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2009-08-28 12:29:00
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Lifted Part Seven

     Darwin glanced awkwardly down at the bush, then back up that the man. He repeated this motion in silence for a few moments before speaking. "So...your there?" He motioned slowly with his finger, pointing down into the soil.

     "Indeed." He nodded, resting his chin in his hand after propping arm on his knee again. "It is illegal to bury people in this park, but, I could not let him lay in some place that he could not stand for all of eternity. Cemeteries scared him."

     Darwin took a sharp inward breath. He felt that he had to be careful talking to this man. "Well then as far as burial places go, I'd say Central Park is pretty top notch." He chuckled awkwardly, hoping Creis had some sense of humor. "I mean, it's pretty peaceful and all."

     Cresig smiled at the boy, his attempt at humor charming him somewhat. "Mostly. I don't think he minds if it is peaceful or not. So, I have been wondering, why is it that you three are out on the streets so late? You guys are, what... Early twenties? Most of the people around here in that age group go to college.. Well, most of the people I have run across."

     Darwin nodded. "NYU." He replied. "I live in Greenwich."

     "I see. Must be fun. I couldn't afford to go to college when I was younger, so I just gave up on school. What is your major?" Obviously veering the conversation as far away from his brother's burial place so that he did not have to talk about it any longer with this man. He stretched his arms out, joints cracking smoothly, and looked to the rainbow-haired child still standing and staring. "And, do you go to college?"

     Elli blinked, then grinned widely. "Yup. Same as Darwin, though I am from Britain." she chuckled.

     "Law." Darwin muttered. He looked Creis up and down again, afraid to ask too much. He seemed a bit too eager to change the subject, Darwin thought to himself. He took a deep breath before proceeding to lightly interrogate Creis. "What is it that you do then?" He froze up momentarily and waited for the response.

     "Really? I came from across seas, myself. Though not exactly from the U.K." He turned his attentions back to the male and cocked his head slightly, reaching a hand up and tugging lightly at a strand of hair over his shoulder and twirling it about index finger. "I'm a freelancer. But, I plan on becoming a tattoo artist. And you.. Do you have a job? Or do you just live off of mommy and daddy's money right now?"

     "I was actually granted full-ride last year, mommy and daddy have nothing to do with it." Darwin muttered, slightly offended. "They rather me become some famous doctor on the west coast; say that lawyers are overrated these days." He glanced down into his bag at the camera. "I'm not working this semester either, just some...projects...for now." He mumbled almost under his breath.

     While on her walk Lora noticed the guy she had first met when getting off the bus. Maybe now would be a good time for an introduction she thought. Anything to make friends in this god awful city. Lora strolled up to the group and addressed Darwin "Hey, remember me? I'm Lora, I didn't catch your name."

     Darwin noticed Lora walking up to them. He glanced back down at the camera, then over to Creis. He studied the man's face for any sign that he had seen the camera. If there was one thing he didn't need now, it would be this guy thinking he was going crazy too. Though by the looks of this guy, he may already be there too. He thought as he looked at Creis and the rose bush. He turned to Lora. "Oh right. From the bus." He stammered. "Darwin Hayes." He held out his hand.

     "I don't like Lawyers much, myself. But that's only because I was wrongfully convicted by one during the elections. They needed somebody to put away, and I was there. Dirty Bastard. It doesn't matter. I paid him back for that offense." Cresig smiled, a dejected smile. but a smile nonetheless. He looked up when the new female came into play, tilting his head slightly and quirking a brow. Just how many people planned on visiting the park... Ah, stupid question. He pat the ground where his brother lay, eyes passing the newcomer to rest on Elli. This is the most visitors you've had since I buried you, bro.

     "Wrongfully convicted?" Darwin asked, genuinely curious. He hated the stereotypical image of lawyers; an entire career path completely slandered because of a few smugs that abused their power.


      Jeff decided to leave his boat and try and find Darwin. He barely left the harbor when someone threw a brick at him. "Are you crazy?" He yelled at the thrower. "No, I just don't like you." said the thrower and he disappeared into the shadows. "This place is getting pretty weird." said Jeff as he walked towards the place where he last saw Darwin.


     "Indeed." Cresig stayed silent a moment as he thought over his former Employer's words about the park being demolished sometime in the near future. With a soft sigh through the nose, he lifted his gaze to Darwin, standing in the process, and asked, "Kids. Mind answering a question for me? I mean, you two are in college, and you should know the answer to it, because I sure as hell don't."

     Darwin glanced around for approval from Ellizabeth, Aimee, and Lora. He turned back to Creis and shrugged. "Shoot."

     "Yup, go ahead." Ellizabeth grinned widely. "Shoot." she chuckled lightly. Now that she knew where the grave was, she was thinking of getting a few flowers in the morning.

     Lora listened intently, feeling a bit awkward having entered the conversation to begin with, waited for for her chance to wriggle back into it.

     "What would it mean to the city if that Slayter fellow were to destroy this park? I know he is the Senator, but isn't it rather impractical to destroy this place when he is in government light? I'm sure he hasn't gotten any paperwork saying he could go ahead with wasting this place.. I'm sure he's doing it just to build another company in the vegetational death, anyways."

     Darwin cleared his throat. "Wait, wait. You mean that Slayter...James Slayter...the Senator...Is wanting to destroy Central Park? THE Central Park?" He paused and waited for Creis' response. "You're joking right?"

     "I am as serious as a ruptured artery. I would never joke about my brother's sanctuary being destroyed." Cresig sighed rather crassly and rubbed the back of his neck, using the back of his hand to push the collar of his coat back slightly, suddenly feeling as though clothing was threatening to choke him. He didn't do well around people, least of all innocents he was not ordered to kill.. And he definitely didn't like bringing such blasphemous talk to his brother's grave. He knew that he could not hear them, but it was the simple fact of respect.

     Darwin studied Creis carefully and forced his eyes to turn to the grave below them. "Somehow, I believe you." He mumbled, not removing the burial from his sight. "But, how can Slayter do this? One man can't just wake up one morning and get the grant to tear down a national landmark!"

     Lora finally spoke up "Does he think this is going to make things any better!?"

     "That's what happens with politicians." Darwin muttered in irritation. "They'll do anything for money and if they get enough power, they're unstoppable." He looked sadly over at Creis. As suspicious as the man looked, Darwin couldn't help but feel a pining wave of sympathy for him. "How did you hear about this? I mean, surely he couldn't make a statement like that public! The entire city would be in an uproar by now!"

     "An old boss mentioned it before I walked out. Seems he and this Slayter fellow were partners at one time. I just heard about it today, otherwise that Lan Jiao would be dead already." Beginning to grow a bit riled, Cresig stepped away from his tree, hands slipping down into coat pockets. "If we are going to talk, we should talk somewhere more private. Not at the park. Hungry?" The invitation being to the whole of the group. He knew a good place to grab a bite to eat, and best part was, the owner knew him and would personally clear the diner out if so asked to. It worked for him.

     Darwin glanced at Lora, Elli, and Aimee for approval. As interested in the conversation as he was, Darwin was slightly apprehensive about going anywhere private when Creis was this shady.

     Lora could see that Darwin was reaching for help so she sighed and nodded.

     Darwin looked back at Lora and returned a small, abrupt nod of his head before quickly turning to Elli and Aimee. His stomach churned at the fact that they were seemingly waiting for his call, as he had led them this far already. Too afraid to wait for their response, Darwin turned back to Cresig. "Ok," he mumbled quietly. "We're with you."

     As the mocha-skinned man was about to nod and lead them off, his phone rang as an obnoxiously loud ring tone blaring from his right jean pocket. That ring could only mean there was a job to do on behalf of Gretta. "It seems fate would have different plans for me." Answering the call, the high-pitched squawk of Gretta's, no doubt audible to the group behind him, caused him to pull the phone back away from his ear. "Gretta, quiet." He said simply, sure she caught his order. He placed the phone back to his ear when she quieted and 'Mhm'd' a few times, then gave a vigilant "I'll be there shortly to pick up my payment." Closing the phone, Cresig turned and shrugged nonchalantly, sliding the device back into his pocket. "Maybe I'll see you around, Darwin. Elli. It's been real." Waving over shoulder, he turned and headed out of the park gate, slipping his hands into the pockets of his black coat.

     "Well he seemed real nice" Lora mocked giving Darwin a questioning look.

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