Page name: Lady Katryna Deveriux [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-09-30 15:49:05
Last author: Eyden13
Owner: Eyden13
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This is my character for the RP The Land of Belatona

Lady Katryna Deveriux

Race: Druid
Rank Holy Mother
Age unknown
Personality: She is warm and kind towards animals and nature; however, she's icy cold and frosty towards humans and others. She loves to learn new information and material, causing her to love the title of being Holy Mother. Nothing means more to her than the history of the land. although, she is shrewd, hostile, and isolated herself from humanity in the far reaches of nature, she will help those in need who come looking for answers.
Description: Pale, porcelain skin with bright, crystal blue eyes. Long wavy hair that is pitch black. She usually wears a white long, flowing dress that has long sleeves, leaving her shoulders bare except for the straps which hold the dress up. In addition, she has soft, white slipper like shoes. She is slender and angular features with a pointy noise that holds a pair of black rectangular wire rimmed glasses.
Marks: one tattoo of a celtic crescent moon on the base of her neck
Weapon: A long 5'ft staff with a crescent moon on top.
Abilities: . Able to talk to animals, powers over earth, and photographic memory.
Traits Callous, Shrewd and Intelligent
History: She grew u in a forest many years ago; however, during the dark times her parents were killed by Alekai, which left her deeply angered at humanity and society. AS a result she has isolated herself away with the knowledge of the world instead of living among others.


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Character of Eyden
The Land of Belatona

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2010-09-30 [Flisky]: Pick one element, please. (You can specialize, but I would prefer only one element.)

2010-09-30 [Eyden13]: hmmm. Which would be better earth or water?

2010-09-30 [Flisky]: I think Earth, given her abilities. But if you want to be a healer, then water. (Though Zen is already a healer, but meh.)

2010-09-30 [Eyden13]: I'll go with earth. healing people isn't exactly her forte

2010-09-30 [Flisky]: Perfect then. ^_^

2010-09-30 [Eyden13]: Yay!

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