I hear voices that tell me to write. Candles around me and I'm in search of pen and paper. Whatever kind of paper to write on. The words can't wait to be born. They can't bear my new inner face. They were used to deep melancholy and my new happy self scares them. A completely new self, without dust or cobwebs on it. With the price from the market still stuck on it. A whole new face that sorrow can't touch because it has something to anticipate: The moment I'll see you again. For the first time in my life, I have so many feelings to give and if I have to wait to give them I can. I could even reach the moon for you.
I even enjoy this awaiting because you're a purge. A purge for my mind and my soul that sends away the ghosts of the past. With every minute that goes by, I fall in love with you even more. You're strolling in my thoughts all the time. I listen to songs you haven't listened. I read books you haven't read. But still every letter and note brings you in my mind. I wake up and sent you a wish for a good day and when I lay back in bed late at night my last goodnight is for you.
If only I could put down to words in this vow just half of my feelings... But I can't find strong enough words. If only I could draw them.... But I can't find vivid enough colours. If only I could make them into a song... But I can't find melodic enough notes. I had written lyrics for you, without even knowing it was about you. I had fallen in love with you, months ago, without even knowing it was you.
Now I know. And I write again for you. I dream again. Of you. I'm in love again. With you.

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