Page name: Lemirian Ghoul [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2007-12-13 07:15:48
Version author: Duredhel
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Info - Ghouls are zombies that have somehow managed to obtain some lesser degree of sentience. Though more akin to predatory animals than humans, the slight degree of intelligence to Ghouls make them far more dangerous than either zombies or skeletons. They're able to hunt and fight cooperatively and can mantain themselves for long periods of time without magic or necromancers around. Ghouls have shed most of their flesh, keeping only the most vital parts, this, they've become leathery masses of tendon, muscle and bone. In order to mantain themselves and delay their transformation into skeletons, Ghouls avidly consume the flesh of creatures of their same species, they usually inhabit unconsecrated cemeteries, digging up graves to consume corpses, they are also known to hunt live humans and even prey on zombies. They, however, have little interest in skeletons or consuming other Ghoul. In combat, packs of Ghouls move quickly through the darkness, hunting in packs and using both slow harassment and ambush tactics. Ghouls are forced to limit the amount of energy they spend in order to keep themselves from becoming mindless skeletons, so they will either try to finish a battle quickly or use slow harassment tactics to wear out the enemy before going in for the kill. They prefer to stalk lonely prey and rarely engage any groups unless they have numerical superiority.

Appearance - Ghouls look like extremely emanciated versions of their parent race, their teeth have usually been tipped and filed by chewing their way thru bone and armor. Their skin has become a dark leathery coating, clinging to tight masses of tendon and muscle around their bones. Being composed of mostly muscle, Ghouls are faster, stronger, but less resiliant than a human their size.

Areas - Ghouls are usually found in burial places or dark places, out of the public eye but heavily transited, for example a pack of ghouls might terrorize an isolated forest road.

Level - 7

Equipment -
Bite Attack (5 Atk)
Claws x 2 (4 Atk, 2 Dex, 1 Def)
Ghoul Leather (2 Def, 1 Dex)

HP - 31
MP - 6
Str - 13
Con - 6
Int - 3
Mag - 1
Dex - 13
Car - 1

Skills – Camouflage, Flank, Lightning Speed, Stealth Attack, Track, Air Strike.

Special Skills
Infection - Ghouls carry all sorts of diseases, a bit from them confers a 10% chance of Infection, which works as normal poisoning except for the fact that if someone dies while infected, he will become a zombie in d4 hours
Flesh Eating - During or after a battle, Ghouls can consume the flesh of another creature the same species as they were in life. Eating Flesh takes the Ghouls' full turn allowing it to regenerate up to 5 HP every turn. A creature only has enough flesh for the ghoul to regenerate 1/3 of the creature's total HP.
Undead - Ghouls can be damaged by healing spells.

XP award - 1190

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