oxygen. But Reed loved him, and thought Brian loved him back, so he put up with it for nearly a year. However, Brian yelled at Reed in front of Kat, who finally convinced him to not put up with that shit and dump the bastard. A week later, Brian found Reed at a party, got rejected again, then drugged Reed's drink and raped the boy, violently beating him in the process. Reed got something like a broken arm, a few fractured ribs, a long cut down his back, and numerous bruises, cuts, bite marks, etc (not to mention damage 'down there'). Kat, Tynan and a few of the Elite from the Order found Brian and beat him to within an inch of his life, literally, then erased his memory. So. Anyway. Reed has issues with saying 'I love you' or even hinting at a commitment, although he won't deny Doven as his boyfriend. (He just won't say it himself.) And he might freak out if bottoming. Flashbacks are a bitch.
Name: Kat (it is her real first name, Katherine, shortened)
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Occupation: student, member of the Order, preschool teacher.
Appearance: She has pale skin and chocolate brown hair, usually tied back in a ponytail (and, at the moment, dyed a very dark purple).
Personality: Very straight-forward and rational. She has a tendency to be mother-like and take care of people, but also if anybody's being stupid or not doing things right she will snap at them like they were two (the age group she's used to). She also tries not to judge based on race (vampire or mage) anymore. She can also be sarcastic and will throw anybody to the dogs to help out her best friend, Reed (she knows where her priorities lie).
Strengths: She can make very, very strong barriers as quickly as she thinks about them. She can also move the barriers to expand or contract (for offensive attacks), and make them permeable to different things (magic, sound, etc). She's next trying to make barriers as balls in her hand that she can aim around, but so far she can only form small ones in front of her and can't move them very quickly.
Weaknesses: Other than the barriers, she has no magical ability (besides Communicate, which every mage can do without exception). Also, if she uses her barriers for too long she gets tired (so like an hour or two). There are other limitations on her power for now that she might work on in the future.
History: Her mother is super-conservative and scary-strict. Her family went through a rough patch when she was in middle school, and she spent a couple of years in seedy neighborhoods and horrible apartments. Her mother continually harps on her, calling her a 'slut' (the one insult she won't tolerate even jokingly), and ripped out a cartilage piercing that Kat had gotten once. Her dad's kind of spineless and didn't step in. She's planning on using their money to get through college then disappearing out of their lives and never looking back. Despite all of that she's pretty normal. She is now Reed's best friend. She's known Reed since just before college, and can read him like a book. Her older brother, Cole, was a few crayons shy of a full box... a lot of a crayons shy. The guy liked to find mortals and torture them using his power. Well, Cole hated Reed, and tried to set up this elaborate plot to make it look like a vampire (specifically Doven) tried to attack Reed. Long story short, it ended up with Cole being killed. Strangely, Kat doesn't absolutely hate the vampires (although she'll trust most of them about as far as she can throw them... she's good friends with Beth, though, and kind of also with Doven). She knows Cole went insane under the burden of his magic and was broken beyond repair (and knows that, in his final moments, he realized it as well).
Name: Mel (Short for Melanie, not her real first name, last name: Saunders)
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Occupation: high school student, training in magic
Appearance: She looks a lot like Reed, as she's his little sister and they both inherited their mother's build and facial shape, although her eyes are green like her mothers, her hair a very slightly wavy red. She also doesn't have the boobs of her mom, instead solidly in the B category. She has a few piercings in her ears but nowhere else.
Personality: Very sarcastic and finds life funny except for a few things. She can also be crude and way too sexual for a 16-year-old. Her and Reed are practically best friends, but whenever they talk they refer to each other by insulting names (for instance, 'Slappy McFuckNuts'). She's also very good at keeping secrets, she just doesn't want to at times.
Strengths: She's a universal in magic-she can do every element equally well and is a natural in all of them. She just has to use Latin, which she's fluent in.
Weaknesses: School. In general. She's a class away from dropping out of high school. She's also semi-addicted to various drugs.
History: She grew up with Reed but unlike her brother, she embraced her mother's genes that made the two exceptionally gifted at magic and able to mature at an early age if they worked at it. (Back story: Reed's mother was pushed into reaching her full potential and she didn't want the strain for her own children, so she let Reed choose not to go down that path.) She is now almost better than her parents at magical combat, although they told her she still needs to go to school. She plans on going to a magical academy where they can teach her the rest she needs to know and then give her a job, probably policing the magical world. She has tried most drugs save the really hard shit like heroin, meth, cocaine, anything that has the potential to really fuck you up. She's a fan of Te (a drug that opens up the mage's Third Eye).
Name: Durin
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Occupation: monster hunter with Eban
Appearance: He has dark black, short hair, with pale skin from going out at night all the time... he tans incredibly easily, though. He is built from his earlier hard labor, and has quite a few scars from various jobs. His mouth is usually in a full smile, slightly crinkling up brown eyes. He is quite good-looking, although has a tendency to act like a small dog at times.
Personality: He can be arrogant and cocky but is generally down-to-earth. He has a slight Southern accent that is sometimes exaggerated. He can be clueless and reckless, but he doesn't make the plans, Eban does. He's generally the meat shield and doesn't mind. When he likes someone he is fiercely loyal to them. He is racist against non-humans but only because he really only deals with the normally quite violent and seedy individuals.
Strengths: He is strong and agile, and a very good shot with his gun, Emily. He also knows quite a bit about the different types of monsters and fantasy races.
Weaknesses: Racist, reckless and with no head for planning. Will do anything, including putting himself in danger, to save his friends/lover.
History: He was sort of a delinquent as a kid, never really making close friends in high school and alienating himself from his parents. He barely graduated (or didn't graduate, I forget) and went on to do menial labor, like construction or gardening (he was one of those people standing out on the corner in the morning). One day Eban's older sister picked him up for what he thought was gardening work until she made him put a stake through a vampire's heart (thus covering him in blood because she didn't want to take a shower afterwards). It was in going home with her to pick up his share of the money that he met Eban. Despite having been totally slimed, he was curious about monster hunting, and it turns out it was a family trade. He somehow managed to become Eban's partner and practically one of the family. Eban was the single best friend he's ever had. Of course, it wasn't until much later that he realized he was in love with Eban.
Name: Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 23...?
Occupation: professional part-timer: substitute teacher, bartender, and ghost hunter
Appearance: He is tan with shaggy black hair and dark brown eyes. He is kind of tall and has muscles, but since he doesn't exercise often it's probably genetic. Generally seen with a bored expression, a small smile, or frowning.
Personality: Skeptical of everything non-scientific. He can be very nice but when the subject of ghosts come up he can snap back to brooding in a moment.
Strengths: Very smart when it comes to biology, very nice and a good teacher, an excellent bartender who knows how to treat his regulars, and a good person overall.
Weaknesses: Stuck in a rut and does not react well to change.
History: His mother went crazy with Paranoid Personality Disorder when he was born, and his father left the two of them not too long after. Orion had to fight for his life some nights, as his mother would spend all of their food money on charms to dispel evil spirits or keep him out of the kitchen because the refrigerator was haunted. He learned that if he faked an exorcism then he could convince his mother that the ghosts were gone. He did a lot of research to make it look convincing, and it was pretty much a real exorcism. She had inherited a small fortune from her parents when they died, and when Orion turned 18 he had her committed and she survived off of the money. He put himself almost all the way through college, surviving on bartending and his business for crazy people, ghost hunting. He performed fake exorcisms until he attracted the unwanted attention of Jeron, a ghost who had died at the young age of 19 from poisoning, who latched onto him with intend to annoy Orion into giving up his job but ended up crushing on him instead.
Name: Tad
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Occupation: college student, government research project
Species: ??
Appearance: He is tall, nearly six foot, with shaggy black hair and pale skin. His eyes are totally black and in the dark they glow. He's quite lean but has some muscle tone from running (for the endorphins). When his skin is punctured, it momentarily turns black and then closes in itself like somebody poured plaster into the hole.
Personality: He is bitter and easily critical of his surroundings, especially during change. In high school, he was quite happy with his friends, although he had few who would accept his eyes (he just told them it was a genetic disorder). He hates being different and continues to feel different, even when surrounded with mutants like him. He always feels distant from the human race in general for reasons he can't fathom.
Strengths: He cannot be hurt with objects from this dimension. If an object from the other plane of existence falls into his life, someone can fashion it as a weapon and actually do damage to him. He has only twice been physically hurt. He's gay but keeps it a secret; he doesn't want to be any more different than he already is.
Weaknesses: He occasionally has headaches that can leave him bedridden for days. Endorphins from sex or exercise help them, as well as being able to see the stars. Painkillers have no effect on him.
History: His mother swears that she had him normally, but she told him in confidence when she was drunk once that she was barely even pregnant with him... One night she felt something collide into her and the next thing she knew she was giving birth. She's managed to convince herself otherwise, but Tad knows she's lying to herself and everyone. He feels like he fell out of some rip in time or something and she was part of his vessel, and that he's only 'playing' human. He gets intense headaches on occasion but can't do much about them except try and prevent them; painkillers don't work, the only thing that does is endorphins and being able to see the stars. And when scientists try to take blood samples (which they can only do rarely, depending on his body's 'mood') it's only human blood about a third of the time. The rest of the time it's just random proteins or unidentifiable goop. He thinks his body is just attempting to imitate his surroundings. He also gets the feeling that he has some sort of untapped potential but of course has no idea what it is.
Name: Ken Laber
Gender: Male
Age: 28 (?)
Occupation: FBI Agent
Appearance: He has short blond hair that has the tendency to look slightly tousled, as if he is permanently around affectionate aunts. Ken has sharp green eyes that catch almost everything, and is tall and lean, about 5'10". He eats like a bird most of the time so he's rather skinny. He tries to stay in shape but doesn't as much as he should.
Personality: Very cocky and kind of a jerk, he messed with people's heads if they take things too seriously. He's usually only sarcastic if a) he hates you or b) you amuse him, or he kind of likes you. And trust you me, there's a difference. However, he smiles easily and is never one to push people away. He can be a charming bastard, though. He doesn't begrudge people their success just because he had an unlucky life.
Strengths: He's been trained as an FBI agent, meaning he's super-observant, knows quite a few fighting styles, is a good shot, and can speak at least three languages. Which, of course, is awesome, seeing as how he's only been an agent for about 6 years. He is known for his charming personality and people sometimes still talk around the water cooler about the situations he talked his way out of.
Weaknesses: Is stubborn and can be oblivious when it comes to personal relationships.
History: He was always an orphan, and grew up in various foster homes before settling with a foster mother (who he hasn't spoke to since he was 19). She was lax in watching him, so he mostly grew up on the streets, barely getting through high school mostly with a lack of interest, not because he wasn't smart (if he had done the homework he would have probably gotten straight A's). When he was 21, he slept with some mob boss' daughter and was going over to beg the guy to not kill him when he overheard a hushed FBI meeting to get some documents out of the same guy's office. So he went in, sweet-talked his way to the office, and got the very important documents. The FBI lead agent on the team, Griffin, was pissed but impressed that he infiltrated a building they had spent months getting into, so he helped Laber get a job with them. Laber had to turn his back on his street life, which occasionally means arresting old friends. Which sucks, but that's the way it is; you gotta roll with the punches.
Name: Fen
Gender: Male
Age: really freaking old
Occupation: earth spirit; protector of his forest
Species: earth spirit!
Appearance: He is tall and built, with dark tan skin and dreadlocks that just hit his shoulders. He has markings on his chest and shoulders. His hair, eyes and markings change in color every time he transforms. He usually wears leather, brown pants a shade darker than his actual skin. He can transform into any animal.
Personality: He's a very practical individual, if a bit horny, and naturally adopts nature's various philosophies. He doesn't tie anybody to him but often takes a mate. He appreciates death as much as life, but also the fight for life. He also lives in the present, but sometimes plans for the future. Fen is generally a happy, gentle person, but get on his bad side and you will have nature's fury on your ass.
Strengths: He can change into any animal and make plants grow. He's not immortal per se, but if he dies he will be reborn in his forest.
Weaknesses: He has to obey the laws of nature, including death and rebirth, although he's not bound to die. If he's off his land his powers decrease dramatically and he has to eat often, or else he will just fall down and be unable to move until his brothers take pity on him... which doesn't often happen (obviously they're territorial).
History: Born with the forest, die with the forest. It's too early in the game for his life to be threatened by deforestation, but he accepts humans and often helps them with agriculture and similar problems.
Name: Shane
Gender: Male
Age: twenty
Occupation: student; does some retail stuff for his dad.
Appearance: He is 5'10" with a slight build but good muscle tone. His hair is cut at an angle, with his bangs being down almost to his shoulders, the back of his hair being at his ear-level. His hair is a dark brown with natural red highlights, and his eyes are a chocolate brown, at a slight Asian tilt but too large to be fully Asian. His eyebrow is double-pierced and he had five piercings up the side of each ear. His features are slightly feminine in the sense that he looks somewhat fragile, but he's a scrappy one and knows how to throw a punch. His clothes vary based on his mood.
Personality: Shane is often seen with a wide smile. He is outgoing and friendly, and it is not unlike him to kidnap a new person for a day of fun. He can be flighty but not when it's something important. It's hard to get on his bad side, but once you're there, you're pretty much there for life unless you beg at his feet. He often switches into drama mode, being a theater major, but it's somehow not cheesy on him to randomly overact situations. He's also kind of a slut. He's careful, and not ashamed of it at all, but sex isn't a big deal to him.
Strengths: He's a theater major and art minor, and is talented in both subjects. In his other classes, he pays attention and understands the majority of the subject being taught. He's open-minded and flexible, which get him out of tough situations. Good public speaker, obviously. And good with people, generally.
Weaknesses: If it doesn't pertain to theater he really doesn't care that much about it. In the case of everything except art, he honestly doesn't give half a shit about it. He's afraid of commitment.
History: He has a Chinese mother and Irish father, so his hapa characteristics come out visibly and culturally. In public he acts like a typical American teenager, but in his home he conforms to a loud family. He has four younger siblings, eight-year-old twins, twelve-year-old sister, and a one-and-a-half-year-old adopted cousin-slash-brother. Shane has an older brother, but the guy abandoned the family the moment he turned eighteen. Shane is convinced he's off addicted to crack or dead in a gutter by now, although he wasn't that bad. To Shane, family is a huge part of his life, and to leave without saying goodbye is a major sin. Shane had a boyfriend when he was in highschool, and thought they were in love, and lost his virginity to the guy, to find out that he was the other man and he had been living two years of a lie. At the end of it, the guy said "It was just sex." This kind of turned Shane into a slut. And he also suddenly became a lot better at reading people.
Name: Jules Prentice (the last name of his last foster parents)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Occupation: whatever he can do. Usually involves his athletic prowess.
Race: White.
Appearance: He is tall and lean, but with enough muscles to classify him as a hardcore skater, runner, biker... He definitely works out. Jules' natural hair color is a honey-brown, but at the moment it's dyed bright frickin' blue and shaved into a mohawk. He has a few cuts, but keeps his shirt on at all times in front of other people to hide the large 'X' scar on his back. It is thick and gnarly, but looks old. Jules has many piercings, all up both ears, two in his lips that he doesn't often keep in, same with his nose, three total in his eyebrows and one nipple piercing. Just because.
Personality: He is a very mellow person, and doesn't often get angry, not even if injured or robbed. It's bad enough so that it might be a personality defect of his. There is only one thing that Jules will get pissed about: the abuse of children or animals, but mostly children. And although he doesn't seem like the type of person to be good at fighting, when he's pissed, Jules can kick serious ass.
Strengths: Excellent strength, hand-eye coordination, and ties in the Outsider community.
Weaknesses: Only so-so with computers in the age of cyberpunk, poor, and he seems too trusting of strangers. Never went to school past freshman year of high school, so he isn't great at math and general knowledge (although he can read better than the average college student). Has a slight drug problem.
History: He had a mom and a half-sister, the dads both having left them right after pregnancy got obvious. His mother was a single mother and crazy; not like the 'ha ha she so CRAZY' but like the 'flip out one night and nearly kill her children' crazy. Jules was 9 when he was tied to a table leg and had a deep 'X' cut into his back with a broken bottle as his mother told him calmly that he was unwanted. His screams made the neighbors call the police, in time to pull the mother off of his sister, who only got one line of an X. He still had to watch, too weak to do anything, as his sister nearly bled to death, screaming and shit. Which explains why he's violent against people who are violent to children. Jules survived, and nobody really told him what happened to his sister before he was shunted off to foster homes. Which is usually a mess of fucked-up. He lost himself in transit around his 14th birthday and ended up in the ghetto, where Jules somehow made it. He came out of it with a slight drug addiction but he was a bigger adrenaline junkie, and had his own place and everything.
Rian Kerr
Age: 24
Race: were... and he'd rather not say of what.
Occupation: teacher
Description: Although he's almost fresh out of his credentialing program, he carries himself like someone much older, and though he doesn't look it, the way he acts causes people to misinterpret his age all the time. Mr. Kerr stands at 5'10", but can look down his nose at a person of any height. He has light red hair and blue eyes, but he makes his eyes a light brown with contacts, because he is contrary. Without his contacts, or his square glasses, he is fairly blind. His build is almost willowy, and while he's weak, he knows how to move around. Mr. Kerr is an expert chess player and in real life refuses to get backed into any corners. And shhhh, he has a Celtic tattoo on his hip. His skin is pale. He is Irish. If he goes out into the sun he catches on fire. ...and if he stays out too long, Mr. Kerr starts to develop freckles and his hair can bleach out. It is amusing and he hates it. ...he is also a were-Pomeranian, one of the light brown/blond variety. If you find out, even accidentally, he might have to kill you to keep his secret. He /hates/ yappy dogs, but when a were bites you, a were bites you.
Personality: You may refer to him as Mr. Kerr. You cannot call him by his first name. You cannot go "awww, speak Irish to me!" He will not speak Gaelic with you. His American accent is flawless, and is probably better than your's. You cannot question his knowledge.
...basically he's kind of a stuck-up jerk. Or rather, that's the facade he puts on. Really, he's just stuck-up. He's fair in grading and will give extra credit. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. By which I mean he makes you clean his lab while he drinks coffee and grades papers, and if you try to cross to his side of the desk he hits you with a ruler, and not in the fun way. If a student fails his class, it's because they didn't try and didn't come to him for help. But his homework is tough as nails. And he's kind of brilliant when it comes to biology, which is why this specialty school hired him, with a near-photographic memory for his favorite subject. If you get him into the topic he'll actually flush and his eyes will sparkle and it's the closest thing he comes to being adorable.
Since he is under thirty, clubbing is still on his agenda. Tight-fitting shirts and jeans, collars, fedoras... yeah, he looks good, and mmmm can he /move/ those hips. He just doesn't tell any of the kids that he has a life outside of the school.
History: Mr. Kerr is legitimately Irish, actually from Ireland, and more specifically from Kilbarry, close to Cork. He moved to study at Uni for his biology degree and subsequent teaching credential, finishing up the units to get a specialty credential in non-western study not too long after. And yes, he got rid of his accent, unless he's talking with his family (one remaining sister living in the outskirts of Dublin).
Other information: He only changes to Pom once a month. He's sure he could do it more often if he tried but NO /YOU/ THINK ABOUT IT GET THE HELL OFF MY INTERNET.
Name: Lance of Clan (unpronounceable noises)
Age: Pretty old, but physically 18. Looks 14.
Sex: Male.
Species: Dragon
Transportation & Occupation: Wings. Back in his clan, he is being groomed to be a warrior, despite his size.
Description: Lance has dark brown eyes that are large and seem to melt, and stands at the less-than-impressive height of 4'11" and a half. His human height corresponds to his dragon size, which means he is a helluva lot smaller than most of the male dragons in his clan, which is known for their size. He also appears WAY more physically delicate. Lance has dark green hair, the same color as the stripes that run along his black body as a dragon, falling in place perfectly. He also has kissable lips and a perfectly formed face, which matched with his slender, androgynous body makes him seem almost girl-like. He knows that the right pout can make many a strong man fall to his knees. The wings that form from his back seem thin, and are usually kept folded up against him, but they are powerful and can break bones. His tail is the same, and was desensitized at birth to be used as a weapon, although it is thinner than other dragon's tails. He has impressive canines that he doesn't care to shrink. His dragon-form is about the size of a horse.
Personality: Lance can affect a helpless air when violence won't help him solve a problem, and often when he's just hanging around, he seems cute and defenseless. That is 100% a mask. Underneath, he is cold and a little sadistic, using force to get his way at every possible--and he's smart enough to know when to take small defeats to keep the peace. Lance is basically going to school to see how people and the hominids interact for the betterment of his clan, as their territory is shrinking every day from the actions of the humans.
He has a 100% dominant personality type. He's also extremely territorial; once he sees something as 'his' he will protect it with his life. However, the rights of mates in his clan means that he would never harm his mate, not with the intent to do real serious damage.
History: He grew up in his clan, which has a notoriously slow rate of body growth. He is physically a teenager, but mentally beyond most of the people at the school. The clan sent out scouts, and he is specifically there to study non-human interaction with humans and strange animals, to see if the dragons could make an alliance with them, and just how to go about doing that.
Other information: He could make his wings and tail disappear, or make his canines not so sharp, but that's no fun.
Abilities: He can fly even in human form, has /super-human strength./ His spit is a numbing agent and he can perform small healing magic.
Name: Emz Rayne (His name is Emmerson, but he doesn't like it, so Emz is a nickname). His shadow has a name: Wagner.
Age: 18
Sex: Male.
Species: Human... probably.
Sexual Orienation: Whatever.
Description: Your typical punk-ish type, with eyebrow, ear, and lip piercings, plus less-often seen tongue, nipple... and one Prince Albert, long since healed. He has rich brown hair that gets into his eyes occasionally when it isn't gelled into a fauxhawk or something less loose. He has one blue eye and one brown, which he covers with sunglasses to be difficult. His body is relatively built, for an eighteen-year-old, nothing too impressive but enough to warrant a little thought before picking on him. Emz usually wears whatever's comfortable, which includes a lot of black, because he's too lazy to match anything else.
He also has a very odd shadow that sometimes forms a thin form that has long, odd-shaped ears and claws. The shadow forms eyes and a mouth, usually grinning, and can take solid form as well.
Personality: Mostly a good boy, but he's kind of sullen and a troublemaker. Nothing malicious, but he obviously doesn't pay attention in class. He's at the school because nobody knows what his shadow is, and if he had any say in the matter, Emz would have dropped out. He's not dumb--in fact, he's brilliant when it comes to music, playing any sort and having a good singing voice. Emz had actually been something of a child prodigy, but his parents died in a car crash and his foster parents couldn't shell out the money to get him well-known. Still, even if he's never practiced, he can figure out a new instrument in a few hours and can play anything he's ever touched. He just refuses, most times.
Although he won't go out of his way to cause trouble, his shadow often calls out suggestions for him to do just that, horrible things, goading him and tricking him to get in trouble.
History: His parents died in a car crash when he was seven, which ended his previously impressive music lessons. It also marked the start of his new shadow. It's hard to tell if the thing is a manifestation of his subconscious or a demon that possessed him, but exorcisms don't work, and if it's Emz' real mind... that's rather scary. Mostly because Wagner is a perverted SOB that always thinks of violence as the first viable solution. However, Wagner mostly obeys direct orders from Emz (which are few and far between) and acts as a defense mechanism. Wagner is also probably the cause of Emz' current drug addiction. The guy has a dark little raincloud around constantly, and thus shoots up or snorts or smokes anything he can get his hands on. In this school, it's not much. Sigh.
Other information: Has a very high pain tolerance. Hasn't manifested any other ability to control other shadows.
Abilities: Controlling Wagner and having a demonic shadow. Also, he's rather strong.
Likes: Quiet, chatting with people back home, playing guitar in the streets for change. He likes hanging around people if they know how to be quiet, or at least don't bother him when he is silent. The 'loud' he likes includes rock concerts or dance halls, but not a lot of talking.
Dislikes: Public speaking, people staring at him when he's playing something, disappointing others (so he does this by keeping people's hopes about him low).
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