Portfolio Contest|Writing Portfolio|[Chimes]|Chimes Portfolio
Photography and Graphics by [Chimes]. Banner Pending.
It’s not fun, you know, beavering away day after day and night after night, hankering for something that is just out of your reach. It is especially not-fun for someone who is only six centimetres tall, precisely. It’s a wonderful height, to be sure, when you do not wish to reach high places and see tall things… or even big things, or even little things, really. Six centimetres really isn’t that big at all. Well, I suppose it could be big for an ant or a beetle but I’m not an ant, or a beetle. Or a ladybug, I wouldn’t mind being a ladybug, if I were destined to be a bug. But I’m not.
You see, I am a Leafgatherer. A forest sprite, an unlucky one at that. There are forest sprites the size of the greatest oak in the forest, the Treetamers. How I would love to be a Treetamer... but, no, I am stuck with the gathering of leaves. It's a natural job, one built for my kind but why do I have to be fated to do it? I will tell you. I'm cursed - that has to be it. I was never a very helpful sprite, when I was taller, before I had been given my task. See, we're not always small or tall. We're normal size up until the day that the forest gods decide our set places and duties.
I was given this. Of all of the chores of the forest, I get leafgathering. Why do they even need to be gathered? Wouldn't it be more practical for someone who is substantially taller to take on this precious job? Honestly, I don't see the point.
I don't even have wings! So, I have to trudge around the forest on these tiny, little legs picking up leaves with these tiny, little hands. I'll tell you what isn't tiny, my brain. My brain is anything but small.
Oh, look... a butterfly. Isn't it sweet? I love the little twitters, I do. Where was I?
My brain. Yes, well. It's a brain. We're all born with one. Mine is bigger than that which would fit in my body. I keep it safe, though. I don't let it get damaged, this imaginary brain of mine. Don't think the power behind it isn't real, it is. It just...
Why is that leaf brown? It’s not Autumn yet! They're doing this to get me, I know it. Maybe, I can convince one of the higher spirits to turn me into a ladybug. I like ladybugs. But I'm not a lady. Or a girl.
It's only natural, I guess. This dislike of my size, maybe, if I were taller I would hate it too. But this job, this silly duty...
Well, I'd better get on with it.
Oh, by the way, my name is Bud, Bud Leafgatherer. And I am not happy.

Portfolio Contest|Writing Portfolio|[Chimes]|Chimes Portfolio