Page name: Lifted Part Three [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-09 15:58:16
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Lifted Part Three

Jeff decided to stay with his boat to protect it from burglars. He just loaded his pistol and got out his shotgun for emergencies. He sat down in a chair, waiting for anyone who dared to try and steal his stuff.


    “Alright Julius. I was sent here to kill you. My employer did not say whether I could play with you or not, so I’m going to.” Stepping closer to the male sitting on his couch staring up at him in complete panic, the thought crossed his mind that this man wasn’t trying to get away. He must’ve knew somebody would be coming to kill him sooner or later. Just goes to show you, you don’t mess with any type of power without repercussion. He pulled a syringe out of his pocket, needle already attached, and took the cap off of it, giving the tube a curt flick and pushing the access air out through the tube. When he was satisfied, he took hold of the man’s hair and tilted his head to the back, exposing his jugular a bit, then slipping the needle into flesh and exposing of the contents of syringe.

    “There, that wasn’t so bad, now was it? Then again, that’s not supposed to be the painful part.” He murmured, a slight not of glee in his tone. When the man was showing signs of paralysis, Cresig removed scalpel from pocket and sat down next to him, waiting a few moments for the man to become fully paralyzed. As he waited, he removed his coat and laid it next to him, then plucked at his shoulders to loosen the clothing that had been smooshed against flesh with the weight of said coat. “I suppose you want to know whom sent me. A bloke by the name of Gerard. He said you would know him. You do, yes?” When he heard a slight croak from the man, he knew the paralysis was complete.

    “Good. Now, if you would lie back for me.” In saying so, he pressed his hand against the man’s chest and laid him back on the couch, then lifted his legs and righted him so he was lying along the couch fully. Taking the time to remove his upper clothing and lay it aside nicely, then to tease flesh down torso to strengthen blood flow. Cresig pressed edge of steel to flesh and proceeded to make a ‘Y’ incision. He could tell it hurt by the way the man’s eyes rolled back into his head and the groans he made. He could feel the muscles beneath the cut flesh twitch as they tried to contract on his command, which made it all the more painful for Cresig to carry on. But he did. “You can’t get away. Stop fighting. You’ll only make it worse.” Humming an old hymn, he continued on, peeling flesh and sinew back from rib cage and organs to expose them to him.

    “Hm. You seem to be an alcoholic.” He noted, smiling just the smallest bit. “Full blown. That’s the worst looking liver I’ve ever seen. And I’ve seen a lot.” Turning his gaze up to the red-faced man and patting his shoulder in a comforting way, though he offered little comfort at all. “Relax. I won’t tell anybody.” Idle chit-chat helped him to pass the time as he went through the innards of any human-being, even though he knew they could not talk back. The fascination with dissecting humans? He liked to see how things worked. Especially because these things, they were a part of him, as well. He pressed one hand into the man’s body and pushed aside intestines to get to his kidneys, which he decided he only needed one of them. So, he took the other one and placed it on the couch beside the victim’s leg, nodding his approval. “Beautiful kidney you’ve got there.” He commented. “I think I’ll wrap it up for you, since you so lovingly donated it to the hospital.”

    Humming anew, he placed his scalpel down on the man’s leg and used both hands to push organs around here and there, trying to get a better idea of how everything worked within this man’s body. “I’ve got to say. Besides the liver, your body is so… perfect. Which makes you, in all, acceptable. Too bad that Gerard wanted you dead. That’s what happens when you go to a loan shark and don’t repay him.. He sends someone like me out to do his dirty work.” He took the scalpel up once more and made an incision along the exposed stomach, watching as the stomach acid came out of the organ and began to eat away at sinew and tissue. He could just imagine how that felt. Male lying back was letting out heart-stopping moans and groans of agony, first getting louder before getting quieter, and eventually dying completely as the man drifted off into the sweet, merciful grasp of death.

    “Time to clean up.” He muttered. Cresig grabbed his scalpel and ran it along the man’s pants, cleaning the blood off as best he could, then slipping it back into his pocket. First he picked his coat up and easily slipped it back on, then picked the kidney up and walked into the kitchen, grabbing a baggy from beneath the cupboards and slipping the organ into it, then placing it in the freezer and leaving it be. After, he walked over to the sink and washed his hands free of the blood, then dried them off on a towel. He took the time to admire his print-less fingers, knowing that he would not be tracked, whatsoever. Smirking, he walked out of the kitchen and through the living room, glancing over his shoulder only once to see the corpse, then walked out through the front door. He felt better. He hadn’t had a good job in a few weeks, and he was starting to get twitchy.

    Walking out of the apartment building few moments later, he pulled his coat tighter around himself and buttoned up, turning left and walking on, retracing his path as he began to head back to him employer's home. Thrusting his arm forward to raise his trench and shirt sleeves, he checked his watch and furrowed his brows. An hour and a half? Bad time. He already expected me back.. Bollocks. Guess I'd better hurry.


    Ellizabeth sat in her home, a bunch of hair dyes just laying on the table in front of her. She looked at where her natural blonde roots were starting to show, and how the darker colors were starting to fade.

    It started with the red, to cover the roots. As she carefully layered it, it reminded her of kind of a pinkish red. Maybe a rose color? She couldn't really tell. That was the hard part down. Next was the orange, to make it a bit darker. She didn't have to touch the yellow color at all, seeing that it was her natural hair color. Up next was the green, that reminded her of seaweed.

   She paused. Thinking of seaweed always brought a question that she had asked her dad up into her mind. The weed of the sea. She chuckled lightly to herself, her question in her sweet little 10 year old voice echoing in her head, "Hey daddy... if seaweed is the weed of the sea, do the fish get high off of it?"

    Unfortunately, her father never gave her an answer. He just started busting up laughing and picked her up, placing her on his strong, overly built shoulders and started walking along the beachside again. Her father was dead now... ironically drowned in the ocean a few years later, trying to save a life no less, seeing that he was the harbor master.

    Up came the blue hair next after the small trip down memory lane. The blue always seemed to be the messiest. Luckily, she was smart enough to wear a black towel on her shoulders and a smock to cover her front. Finally, the most faded color, purple. Purple was her favorite color, so she took the most care to take care of the tips. Another touch up, a different day. Isn't that how it always is?


    Jeff decided to leave his boat and see if he could find anyone in the city. He hid his pistol in his jacket and left his shotgun in his cabin. "Might as well find someone to help fix that window." he said to himself as he looked at the broken window made by the crazy person who tried to kill him. He left the harbor and walked around town, trying to find some people.

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