Page name: Lemirian Exhorian Soldier [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-03-18 21:50:50
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Exhorian Soldier


Info - Exhorian Soldiers were once one of the most feared forces in the Realms, however after thousands of years pf war with the other races the Exhorians have been pushed back to their ancestral home in Asfeltas. They have an almost racial fear of the Dah'kin.

Appearance - Exhorian soldiers stand 6 feet tall, they have a small head with two large black eyes and are covered by a yellowish exhoskeleton. " large blades grom from their forearms and posses large pinzers on their heads.

Areas - Exhorian Soldiers can be found all over Ki'afisal, though they are far more common near asfeltas.

Level - 6

Equipment -
Pinzer Bite (3 Atk, 1 Def)
Exhorian Short Blade (3 Atk, 2 Def)
Exhorian Short Blade (3 Atk, 2 Def)
Exhorian Caparace (5 Def, -2 Dex)

HP - 34
MP - 4
Str - 9
Con - 9
Int - 2
Mag - 2
Dex - 8
Car - 2

Skills – Defensive Stance (2), Awareness.

Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Exhorian Soldiers can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d4 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.

XP award - 1060

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