Info - Silverons are also called Silver wolves, in ages past the forests of Ki'afisal where inhabited only by Silverons, these wolves were noble, smart and proud. Humans wandering through the woods often found friends and allies in the form of Silverons. It is said that all wolves of the Realms are descendants of the Silverons.
Appearance - Silverons are silver wolves, unlike other wolves they have a long and beautiful silver mane around their neck, another difference is that Silverons can reach to be almost as large as a female lion.
Areas - Silverons used to populate all of the Realms, however nowadays they are almost extinct and they can only be found in some secluded spots of Rysallis.
Level - 4
Equipment -
Bite Attack (5 Atk, 1 Dex)
Natural Armor (2 Def, 2 Dex)
HP - 19
MP - 0
Str - 8
Con - 6
Int - 5
Mag - 2
Dex - 8
Car - 5
Skills – Lightning Speed (1), Track, Awareness.
Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Silverons can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d4 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.
Trip Attack - Silverons may attempts to trip their enemies, making the fall to the ground.
Sentience - A Silveron has about the same intelligence as a human being, however they are unable to speak because of their biological makings.
Wild Senses - Silverons have finely attuned scences, hence they gain a +2 bonus to Scent, listen, spot, move silently and survival.
XP award - 560
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