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2009-06-25 03:14:27
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Lifted Announcements

Ok guys, so I decided to make this page especially for big announcements that the whole group should hear. For example, I'll be pointing out any major events that happen within the story (character's death, etc.) just in case any of you are gone for a few days, so it'll be easier to catch up. Feel free to add your own announcements too.

Saturday, June 20th

So now that we have everyone on board, we just need to finish a few things before we start.

First off, you need to make your character (which most of you have done) and just letting you all know [Kai Crewger] pointed out that we should set an age for our character, just to get a feel of how we should talk to them, so be sure to do that. Also, feel free to add a picture for your character, but we won't wait for pictures to start the rp, you can just add them whenever you come up with one.

Second, I know I have already talked to some of you about this, but I will be sending each of you an outline of the main plot, just so you know and understand the basic situation and then we can go off of that. Also, if you have an idea for a sub-plot (like something that a few or maybe only your character will do) feel free to let me know. We can probably work it into the main plot in some way shape or form :) I'll also be adding another link on the main page that will allow you to read the synopsis so far, just another way that you can keep up with the story.

Now this is just a general announcement just because a few people have approached me about it: If you can only get on this rp every few days, that's perfectly fine, you don't need to be on here 24/7. Just be sure that if you engage your character in a major plot development, carry it out, don't just leave the rest of the characters there to wait for you. If you're planning to be gone for a few days, don't get your character too involved during that time. Also if you plan to be gone, this link would be the perfect place to announce it. The End :)

Sunday, June 21st

Ok so characterwise, we're only waiting on one person, and she has already told me that she can only get on certain times, so we're gonna start without her and she can come in later and catch up :)

I'll be sending out the plot this afternoon and depending on how many people respond today, we could start today? Tomorrow? Essentially whenever you guys want, because I have no life and will be on pretty much all the time...Which leads me to another thing.

One person asked me yesterday what the story's point of view will be (since Darwin is filming, she wasn't sure if every event other characters did would have to be around him). My answer is no, Darwin will not always be around and if other characters want to do something without him, that's totally fine. It just won't be on film :P However, he will most likely be around most of the time just because, like I said, I have no life. Soooooo...expect that plot message sometime today :)

Tuesday, June 23rd

So since the rp is going pretty fast (good job guys :D), the page is getting HUGE. So every once in a while, I'll take off what we've written (don't worry, I'll have it saved on my computer) and whatever happened in that section, I will add to the synopsis page so you can keep up.

Wednesday, June 24th

As [Chimes] suggested, I am still taking off the writing thus far, but I will be making a link on the main page so you can go back and read what's happened so far. Expect the changes to be in the synopsis page too :)

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2009-06-20 [Kai Crewger]: Yeah backstory!

2009-06-20 [Rhymes With Orange]: I'll be doing that sometime tonight cuz I have to leave like now :(

2009-06-23 [Chimes]: Suggestion: make wikis for the stuff you take off... and put them on there ... and link to it from Lifted... then we can see what we've written.

2009-06-23 [Rhymes With Orange]: K I can do that. I have a feeling once this is done, there's gonna be a lot of links on the main page :)

2009-06-23 [Chimes]: Well, you could make a archive page to put the links on?

2009-06-23 [Rhymes With Orange]: Myesm :)

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