Page name: Kaylyne Arim'Yanath [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-05-11 06:55:29
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Done by [The Chronicles of Faelan]
Full name: Kaylyne Arim’Yanath
Age: 916
Race: Elf (Moon/Forest)
Class: Rogue/Assassin
Family: Faelan (Half brother), Niedan (Younger brother), Nieda (Younger sister), Naedalian (Now known as Naedan, Brother), Nieriel, (Sister in law), Gaedan (Husband), Tytherameir, (Half brother), Cadence (Father), Lithia (Mother), Theadrick (Son, Youngest child), and Rathiel (Daughter, Eldest child).
Marital status: Married
Children: 2
Weapon/s of choice: Fist weapons, short blades, (daggers mostly), ranged, (crossbow, throwing daggers, darts, bows etc).
Combat skills: Ranged, close+ light combat. Martial-arts.
History: First married at the age of one hundred to a man she never loved, she has had the chance to experience life to the full, been involved in several battles to protect her home land. Never got to know her brother Naedan, and never wanted too, knowing he was evil and had kidnapped her eldest half brother. Her mother gave birth to Kaylyne shortly after marrying Cadence of Faelan Careen. Born and raised in the moon elf city, many had come to accept her half breed traits, and had learned to befriend her.
At a later age, she is married to Gaedan, and has two children, Rathiel, her eldest child, and only daughter ten years after second her marriage. Theadrick her youngest child and only son was born seven hundred and six years later.
At a later age she meets Faelan for the first time, and spends amble time with him, getting to know him. He teaches her many techniques involving combat, and his own style of martial arts.
Later she and her family, leave their home land, and follow Faelan and his wife Nieriel on an adventure, and begin to enjoy life outside their grove.
Appearance: Long black and blond hair which glows a rare violet colour in the moonlight. Skin colour a very pale tan of brown, eye colour a bright silvery blue, a silvery blue new-moon lines her left eye blending in with them and the picture of a vine lines her spinal column. A magically enchanted tattoo of an eagle lining her left shoulder-blade painted using two rare liquefied metals, summons a silver eagle when the magic word is spoken. 
She stands 5’3ft tall and weighs less than 50lbs.
Personality: Very kind, caring and fun loving with an open mind, she enjoys spending time with her half brother Faelan, loves her husband and two children, and is very protective of them.
In combat is very aggressive, and hard to manipulate. She is easily attached to lovers, siblings and children. Also slightly stubborn and at times can be rather seductive.
Pets: Tempes, (a silver eagle lined with various golden feathers) summoned from a tattoo lining her left shoulder-blade (Carmanictie), Chimera (A silver and white wolf, also known as the pack leader) summoned from a magical ring lined with etches of the silver wolf, also needs a magic word to summon, (Farthemitheas).

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