This here is just a list of places and transportation that can be used for everyday use. I wasn't going to put these up here but they'll be neede along with the next lesson. So here some are:
school- la escuela
park- el parque
doctor- el doctor
dentist- el dentista
cinema- el cine
resturant- el restaurante
building- el edificio
house- la casa
home- el hogar
hell - el infierno (just had to add it)
heaven- el cielo (same)
store- la tienda
bookstore- la librería
bank- el banco
post office- el correo
office- la oficina
bicicle (bike)- la bicicleta (la bici)
bus- el autobús ('bus' can be used too)
(by) horse- a caballo
on foot- a pie
car- el carro (also 'el auto')
taxi- el taxi
train- el tren
subway- el metro
plane- el avión
boat- el bote
ship - el barco
Motor-bike- la motocicleta (moto)
Spanish Classroom
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