Page name: Lifted Part Six [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-10 03:36:51
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Lifted Part Six

     Cresig looked up from the ground when the thud of flesh and bone hitting concrete sounded, the sound being so familiar to him. He narrowed eyes, a camera lens sticking out from the barred gate that surrounded the park coming to his attention. So, somebody was spying on him. Nosy bastards. He smiled pleasantly and raised a hand, elbow propped on knee, then waved at the camera before he saw the red head peek around the bushes and gate at him. Smile waning ever so slightly, he fisted his hand and curled his arm towards him, resting chin on knuckles, waiting patiently for the spies to eventually come over to him like he knew they would do.. To question him, no doubt.

     Elli was keeping her mouth shut until either Darwin or Aimee actually started talking. She wasn't really accustomed to spying on people. And her temptation to just stand up and ask the guy what he was doing was starting to get a bit overwhelming.

     Darwin looked in the camera as the man turned. He closed his eyes as he gulped, bracing himself for the beating he expected from the stranger. After a few moments of nothing, he glanced back into the screen as the man waved at the camera. The gesture, however, did not completely convince Darwin that they were in no harm. He glanced at Ellizabeth and Aimee, who both seemed to be waiting for his next move. He took a deep breath before slowly rising to face the man. "Smile for the camera." He gave a nervous laugh, hoping this stranger had some sense of humor.

     "I already am." He replied with a slight shifting of position, his icy gaze now turning to the man holding the camera. "I must ask. Why are you spying on me? Am I so interesting to the two of you?" As Cresig addressed them as 'the two of you', he turned his gaze down to the red-head still crouched down staring at him from around the bush.

     "Spying?" Darwin stammered, "Oh no, we weren't initially spying. Well, I mean, we were...just now...but I mean, we weren't like following you or anything." He gave a nervous smile, wondering if the man was even comprehending what he was saying. "We just, uh, noticed you in here..." Darwin couldn't help but stare at the stitches crossing the man's face, combining two different patches of skin. Darwin grabbed the back of his head. He felt another migraine coming on. " flowers?" He continued, motioning toward the rose bush.

     Elli kinda popped her head up and looked over the bush. "Technically three." she laughed slightly, rainbow hair and all.

     Trim smile broadened with the revelation of the third person, causing Cresig's dimples and smile lines to reveal themselves to the bunch. "I do, but that is not why I am visiting the park at this late hour." He confessed rather bluntly. "So, why are you three out so late? Are you unaware that there are dangerous people out at this hour? It would be unfortunate if any of you got hurt and were unable to investigate shady figures in parks any longer." A blatant tease, of course.

     "Talking." Darwin immediately blurted. "Just talking. Across the street." He motioned toward the bench. "And then...we saw you and thought we should, you know, make sure you weren't like a killer or something." He gave another awkward smile. Darwin had hoped the comment would clear the air and the man would immediately deny it. However, Darwin noticed an awkward silence after he finished talking and began to regret mentioning killing in the first place.

     "Chose your words wisely." He reclined back against the tree and relaxed his arm resting on his knee, letting out a resigned sigh through his nose. "Well, there's no point in looking in on me. You three should come in here and take a seat. This is obviously going to go on for a while longer before you grow bored with me."

     Darwin glanced from Aimee to Elizabeth and shrugged before slowly moving away from the bars and into the park. He casually sat on the ground next to the tree, never taking his eyes off the man, and beckoned for the other two to follow. "Right then, what makes you so interesting, Sorry, I never got the name."

     "Call me Creis. And what should I call you?" He countered smoothly, peeking past the lad and sighting the rose bush a couple of feet away from him. "Move to your right a foot or so, please." Gesturing as he spoke, Cresig bit his tongue at the rude words that popped into his mind for this boy sitting on his brother's grave. But, being as he knew not about the burial, it would do no good giving him a curt tongue lashing.

     "Uh, Darwin." Darwin stammered as he awkwardly scooted himself across the ground on his hands and knees. He extended his hand, only realizing that it was not lightly covered in dirt. He quickly wiped it on his jacket and held it out again. "Darwin Hayes. And these are my friends, Aimee and Ellizabeth." He finished, motioning toward the two girls.

     Ellizabeth stood up and grinned. "Hallo there." she said in thick British accent.

     "Right then, um, Creis. I hope you don't mine my asking, what are you doing out here this late?" Darwin asked nervously. He was somewhat afraid to hear the answer. Creis didn't exactly look like the type of person that simply enjoyed strolls in the park.

     Cresig looked over to the rainbow haired female when she popped up and greeted him, and in return he wiggled his fingers in a wave. He then turned his attention back to the male seated by him and pursed his lips. After thinking it over for a few moments, he closed his eyes loosely, then opened them and turned glacier blue orbs to the soft grass before the rosebush. "My brother is sleeping right there." He said with a slight head gesture towards the illegal lot. "This was his favorite park. So I made a bed for him and covered him up."


     Lora's head bent back a little too far and caused the chair to tip backwards. Crashing to the floor certainly woke her up, cursing under her breath in Native tongue she looked up to the computer screen and saw the tests still had over an hour to go. Pushing the chair upright and pulling the phones from her ears she decided that the warm greenhouse air would just put her to sleep again so it be best to take a walk to shake the drowseyness away. The park would be nice she thought grabbing her coat That is... if I can fink it she laughed hystericaly to herself and was out the door.


     Jeff was standing on his boat looking through his binoculars out at the city, trying to see if anyone or a large group of people were coming towards him. He had dealt with 3 diferent people the other day trying to damage his boat. "This time, I'm ready." He thought as he had his rifle with a scope in a sling around his back

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