Page name: Lakota Damarie [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-04-05 03:21:47
Last author: Synirria
Owner: Synirria
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Username: [Synirria]

Name: Lakota Damarie

Sex:  Female

Age: 22

Wolf form:  Lakota’s eyes are a cobalt blue, very piercing! Her coat is black with patches of brown mixed in. Her underside is just a slight shade lighter, but not by much. Her paws are white, signifying booties. Her coat is VERY thick and beautiful. Her tail is the same shade as her coat until you reach the tip, which is white just like her ‘booties’. She is a very strong creature, muscular, stronger than most male wolves, and extremely fast.

Humanoid form: Lakota’s skin color is very tan, showing off her Native American descent. Her eyes are Cobalt blue. Her normal fashion is darker clothing, normally black flared out jeans and any sort of black shirt. Her favorite shoes are her black combat boots. Her hair is black and very thick. Normally it’s braided and if not, it tumbles down past her butt. You will some times catch her in true leather's past down by her family. Beads strung in her hair and moccasin's on her feet. 

Opinion on humans? : Lakota’s opinion of humans is sketchy. She was raised with a little boy who would kick and hit her. But his mother was the most amazing person who ever walked the earth. So she tends to get first impressions before jumping to conclusions.

Personality: Lakota is very spunky and energetic. At times she can have an attitude but it doesn’t last long. When she begins to care about someone she grows very protective of them.

Brief History: Lakota was born on an Indian reservation but wasn’t able to stay long for it was ransacked by a local city gang and everyone but her was murdered. At a young age she took to the streets and was found in the backyard of some families’ residence. The young woman tried coaxing her out with trust but soon had to result to food. Being as hungry as she was, Lakota gave in and soon became part of the family. She lived with this family up until her late teens. Unfortunately the young boy of the household didn’t care for dogs and so he would kick and beat her. One day while the family was away she ran and began to live on the streets once again.

Current status: For the past 2 years, Lakota has been living on the streets, slowly building up enough money to get her own place. As of lately she has heard of other packs roaming the streets as well, but she isn’t sure she could bare being with another pack when her old one was lost in such brutality.

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