Page name: Lemirian Exhorian Digger [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2006-05-25 21:15:44
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Exhorian Digger

Info - Exhorian Diggers, unlike other Exhorians, are not allieged or controled by any queen or overseer, they are loners, and though they posses some basic intelligence, they are regarded as primitive by other exhorians. They fight by waiting buried in the desert until some sort of prey walks over them. At which point they attack by surprise.

Appearance - Exhorian diggers look like six legged Exhorian Soldiers, they're heads are smaller and they lack the combat blades Soldiers have. Their jaws, however, are much longer and more powerful. They are usually light yellow and ochre tones with brown or red markings on their backs.

Areas - Exhorian Diggers can be found in the area of the Tyla Desert known as the Anthill.

Level - 8

Equipment -
Exhorian Large Pinzers (5 Atk, 2 Def)
Exhorian Caparace (5 Def, -2 Dex)

HP - 38
MP - 10
Str - 8
Con - 9
Int - 4
Mag - 5
Dex - 9
Car - 3

Skills – Awareness, Camouflage, Crippling Strike, Improved Awareness, Stealth Attack.

Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Exhorian diggers can attempt to grapple bite their enemies by doing a bare Str roll. If succesful, they deal d6 damage every turn until the enemy frees himself.
Dig - Exhorian diggers can use an entire turn to dig and go underground. Underground, they have a 50% speed penalty but are immune to most attacks. Any attack they make is a surprise attack but brings them back to the surface.
Sandstorm - Exhorian diggers can blow sand in a 4 square long cone, dealing 1 green element damage and having a 25% chance of blinding the enemy 3 times a day.
Quicksand - When underground, Exhorian Diggers can use a special ability equal to the Quicksand spell once per day.

XP award - 1440

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