Page name: Lemirian Nai'ithar Enforcer [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-13 20:52:34
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Nai'ithar Enforcer


Info - Nai'ithar enforcers are ancient magical constructs built by the Nai'ithar tens of thousands of years ago. Enforcers are very simple magical beings, little more than an armor powered by an elemental stone charged with power, depending on the amount of activity the Enforcer performs, the stone yields a minimum of 1000 years worth of energy. After the fall of the Nai'ithar, Enforcers have found little to do, remaining in a resting state and conserving energy through the ages. The duty of the Enforcer is very simple, haul objects from one place to another, clean, etc, usually a single word command the Enforcer can understand. Enforcers with active duties have long since deactivated due to lack of energy, Enforcers instructed to guard a location, however, remain active since they rarely have to use their energy. In battle, Enforcers will charge at whoever enters the area they were instructed to guard, they can be repelled by fighting or by a special command word. If the command word is not given, the Enforcer continues to fight until the intruder is either dead or exits the area.

Appearance - Enforcers looks like floating armors, they have no legs and are help up by air magics. They are usually armed with a single short sword or other similar weapon. Their armors are usually heavy decorated with Nai'ithar motifs and the crest of whichever house they served, their colours might change depending in their duties and house.

Areas - Enforcers can only be found in ancient Nai'ithar ruins.

House Igna Enforcer

Level - 5

Equipment -
Nai'ithar Red Runeblade(5 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Mag Fire Runes Deals Red Element Damage, Bonus to Red Magic.)
Nai'ithar Light Combat Armor (3 Def, 3 Mag)

HP - 15
MP - 20
Str - 6
Con - 6
Int - 5
Mag - 8
Dex - 8
Car - 1

Skills – Handle Swords, Lv 1 Red Magic, Fire Strike, Lv 2 Red Magic, Minor Fire Resistance.

Lv 1 - Heat Beam, Flash, Light
Lv 2 - Dissipate Ice, Fire Shield.

Special Skills
Floating - Enforcers hover lightly over ground, making them immune to any spell or effect that would hamper a walking creature.
Construct - Enforcers are constructs, hence they are immune to many status effects and spells that would affect only living beings.

XP award - 960

House Eola Enforcer

Level - 5

Equipment -
Nai'ithar Yellow Runeblade(5 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Mag Thunder Runes Deals Yellow Element Damage, Bonus to Yellow Magic.)
Nai'ithar Light Combat Armor (3 Def, 3 Mag)

HP - 15
MP - 20
Str - 6
Con - 6
Int - 5
Mag - 8
Dex - 8
Car - 1

Skills – Handle Swords, Lv 1 Yellow Magic, Lightning Strike, Lv 2 Yellow Magic, Minor Lightning Resistance.

Lv 1 - Lightning Touch, Sonic Blast, Wind Slash
Lv 2 - Dissipate Earth, Flight.

Special Skills
Floating - Enforcers hover lightly over ground, making them immune to any spell or effect that would hamper a walking creature.
Construct - Enforcers are constructs, hence they are immune to many status effects and spells that would affect only living beings.

XP award - 960

House Hydra Enforcer

Level - 5

Equipment -
Nai'ithar Blue Runeblade(5 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Mag Ice Runes Deals Blue Element Damage, Bonus to Blue Magic.)
Nai'ithar Light Combat Armor (3 Def, 3 Mag)

HP - 15
MP - 20
Str - 6
Con - 6
Int - 5
Mag - 8
Dex - 8
Car - 1

Skills – Handle Swords, Lv 1 Blue Magic, Frost Strike, Lv 2 Blue Magic, Minor Cold Resistance.

Lv 1 - Frost Beam, Chill Metal, Mirage
Lv 2 - Frost Shield, Dissipate Fire.

Special Skills
Floating - Enforcers hover lightly over ground, making them immune to any spell or effect that would hamper a walking creature.
Construct - Enforcers are constructs, hence they are immune to many status effects and spells that would affect only living beings.

XP award - 960

House Terra Enforcer

Level - 5

Equipment -
Nai'ithar Green Runeblade(5 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Mag Earth Runes Deals Green Element Damage, Bonus to Green Magic.)
Nai'ithar Light Combat Armor (3 Def, 3 Mag)

HP - 15
MP - 20
Str - 6
Con - 6
Int - 5
Mag - 8
Dex - 8
Car - 1

Skills – Handle Swords, Lv 1 Green Magic, Earth Strike, Lv 2 Green Magic, Minor Poison Resistance.

Lv 1 - Harden, Sharpen, Sleeping Gas
Lv 2 - Noxious Fumes, Blade Shield.

Special Skills
Floating - Enforcers hover lightly over ground, making them immune to any spell or effect that would hamper a walking creature.
Construct - Enforcers are constructs, hence they are immune to many status effects and spells that would affect only living beings.

XP award - 960

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