Page name: Lemirian Warg [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2006-03-20 18:03:48
Version author: Duredhel
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Info - Wargs are known as the Fell Wolves, Wargs were once Silverons, however during Thadre's first appearance all the Silverons who followed the General were reached by his transformation and became Wargs. Wargs are as smart and strong as a Silveron, but much more numerous and sly.

Appearance - Wargs and Silverons are about the same size, they also share the mane around their necks, however Wargs are completely black and posses red eyes. They are often mistaken from affar as Rysallean Black Wolves, however upon closer inspection their unlikely size gives them away.

Areas - Wargs can be found in the darkest corners of Rysallis and in the Fell woods.

Level - 4

Equipment -
Bite Attack (5 Atk, 1 Dex)
Natural Armor (2 Def, 2 Dex)

HP -  19
MP -  0
Str - 8
Con - 6
Int - 5
Mag - 2
Dex - 8
Car - 5

Skills – Lightning Speed (1), Track, Awareness.

Special Skills -
Grapple Bite - Wargs can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d4 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.
Trip Attack - Wargs may attempts to trip their enemies, making the fall to the ground.
Sentience - A Warg has about the same intelligence as a human being, however they are unable to speak because of their biological makings.
Wild Senses - Wargs have finely attuned scences, hence they gain a +2 bonus to Scent, listen, spot, move silently and survival.

XP award - 560

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