Page name: Lifted: The Remake [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2012-04-30 22:11:14
# of watchers: 3
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Lifted: The Remake

So here's what's going down. Our university theater department does not offer any screen acting classes, but we decided we wanted to do some anyway. And made a movie. With cameras that became fancier and more impressive with every day of shooting. The original film (which was created with the help of everyone in this original wiki) was written and filmed three years ago.

Yes, this is a whole new ball game and yes, there were some changes to the script since the first film. But all of the inspiration was still sparked by you guys and to this day, I can't thank you enough. And of course, you're all getting some special thanks in ze credits :)

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2012-04-30 [XxTsomexX]: :D <3 so awesomely excited!!!!

2012-04-30 [Rhymes With Orange]: Thanks :) Also, sorry your comment isn't showing up on YouTube right now. We took comments off since have an ass of a friend that is trying to post ridiculous things. Kind of ruins the whole professional film festival look :P

2012-04-30 [XxTsomexX]: It's ok :)

2013-05-13 [Erubeus]: Oh, I can't wait to see the whole film. :3

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