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2009-08-09 16:00:26
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Lifted Part Two

     Lora set her suitcase down and stroked the delicate trunk of her plant like a cat. She felt awkward having driven away the first person she'd met in this new place. Lora looked to the girls. "Did I do something wrong?"


     Darwin sat in his apartment. The normally dark and freezing building tended to discomfort him, but was now the only place where he could escape the disaster outside its walls. He glanced down at his notebook. Locke differed from Hobbes in the sense that he argued for a government with power limited to the protection of...He flung the paper on the floor. Try as he might, political theory was not the first and fore-most thing on Darwin's mind. He couldn't help but feel that all his hard work was for nothing. If he couldn't concentrate on his notes, how could he concentrate on the real thing? For his full 21 years, or as long as he could remember, Darwin had wanted to be a lawyer. He had his own firm planned out at the age of 13, and had applied for Harvard and the rest of the Ivy League schools early on. He was accepted to all of them just before the start of his senior year. Unfortunately, the highest ranking schools in the nation called for a large sum of money; a sum which the Hayes family could hardly afford. Darwin would have to be stuck with New York University. He didn't mind too much though, but considered it another opportunity to become valedictorian for the second time in his academic career. But now he would never have any of it.
     Darwin glanced down again at the information staring up at him from his notes. He sighed and carried it over to his pile of textbooks. He set it down gently, as if to apologize, when he noticed something from the corner of his eye. It was his camera. He suddenly remembered how he had used it for a presentation a few months before and apparently never put it back. He glanced around the apartment. At least if the psychic was right about the human race coming to an end, he wouldn't miss this place. As he gazed at the gloomy loft, he pondered for a few moments before plugging the camera into its charger that he had fished out from a pile of scattered wires and went to sleep.

     He awoke to the sound of his phone going off.

     "Yo, Darwin, it's me." The voice on the other line said, once he had picked up. Even when filtered through technology, Ian's distinctive talk still came through. "How've you been, man? How's the city holding up?"

     Darwin shrugged on the other end of the line "Impending doom. It's all the rage around here."

     "Yeah, yeah, I hear ya. It's pretty much the same on my end." Ian answered, windy static in the background. "This doomsday stuff is gettin' pretty nuts. Any estimates on how serious it'll get?"

     "Personally, I think it's all a waste of time. This kind of trash has been going on for years with nothing." Darwin mumbled. He was sick of listening to everyone talk about it. "I guess it depends on how long of an attention span people have. It'll die down when they stop caring."

     "Probably. Not much we can do about it anyway, eh?" Ian said. "Anyways, I'll be back in town soon, and I haven't seen you in ages. Was wondering if you'd be free to do dinner sometime?"

     Darwin smiled at the idea. Ian had been his friend throughout grade school in Minnesota. He had been gone for quite a while and Darwin was thankful to have him back. He glanced down at his camera. This whole thing will probably blow over by the time I get any footage anyway he thought with a sigh. "Yeah sounds good. Not like I have anything better to do."

     "Coolness. I'll give you a ring once I'm back at my place, and we can just meet up there. Ava's been wanting to chat about stuff too, so she'll probably come along. We all good?"

     Darwin smiled at that too. He hadn't seen Ava since Ian had left. In fact, it had been a long time since he'd really seen anyone from back then. "Yeah, we good." He grinned.

     "Awesome. Sweet. Cool. I'll see you when I get in, bud. Laters." With a beep, Ian was off the line and the phone was quiet once more.


     Eerie echoes of footsteps within the dark alley sending the scum of life scurrying into nooks and crannies of buildings, cracks being their access. Rodents. Vermin. Bugs. A Leper’s worst fears, the things that chew off their fingers and toes leaving nothing but bitty nubs to remember them by. Following closely after the echoes was the faint sound of humming, the tune being that of an old English song called ‘Early One morning’. The one making the deafening noise? Well, not an easy question to answer.
     Going by the name of Cresig, and just because you know that title does not mean you know him. Liking to think himself a very simple man, Cresig does not realize that most people find him to be utterly complicated. For one, he does not get why people flaunt their bodies provocatively by wearing shirts that simply cover their breasts. On the other hand, he exposes the most intimate places of said person’s being for God and all of His angels to see simply because he likes to see how their bodies work. All the while his subject is groaning for mercy. Still, this does not give you an insight into this creature that gets mistaken for Dr. Frankenstein’s creation. Normally, an insult, but to him, reminder of a victory.
     Raven black hair with snow white tipped bangs styled atop two-toned head. Toffee toned flesh being the majority of his natural body color, only two parts of said body have chocolaty caramel flesh sewn on to hide skin-less sinew. The right of face, and left pectoral. Jaw line to hairline angling above nose, and nape of neck to bow of rib cage. Aside from skin tones. A softly angled face that simply begs to be marveled. Naturally arched and thin eyebrows lie above a set of almond shaped blue eyes, which in turn hold a feminine nose between them. Below that, a set of kissable, pale lips. Another interesting trait about him; A collar bolted to his neck as some kind of sick joke played on him by his dead uncle, the bastard.
     Standing at a solid six-two, an intimidating height in itself, and with feline-like muscles lying beneath flesh, he is rarely overpowered by his targets. Not ripped, yet not fat, but somewhere in between, this giant Asian would have the perfect form if not for the mars that are the second skin tone.
     Walking out of alley and into the light of the full moon, Cresig paused a moment to look up at the night sky, it’s beauty simply breathtaking. He smiled his charming smile and let his eyes drift shut briefly, but the cool steel against his skin reminded him that he had a job to do. Piercing blue eyes opened back up and looked around casually, regaining his bearings before he took a step in the direction of his assignment. He was looking forward to it. He hadn’t had a job in over two weeks, what with all the commotion and whatnot. Understandable, he supposed. But still.. If he were more immature, he would have pouted and stomped his foot waiting every minute for a call to his cell.
     Dressed conservatively in a pair of black breeches and a white designer top beneath a black long coat. He still shivered slightly due to the bite of the wind. It just felt chilly to him for some reason, even though it was a relatively warm night. He did not ponder it long before he reached his destination. Removing scalpel from pocket and fingering it lovingly, he walked into the front door of the apartment building with a smile in place, letting the door slam shut behind him with the momentum it’s weight caused.


     Jeff came into New York Harbor on his tugboat, the Titan, after coming up from Florida. He stares at all the old liners and tankers that once were sailing around the world. A tear comes to his eye as he sees a once proud ocean liner sunken to her deck. He finally comes upon an empty dock and ties up there. As he steps off his boat, he says to himself "Where is everybody?" as he walks around the city.

     As he walks around the city, he sees many buildings with their windows shattered and bricks laying everywhere. "Must have been a riot." he said as he looked inside. He decided to go back to his boat to get his pistol to protect himself. As he walks down to his ship, he finds his cabin door open and it wasn't open when he left. He walks cautiously onboard and got his pistol from the bridge. He slowly approaches his cabin when he hears a window shattering behind him and an arm grabbed him by the back of his neck. A crazy person armed with a knife jumped out the window and ran at Jeff. Jeff aimed his pistol and said "Come one step closer and I'll shoot." The crazy person said "You're bluffing." and moved toward Jeff. "I never bluff." said Jeff and shot the person twice before he fell overboard into the harbor.

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