Page name: Lifted Prologue [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-10-25 16:20:56
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     Most said it would eventually stop. Most sat back and watched the disaster continue. Most doubted it would happen to them. Most thought their bodies could hold their carbon dioxide. Most were wrong.
     As I sat in my shit-hole of an apartment six months ago, I noticed my old camera shoved in a corner near my Political Theory textbooks that had been used more by me in my last two years at New York University than they had been in their complete existence. I moved here from Duluth, Minnesota with a 4.0 GPA and a dream to save the world, one criminal court case at a time. I never could have guessed that my only moment of glory would be from my film.
     Now I can only hide in it, holding on to that last shard of humanity. The last remnants of all my friends; the last of anyone. The poison will take me soon, I can feel it in my lungs every time I breathe. I continuously wonder how they felt to know they were about to die, if they were afraid, if they were comforted to know everyone else around them was in the same health. I suppose I will know soon enough. But at least they had each other, now I have no one. My name is Darwin Hayes, and I am the last man on Earth.

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