Page name: Learn to Fly [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-08-18 03:05:33
Last author: Kbird
Owner: ancienteye
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Learn to Fly

A Side RP to Undead Zoo!

"There you are! I was getting worried." Betty smiled in relief.

"I'm sorry, Betty! We just had to say some goodbyes..." Yue chirped nervously.

"And a robber to take with us." Soron added.

"Oh Jonathon, so you visited Isaac?" Betty asked eyeing Jonathon's bag.

"You knew about him? But it wasn't in Isaac's records!" Yue blinked.

"Oh he was one of my patients after he tried stealing medical supplies~" Betty hummed as Jonathon looked nervously at Betty.

"Oh! How nice~" ^-^

"Wait..are you saying you...ahh..never mind." Soron shook his head deciding it was to unlikely.

Yue blinked curiously at Soron.

Soron noticed Yue's look and whispered to her. "I think Betty was saying that she put him in the hospital."

"Why? Was he ill?"

"I have a feeling that he was perfectly fine...before coming across Betty." Soron whispered back as Betty grinned.

"Now, why would I do a thing like that?" Betty hummed.

"Yeah. Betty doesn't hurt people~" Yue chirped.

"Ye-yes she does....." Jonathon ddt looking scared as he glanced at Betty.

Yue blinked at Jonathon. "Why would she? Betty's a healer! She doesn't have a violent bone in her body~"

"Oh dear, I think the medicine made him delusional~" Betty said seeming slightly hurt by Jonathon.

Yue gave Jonathon what was perhaps meant to be a glare, but seemed more confused then angry. (Can she glare? I mean, I never actually tried to picture it...)

"Wh-what was that?" Jonathon asked confused.

"...Um..." Yue blinked. "Never mind." >__>

"You tried dear~ …So are you two packed?"

"Yes, Betty~ I even packed those lighter tops you bought me in case it's warm."

"Good! Are you still nervous?"

"Deathly." ^_^"

"Oh don't worry everything will go over beautifully~" Betty hummed.

"If you say so..." Yue glanced around. "Shouldn't there be a van or something...?"

Betty smiled with a wink. "Soron knows the car you'll be taking~"

Yue blinked at Soron. "Is there something special about it?"

"I-it's the first car I learned to drive in...Betty's old car." Soron explained.

"Oh, cool!" Yue chirped with a grin.

"I'm so proud of you two!!" Betty cooed as she hugged Yue and Soron.

"Thank you, Betty~" Yue hugged Betty back.

"I-is it really something to be proud of?" Soron asked.

"Of course! My lil hermit babies are growing wings and flying out of their lab!"

Yue began twisting her ring nervously as she released the hug.

"What's wrong dear?" Betty asked looking a little worried.

"I'm really leaving my lab for two whole months..."

"My-my machines...are you sure...they'll be able to run without me?"

"I already told you~ that's all taken care of, and this will help your work in the long run!" Betty reassured.

"I don't understand how..."

"Don't worry, you will."

"If you say so, Betty." Yue chirped, still sounding a little unsure.

"I do have something for you two...since it's your first time I wont throw you out completely." Betty laughed holding out two cell phones.

Yue let out a happy chirp as she took one of the cell phones. "Oh, thank you!"

"Wow cool!" Soron replied happily taking the phone.

"Your welcome~ Isaac and I's numbers are already on them."

"Do I get one?" Jonathon asked smiling.


"She didn't even know you were coming with us, Jonathon. Betty isn't in the habit of carrying spare phones~" Yue chirped, all hostility she might have felt completely forgotten.

"Okay... I guess I'm fine with being forgotten~" Jonathon hummed.

" should get going soon."

"Oh! Right. Do you have the keys, Soron?"

Betty held up some keys and Soron took them as he turned around. "Now I do."

Yue offered him a shaky smile. "Then we best get this over with~"

"One last hug~" Betty chimed hugging them.

Yue hugged Betty tightly, not wanting to let go.

Betty kept the hug for a long while before finally letting go.

"I-I'll see you again, Betty..."

"Of course." Betty replied kissing her forehead.

Yue gave Betty a slightly teary-eyed smile before turning to Soron. "Let's get going..."

Soron nodded as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder to help comfort her as he walked.

Yue leaned a little on Soron as she composed herself.

"Don't worry, things will be fine." Soron whispered.

"I know..." Yue smiled at Soron and continued walking with him.

"Here we are." Soron said stopping in front of a black car (Looked some what like the 2013 Chevy Impala).


"Yep!!" Soron replied popping the trunk.

"It looks very well-maintained~" Yue chirped.

"It is, Betty lets me do updates and repairs to it." Soron replied putting their suitcases in the trunk.

"Wow~ Looks like your very good at what you do~" Jonathon hummed looking the car over.

"He's the best at what he does~" Yue chirped proudly.

"Thanks.." Soron hummed as he reached for Jonathon's bag.

"Oh I'll keep this up front with me....." Jonathon hummed climbing into the back of the car.

"Alright~" Yue hummed as she put her own luggage in the trunk.

Soron shut the trunk after she was done and went to the drivers seat.

Yue climbed into the front passenger seat.

"Bye, bye...facility..." Soron said giving the facility a wave before turning on the car.

"Bye...." :/

"This really is your first time leaving isn't it~?" Jonathon asked trying not to show his amusement.

"No we left once before..."

"But it was only for a few hours..."

"Exactly! By the time I was twelve I had run away eight times!"

Yue blinked. "Really? Why?"

"Tsk my parents were nightmares!"

"What did they do?"

"They where perfectionist.....If we didn't get something right the first time we'd have to study it for eight hours with only one twenty minute break...which would be shortened if we ate faster."

"Um..." Yue was unsure how to respond. That was how she spent her childhood willingly!

"Oh..... that's bad...."

"=___= was worse if you didn't do it right a second time..."

"What happened then?"

"Well since I was with dad, he'd lock me in the black room for three days only coming to feed me. >__>"

Yue had a horrified expression at this.

Soron looked shocked.

"Tsk I shouldn't have told anything, sorry kiddos~"

"It's...I just...I'm used to reading that sort of thing on paper, not hear it out loud..."

"Yeah...and...Isaac never seemed.."

"Understandable... you're good kids that have spent your lives walled up in a facility." Jonathon shrugged.

"Why do I suddenly feel...overpampered..." Yue murmured to Soron.

"Maybe we have been pampered...." Soron replied, understanding how she felt.

"I knew things were tough out there, but..."

"Maybe this trip really will be good for us..." Soron thought aloud.

"It should give us more perspective." Yue agreed.

"Yeah......just how much...have we been sheltered from..?" Soron replied.

"We'll have to find out!"


"You two bounce back quickly~" Jonathon chuckled.

"Why wouldn't we?"

"Most people aren't so good about bouncing back."

"Oh..." Yue blinked.

"I thought it was normal..." Soron said quietly.

"It seems like people would be really sad if they don't though..."

"They are. Most people are fairly miserable right now~" Jonathon stated nonchalantly.

"Oh..." Yue chirped sadly.

"Yeah..but that's where we come in, as a government agent we make a pledge to protect and serve the innocent. We try making as many people happy as possible." Soron hummed proudly.

"I....I can't really do that without the lab!" >.<

Soron slumped back. "TT~TT Yeah...."

"...Betty wouldn't send us off without a purpose, right? Her family's there, so..."

"RIGHT!" Soron agreed.

"So we'll be fine~" ^-^

"Yeah....Wait...NO!! Her granddaughters are there!" Soron said stopping his foot before it hit the brakes.

"That doesn't mean she's trying to set you up with them..." >___>

"No, setting us up was probably the whole point of this!" >:[

"For an entire month?"

"Probably." Soron replied.

"...D-don't you think she'd at least want to be closer so that she could take pictures? She does that a lot..." >___>

"She's probably in the trunk or something!" >:o

Yue gave a chirping laugh. "Ok~ Now you're just being silly! We would have noticed that."

"It's Betty....nothing is impossible."

"But it /is/ highly improbable!" Yue turned to face Jonathon in the back. "Right?"

Jonathon was wide eyed and trembling as he looked around. O.O "It's Betty....improbable is her forte."

"Alright. So what if she's in the trunk and this is all some big scheme to set us up with her grandchildren? What's the worst that can happen?"

"You don't understand you've never been on a date with..... them.... It is the most terrifying thing in the world!"

"You've survived it before! And I'll be there for back-up this time!"

"R-right!" Soron agreed nervously.

Yue reached to turn on some music, hoping to cut the tension a little.

O.O "What sort of music is this?" Jonathon asked shocked at the small girl that just turned on this music.

"Alternative rock~ It's got a nice beat, huh?" XP

"I like this?"

"This band is in my top ten!" :D "Why?"

"Interesting..." Jonathon replied surprised.

"It rocks!" XD Soron agreed.

"See~? Even Silent Soron likes this one!" Yue chirped happily.

"I see....."

"...Would you prefer something else?" :/

"No, no this is fine, I just didn't think you'd be into this type of music."

"People keep saying that...I don't know why..."

"It's more edgy..."

"'Edgy'?" Yue echoed with a blink.

"Umm...never mind."

Yue blinked, clearly confused.

"Most people realize you're a sweet girl so they expect you to listen to the teenie bop crap." Soron exsplained

"I didn't realize kindness was inversely proportional to good taste in music." e___e

"It shouldn't be..." Soron replied.

"Betty might have mentioned it if it was. She's always telling me about recent psychological polls~"

"Yeah, she tells me stuff about new mechanics and machines~" Soron hummed.

"She said something about cloning advancements the other week..."

"Ooh~ I've actually been dabbling a bit in a clone machine blueprints.."

"All it would really take is an egg and/or sperm, a way to monitor and influence the genetic attributes of the chromosomes...Perhaps a particular incubator that can supply nutrients topically or directly into the digestive system..."

"It has a lot of workings and a lack of volunteers." Soron pouted.

"I volunteer, of course~"

"Okay now I just need people to give me supplies! .... TT~TT No one wants to..."

"We must build our own!" XO

"Okay! I think we can pull it off in two months time! >:D"

"...But we're away from our lab for the month." TT~TT

"I can get parts from the junk yard.... plus.. I kinda sorta took some stuff with me. >____>"

"We'll have to keep it portable so what we have so far will come with us at the end of the month..."

"That's going to be the hardest part I think..."

"But possible! We just have to leave the more delicate work for the second month~!"

"Yeah! We can do this!"

"Yeah~!" XD

"And with your help it will go much faster!"

"Between the two of us, it will be in working condition in no time!" :D

"I could help if you'd like~" Jonathon said from the back.

"Really?" Yue chirped happily, twisting in her seat to see him, again.

"Yeah, I dabble in making stuff sometimes, I might be able to help~" Jonathon replied smiling.

"Oh, thank you!" :D

"You're quite welcome~"

"What kind of stuff do you usually make?"

"Medical equipment....a few weapons..."

"Perfect~!" Yue chirped.

"This will be fun~" Soron hummed.

"How much farther?"

"Still quite some ways....I'd suggest getting a nap in, Since your not going to see anything of interested for miles."

"I'm too nervous to sleep." >.<

"Hahaha you're already nervous? Imagine when we get into town!" Soron chuckled.

"Please don't do that..."

"Fine, fine~" Soron chuckled.

Yue smiled weakly at Soron's chuckle.

"Oh don't worry Yue, we already mentioned that Betty's family will probably be watching us."

"That's what I'm worried about!" DX "I'll say something stupid..."

"You, say something stupid? Pffft. Impossible!"

"Then why do people give me strange looks...?"

"It's because you're way more intelligent then most people, and tend not to dumb it down for anyone~" Soron said with a slight chirp. (Or at least the closest he can come to a chirp.)

Yue blinked before chirping: "Should I?"

"No. I never want you to dumb things down...people will just have to learn to catch up to your intelligence."

"Oh...Ok~" ^-^

"You two are so cute and touching~" Jonathon snickered.

"...We aren't touching." :/ "Soron and I have much understanding and respect for each others' personal space."

"Pfffft! Hahaha! Th-that's not what I meant, I meant it as a figure of speech..."

"Oh..." Yue was bewildered at Jonathon's laughter.

"You seem like the perfect picture of family~"

"Oh, we aren't related. My parents are from another planet~" ^-^

"I makes it even odder..."

"You knew?" :o

"My brother doesn't completely neglect the fact that I exist....he tells me things."

"How nice~" ^-^

"Uhhh...I'm not sure if that's really nice or not.." Soron muttered.

"Talking about your life with the people you care about and care about you is always nice." :o

"Yeah...although..I'm not sure how much he actually likes me..."Jonathan muttered absentmindedly.

"Why wouldn't he?" Yue blinked.

"We haven't really been close sense well...infancy." Jonathan replied matter of factly.

"But bonds occur and strengthen largely after that point. I mean, they could start there, but..."

"That's true, but we never really had a chance to strengthen our our personalities tend to clash."

"But he keeps you informed..."

"That's true. "Jonathan replied not wanting to say more and risk upsetting Yue.

Yue smiled happily and began to hum along with the radio.

"The band is actually starting to grow on me.." Soron hummed as he turned up the volume slightly. "Hmm we should probably stop somewhere to eat before much longer.."

"Do you think they'll have custard?" Yue asked with large, hopeful eyes.

"Don't know...there are only a few small towns. It'll probably an old truck stop restaurant." Soron replied.

"...Does that increase or decrease my chances of having egg custard for lunch?"

"Probably decrease...sorry."


After about five hours District four came into few. The sun was now causing soft pink, purple and orange hues to the clouds. By this point Jonathan was already asleep and Soron was getting grumpy from being in a car this long.

"About time!" Soron groaned speeding up.

"I wonder what Betty's family is like? I bet they're friendly. Do you think they'll like me? What if I ramble too much? What if I accidently burn someone? What if it's serious? What if Betty gets mad at me? What if she never talks to me again? WHAT IF I GET FIRED?!"

"Huh wha?!" Jonathan startled awake from Yue's outburst of being fired.

"*sigh* Don't worry Yue..I'm sure it will be fine. If worse comes to worse I can get you a bubble suite." Soron replied tiredly.

"A bubble suit would be very much appreciated, thank you." <img:stuff/mood21-gif.gif>

"Let's just see how things go first. I don't think wearing one of those would make for a pleasant and work officiant month..."

"I'll only need it for when I'm around people!"

Soron slowed down as they actually entered the city."We'll see if you need help me find Sycamore rd."

Yue pressed her nose up to the window as she squinted into the distance. "I...I think that sign over there says Sycamore..."

"Just tell me when and were to turn."

"Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffffffffft, now!"

*Sharp turn left*

"O.O That seemed a little dangerous..." Johnathan stated clinging to his seat.

"Only if we crash." ^-^ "...Well, actually, that's not true. One can obtain injuries by hitting the interior of the car or by a sudden jolt, such as whiplash."

"I told you to buckle-up, it's not my fault if you didn't listen...Now we need Cherry lane."

"Hmm..." Yue scanned the streets for another sign. "Ah! Right up ahead!"

"Oh,I see it." Soron replied taking this turn much slower. "626...626..I think it's towards the end of this road.."

"I think I see it!" :D

"Woot! I can't wait to get out and stretch!!" Soron cheered as he tried not to break the speed limit.

"...It seems you quite dislike long car rides..."

"I'm fine for a little bit, but I'm used to moving around the lab to grab parts, put things together, so on. I need to be in motion." Soron replied with a shrug as slowed to turn into the drive way.

"Understandable. We all have our habits and comfort zones."

Soron nodes as he parks and unlocks the doors.

Jonathan happily got out with his bag and opened Yue's door with his free hand.

Yue took a deep breath, clearly nervous, before stepping out of the vehicle.

"Don't worry, Dear. Everything will go smoothly." Jonathan hummed with a reassuring smile.

Soron got out and opened the trunk as the door to the home opened and a middle aged blonde came out wearing Betty's famous smile.

"Welcome! Do you need any help with your bags?!" The woman asked giddily as she walked towards them.

"T-thank you for saying so, Jonathan..." Yue gave him a watery smile before seeing the woman with the familiar smile. Almost immediately the expression had eased some tension from the alien girl's shoulders.

"I'm fine thanks." Soron in replied as he pulled out the bags."I'm Soron in by the way, the young woman's Yue and the guy with the creepy face is Jonathan, but I'm sure Betty already told you that..."

The woman chuckled. "I'm Annette. mother has told me a lot about you three."

"She has? Then do you you have the precautions in" Yue was unsure how to approach the topic of her unique condition to this woman. Exactly how much would Betty say about it?

"Oh yes, my mother mentioned you have unique biology. It shouldn't be a problem but we do have a package from Annabell Andrews as a safety precaution." She replied not seeming the least bit bothered by the fact that one of her guest could melt her.

"Oh! How like her to think ahead~" Yue chirped, already relieved.

"I wonder how many people knew about this trip?" Soron wondered as he shut the trunk with his elbow.

"Well from what I understand She and that Jace fellow are rather high ranking so they'd have to know. Now if you have all your things I could show you to your rooms." Annette hummed giving each of them the familiar warm smile.

"That would be lovely. Thank you." Yue bowed her head to Annette.

"Right this way then~" Annette walked over and opened the door for them. The doors open to a modern living room with a dining to the right beside it and a hall directly a crossed from the door.

Yue smiled and followed the woman, gazing curiously over everything she passed.

Annette lead the down the hallway. "We thought you'd prefer rooms on the ground floor." She stated in front of the third door on the right. "Jonathan this will be your room. The bathroom is a crossed from yours."

"Actually, Soren and I mostly lived in the underground levels of the Facility, so just having windows will be new for us." :3

"I'll put my stuff away than, thank you~" Jonathan replied as he headed into his room.

"Alright. Well then your room should be rather unique." Annette replied leading them a little further.

"Oh?" Yue blinked curiously as she followed.

"You'll see~" Annette hummed stop and opening a door to her left."This is your room Soron. Mom said you would prefer a fairly open room." She opened the door to her right. "And this is your room Yue, I hope you like it~" ^-^

Yue chirped her gratitude before stepping into her room and letting out a happy squeal. "Soron! I have a chandelier!" :D

Soron stepped in and set her bag by her bead. "Whoo, looks nice. It fits you Yue."

"Glad you like it." Annette hummed happily.

"It's so beautiful~ Thank you so much for your generosity."

"Not at all! With how much my mother talks about you two, you're practically part of the family already!" Annette laughed.

Yue gave a happy chirp that turned somewhat into a sob at the half-way mark, tears gathering in her eyes at the woman's words.

"Oh dear, are you alright?" Annette asked hurrying over to and pulling out a handkerchief and covering it to her.

"I-I'm just so're so n-nice and I miss Betty already and it's like there's traces of her here and there and in you and I still miss her but she's here, do you know what I mean? A-am I making any sense? I'm not making a-any sense..."

"No, no, you make sense, I know exactly what you're talking about!" Soron replied rubbing her back as he started tearing up too.

"Do you two want a hug?" Annette asked holding out her arms.

"Yees!" Yue wailed as she immediately clung to the older woman.

Soron simply walked over and joined the warm hug.

Annette Happily gave them a warm comforting bear hug.

Yue just kept herself buried in the embrace, not wanting to leave it just yet, and probably not going to until prompted.

after a few minutes Soron gently peeled Yue away from the hug."We should probably get unpacked..."

"Oh, yeah! We're going to build a cloning machine~" Yue chirped happily to Annette, as though it was the most normal thing to say to your host that you just met five minutes ago.

"O.O What? I-I thought this was a nonworking vication..?" Annette said somewhat concerned.

"We're just going to do it in our time." Soron replied cheerfully as if that would make it better.

"We weren't told to do it, or asked to do it, or being paid to do it. We just really want to give it a shot~ See how far we can go with just the two of us during the months we're here." :3

"Isn't it dangerous?" Annette as nervously as she started fiddling with her fingers.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll make sure whatever workspace we use is a decent distance from bystanders~ But even if something doesn't work, Soron is far too skilled in machinery for anything to blow up. If you mean the cloning itself, I intend to supply the genetic material."

"S-Supply it yourself?!! What if you get hurt, or killed,...oh but maybe you just mean hair or..maybe a blood sample..?" Annette started rambling her voice going from and sharp to just barely above a whisper.

"Yue works the blood lab, she deals with genetics everyday. If anyone knows how to safely supply the materials it is her!" Soron stated proudly setting a hand on Yue's shoulder.

"I actually plan to start with using a blood sample to see if we can keep cells alive and multiplying, but eventually I'll have to harvest some embryotic cells." ^-^

"How do you intend to due that?" Annette asked a little less worried but still not relaxing.

"Very, /very/ carefully." Yue chirped with a decisive nod of her head.

Annette started shaking as her eyes widened. "Wh-wh-WHAT?!! That's way to dangerous! You two should just wait until it's safer to do and enjoy your stay in the city!"

"City life...yeah I think I'll pass...besides this is one of the safest times to do it." Soron stated seem disgusted by the idea of not doing any work.

"Yep~ We'll be less likely to be interrupted with a rushed-in infectee or test to run if we do it here. I would rather not have someone barge during the extraction process. It could be messy."

And with that Annette sways a bit before fainting, luckily she was caught by Soron before she could hit the floor. "I guess she doesn't like thinking about blood..?"

"Oh, dear..." Yue twisted her ring around her finger nervously. "S-should we put her on the bed or call for help or something?"

"'s Betty's family there has to be someone else here.." Soron replied scoping Annette into his arms completely.

Yue walked to the first door that was not hers or Soron's and knocked to see if anyone was in there.

At first there was no reply but just as Soron started to walk to the next one, the door cracked open. A young blonde girl peeked her head out, eyes widening as she saw Annette. "Mommy?!!"

"Hello! She, um, passed out..." ^^"

"How?! Is she okay?!" The asked opening the door completely."you can put her on my-my bed.."

"I, uh, suppose my work makes her squeamish?" Yue said uncertainly as she stepped aside so Soron could easily head into the room.

Soron stepped inside walking over to the girls rose pink, plush bed. The girl quickly moved some slushies out of the way as he sat Annette on the bed.
"Mom doesn't like hearing about blood draws or taking tissue makes her worry."

Username (or number or email):


2016-08-06 [LadyDanu]: Nine months

2016-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: My baby cousin is a year old now, she has four teeth on the bottom and still isn't walking.

2016-08-06 [LadyDanu]: Ayame took her first two steps on her own on the 27th of July and barely has her first tooth.

2016-08-06 [Kbird]: I have to do dishes, be back.

2016-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well, no one will let my cousin try, they have to carry her or she'll cry. Her mom was a horrible mother, kept leaving her with whoever she could find so she could go out partying, drinking and doing drugs.

So little Serena is never really in the same place more than once so she gets scared if someone puts her down, and if you buy one of those bouncer things the mom would sell it for drug or booze money.

The father is my cousin, he violated his parole and is back in prison at the moment, and the mom's sister called CPS on her because her first child from another man told her she saw mommy kiss a man on his pee pee.

2016-08-06 [ancienteye]: Oh man.

2016-08-06 [Kbird]: I would call Cps too

2016-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: She was doing it for money, she's no longer allowed to be with either of her children without supervision, and my grandparents got custody of Serena.

They told my cousin he can have her when he gets out of prison if he takes parenting classes inside.

2016-08-06 [ancienteye]: Good.

2016-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yep, hopefully she won't convince him to run off with her and the baby.

2016-08-06 [Kbird]: Hopefully he'll be smart enough not to

2016-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Well, he wasn't smart enough to divorce her when she told him she wouldn't wait for him, they're married and she's running around doing other guys.

2016-08-06 [Kbird]:

2016-08-06 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah, he's kind of stupid....

2016-08-11 [ancienteye]: No, Yue. You're not helping your hostess's nerves...

2016-08-11 [Kbird]: XD not at all

2016-08-12 [Kbird]: Brb gotta eat.

2016-08-12 [ancienteye]: Ok. :P

2018-05-05 [~Crimson Angel~]: I forgot about this.

2018-05-06 [ancienteye]: Boo~

2018-05-08 [~Crimson Angel~]: Hi boo.

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