Page name: Lemirian Tharezian Sorcerer [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2006-03-20 17:18:25
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Tharezian Sorcerer

Color by: [Mr.Scoop]

Info - Tharezian Sorcerers belong to the Turtle Clan, they are pacient creature that are not necesarilly as aggressive as their Viper and Cobra cousins. They act as the Clergy of the Tharezian society as a Witch Doctor or a Shaman would do in the Catfolk society. They are experts in hypnotism and hidden, demi magical skills.

Appearance - (See Picture Above)

Areas - Sorcerers can be found primarilly around the Sai'thareze area.

Conscript Tharezian Sorcerer

Level - 8

Equipment -
Bite (4 Atk)
Natural Armor (6 Def, -4 Spd)
Green Cloak (3 Mag, +1 Mag vs Yellow Magic)
Viper Staff (1 Atk, 1 Def, Grants the Poison and Sleeping Gas spells)
Poison Vial (2)
Healing Potion (4)
Antidote (2)

HP -  24
MP -  24
Str - 5
Con - 6
Int - 7
Mag - 7
Dex - 4
Car - 7

Skills – Brew Potion, Heal, Handle Viper Staff, Defensive Stance

XP award - 1440

Regular Tharezian Sorcerer

Level - 11

Equipment -
Bite (4 Atk)
Natural Armor (6 Def, -4 Spd)
Green Cloak (3 Mag, +1 Mag vs Yellow Magic)
Viper Staff (1 Atk, 1 Def, Grants the Poison and Sleeping Gas spells)
Poison Vial (2)
Healing Potion (4)
Antidote (2)

HP -  28
MP -  25
Str - 5
Con - 6
Mag - 7
Int - 5
Dex - 4
Car - 7

Skills – Brew Potion, Heal, Handle Viper Staff, Defensive Stance, Concentration, Focus Magic, Restoration.

Special Skills
Restoration - Once a day the Tharezian Sorcerer can cure Status Damage.

XP award - 2310

Veteran Tharezian Sorcerer

Level - 14

Equipment -
Bite (4 Atk)
Natural Armor (6 Def, -4 Spd)
Green Cloak (3 Mag, +1 Mag vs Yellow Magic)
Viper Staff (1 Atk, 1 Def, Grants the Poison and Sleeping Gas spells)
Poison Vial (2)
Healing Potion (4)
Antidote (2)

HP - 31
MP - 38
Str - 5
Con - 6
Mag - 8
Int - 7
Dex - 4
Car - 7

Skills – Brew Potion, Heal, Handle Viper Staff, Defensive Stance, Concentration, Focus Magic, Restoration, Improved Heal.

Special Skills
Restoration - Once a day the Tharezian Sorcerer can cure Status Damage.
Improved Heal - Once a day the Tharezian Sorcerer can Heal 100% HP to a single ally.

XP award - 4200

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