Page name: Lemirian Werewolf [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-12 22:14:47
Last author: Duredhel
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Info - Werewolves are young creatures in Lemire, experiments of the befouled Dark Druids of Thadre. Made originally by the quimerical conjunction of a man and a warg, werewolfs carry with them a virus of the sort, unlike werewolves in traditional mythology, the Lemirian Werewolf curse is a temporary insanity, a feral state induced by the bite that may last different amounts of time depending on the person. Werewolves also have the characteristic of being able to regenerate any would made by a weapon, though wounds made by holy weapons or magic, or the ones that have been cauterized with fire, have to be healed naturally.

Appearance - Werewolves look like upright wargs, large black wolves, except for the fact that they are taller than a regular human. Their feral instincs combines with human intelligence can give them great advantage in battle, they can even wield weapons an armor as a human would, and can take character classes (no spellcasting classes though).

Areas - Werewolves are most likely to be found in Rysallis


Level - 5

Equipment -
Bite Attack (4 Atk)
Claw x 2 (2 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Spd)
Natural Armor (1 Def, 2 Spd)

HP -  25
MP -  4
Str - 9
Con - 7
Mag - 2
Int - 5
Dex - 8
Car - 5

Skills – Two weapon fighting, lightning speed, awareness, wild attack.

Special Skills
Werewolf's Curse - When a werewolf deals a succesful bite attack, there is a 10% chance the enemy will receive the werewolf's curse, under this state, his attack and speed increse by 50% but he goes berserk.
Grapple Bite - werewolves can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d4 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.
Werewolf Regeneration - Werewolves recover 2 HP of any wound not made by magic every turn.

XP award - 3200

Werewolf Darkrider

Level - 8 (Lv3 Doomsday Knight)

Equipment -
Lance (6 Atk, 3 Rng, -3 Dex(Not applied while mounted)
Scimitar (3 Atk, 2 Def)
Bite Attack (4 Atk)
Claw x 2 (2 Atk, 1 Def, 1 Spd)
Splint Mail (-1 Atk, 5 Def, -1 Dex, -3 Mag)
Natural Armor (1 Def, 2 Spd)
Kite Shield (4 Def, -1 Spd, -2 Mag)
Hornskull (4 Def, 1 Atk, -2 Car,-1 Spd)

HP -  36
MP -  4
Str - 10
Con - 10
Mag - 2
Int - 5
Dex - 8
Car - 5

Skills – Two weapon fighting, Lightning speed, awareness, Wild attack, Handle Swords, Handle Axes, Cause Fear, Heroic Strength, Flank.

Special Skills
Werewolf's Curse - When a werewolf deals a succesful bite attack, there is a 10% chance the enemy will receive the werewolf's curse, under this state, his attack and speed increse by 50% but he goes berserk.
Grapple Bite - werewolves can attempt to hold down their enemies by biting them. If they succeed they deal d4 damage every turn until they are killed or they let their victim go.
Werewolf Regeneration - Werewolves recover 2 HP of any wound not made by magic every turn.
Horseman - The Darkrider can attack whenever his mount brings him in range of the enemy by forfeiting his next turn.

XP award - 3200

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