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2016-08-11 07:10:28
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Kbird
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Lil Red

~Time for Anna's story~

"Tryin ta catch bugs?" Lance chuckled as he sat beside a rather young Anabell. She was sitting in the grass under a large oak tree, her mouth was slightly gaped as she looked up at the night sky. As soon as she heard Lance she shut her mouth and shot him a small glare. " unlike you, I don't eat bugs~" she stated looking at him smugly.
"'Ey some bug, are dang good! Like night-crawlers!"
Anna gagged slightly not even trying to hide how gross that was. "Yuck! arethose even safe ta eat?"
Lance chuckled. " so anywoo~ what where ya starin at?"
"Oh I was just thinkin...I wonder if there's another planet just like this one?! 'Cept of course this other one is happy, an' there ain't any dead people runnin 'round tryin ta eat us."
"Hmm that sounds more like a dimensional thing, then another planet.."
"I guess so....does that mean we have to make a dimension-machine instead?!" Anna asked with a whine as she pulled her pigtails.
"Haha, guess you do...Good luck!" Lance quickly stood up and ran down the hill the oak tree was on.
"HEY!! Get back 'ere!!" Anna called after scrambling to her feet as she ran after him.
Lance opened the wooden, white kitchen door, and hurried inside shutting the door before Anna could get to it.
"Mom hide an evil creature approaches!!" He shouted diving into the kitchen pantry that was beside the door. He carefully shut the door so it wouldn't squeak like it normally does.
"I'm not an evil creature!" Anna shouted as she throw open the door.
Her mother blinked tiredly at Anna then to the pantry. "He's not doing you're dirty work, I take it?"
Anna scuffed."it ain't dirty work....he's just helpin me make a dimension machine."
"Why do you need that?" Her mother asked setting down her coffee cup.
"Cuz, this dimension sucks." Anna mumbled.
"I don't think it sucks, I think its quite lovely~"
"What's so lovely about monsters runnin around?!" Anna asked annoyed.
"Anna come 'ere." Her mother said patting the stool beside her. Anabell walked around the island to the stool her mother was on. Anna looked at her feet thinking she was in trouble.
"Anna, look up at Mommy~"
Anna looked up at her mothers eyes, they where a deep evergreen color, her red hair just emphasized them more. Anna loved how her mother's eyes were always so comforting, (at least to her children, to enemies and co-workers?...well that's another story).
Her mother smiled as their eyes met. "Yes, monsters are scary, yes they are dangerous...but not all of these monsters are evil or bad. Mommy and Daddy actually work with some, and you know what?"
She paused letting Anna ask the unavoidable, "What?".
"I see all of them as good friends, /none/ of them are monsters."
"B-but what about the ones that eat people?!" Anna asked.
"They are bad..but someday...we'll find a way to stop them, and make sure there will never be anymore of them....Maybe some day we'll even find a way to cure some."
"....okay...well why can't we just go to another dimension until then?"
"Because, we'd be running away from a little trouble, and we would be leaving a lot of good things behind. Not to mention all the people we would be leaving to fend for themselves."
"I-I don't run from trouble! Nor Do I leave helpless people!!" Anna stated proudly.
"Of course not, you're a Andrews!" Her mother chuckled.
"I ain't a coward neither!" Lance stated bursting out of the pantry.
"Ya huh! You ran from me!!" Anna stated.
"That ya'd talk to mom and see how bad an idea it was!" Lance replied.
Their mother shook her head with a smile as she went back to drinking her coffee.
"Sounds like I've missed some fun." Dennis chuckled as he walked in setting down his bags and smoothly back his black hair which was starting to get peppered with some gray and white.
"Papa!!" Anna cheered running happily to hug his legs.
"Pops!" Lance took two full strides to reach him and hug him.
"Ooph! You two weren't chasing the pig again where you?" Dennis asked spotting the dirt and mud on them as he ruffling their hair.
"" They replied in unison.
"Course not!" He laughed at their blatant lie.
"Okay yes...but it needed the exercise!" Anna stated matter-of-factly.
"No it don't. We want the meat for when we eat 'im!" Dannis smirked.
Anna gasped. "We ain't eatin Spots!"

That's what Anabells life was like. Fun, happy, high spirited. She knew there was danger in the world but never fully realized how close it was until she was nine

Anna had gotten up in the middle of the night to get a drink, she didn't bother turning on any light until she got to the kitchen sense she didn't wish to wake anyone. Her father was on a mission and their mother had just gotten back earlier that day. It took them awhile to convince Betty she could leave but now, that Anna was alone in the kitchen at night, she kinda wished Betty had stayed sense the woman never seemed to sleep, or maybe that she had been allowed to have Debbie stay over.
She had just poured herself a glass of water when she noticed the sound. It was an odd "waah" like sound, maybe the wind? Yeah it was probably the wind. She didn't hear anything now. A few minutes past before the pigs started squealing like mad. Anna got up and walked over to the kitchen door, turning the outside light on before peeking out. She couldn't see anything, the light was too dim. It flickered once, twice, thrice,...and it was out.
"Sigh*, guess I'll use a flashlight." Anna muttered as she walked to the counter by the sink and opened a drawer, they always kept an extra flashlight in there.
She contemplated waking up her mother or even Lance but decided she could handle it on her own. After all, it wasn't the first time the pigs acted up over nothing.
She went back over to the door checking the flashlight to make sure it worked before going to open the door she stopped when she heard an "ooo", it was lauder then the last sound she heard but before she could place it the pigs squeals over shadowed the sound. She was seriously considering waking someone up, but than again this was her chance to be brave like her parents.
She opened the door and stepped outside.
It was overcast so there wasn't any light aside from her flashlight. She took a few nervous step towards the pig pin, it had become hard to hear much more than them. She hurried towards them realizing their squeals were definitely not their normal overly excited ones.
Her light was bouncing around as she ran, for a moment she didn't notice what the light capture but as it flow over it again she froze.
 Zombies? Why we're there so many? And so far out in the country?
Her hand started trembling causing her to accidentally turn off the flashlight. Her mind was screaming for her to run but she knew it would only give her away if she did, but what if they already noticed her? The question was quickly answered when two started charging her as the others staggered and dragged their way to her.
She screamed and turned to run back, no sooner had she turned around then there was a loud bang.
She spotted her mom standing a few feet, her mom looked terrifying, it was hard to say which was scarier...Her mother or the zombies right behind her.
She was running as fast as she could towards her mom she couldn't hear what her mother was saying over the sound of her own heartbeat.
Suddenly she felt hands grab her waist, she let out a scream as she thrashed around not realizing Lance's voice telling her to calm down. It wasn't until she was lifted up and over his shoulder that she realized who it was.
"Get into the passage!! Hit the red button when you get down there and don't stop!!" Their mother ordered still firing as they ran past. Lance stopped and looked back at her.
"Aren't we goin together?"
"I'll catch up with you, Now GO!!"
Lance nodded and hurried into the house.
"What are ya doin' we can't leave mom behind!!" Anna yelled as Lance set her down and pushed the couch over to reveal a section of floor that could be removed.
"She said she would catch up..." Lance replied firmly as he lifting up the floor to reveal a stair case.
"No!! Ya don't just leave people b'hind!!!" Annabell yelled turning to run back to her mom but got stopped by lance grabbing her wrist.
"No, Anna! Soldiers have to choose between majority and sentiment. Mom is strong she will catch up, So let's choose majority!"
"N-No!! I ain't a soldier I-I want to help mom!." Lance pulled her up and over his shoulder and hurried down the stairs ignoring her kicks and punches.
"Ya will be someday and even if your not it doesn't matter, Anna. Right now what matters it gettin ta safety and gettin mom help." with that he hit a button on the wall and the opening they came through closed.
"Wh-what will happen...?" Anna asked finally stopping the assault on her brother.
"The button sent a signal out to help mom, but we are fallowin this corridor 'til we get ta the facility." Lance replied calmly as he set her down. She didn't argue she just ran with him. She was all happened so quickly she wasn't sure what was happening. She was so out of it that it wasn't until a bright light caused her to shot her eyes.
"Oow..what?"She slowly blinked her eyes open just to realize it was the sun. "Are you okay?" Lanced asked trying to shield her eyes with his arm.
"I-it's already morning..." Anna muttered in shock.
"Yeah..we've been walking for a while.." Lanced glanced back down the tunnel trying to hide his worry but even in her numb state Anna could tell he was just as worried about their mom as she was.
She turned her attention to what was in front of them. A few yards away stood large white walls she could see towers peeking over the top of the walls, she knew immediately that they reached the facility. She had only been here a handful of times but it was always amazing to see it. Yet, this time she hated seeing it.
Lance lead the way while Anna fallowed. Debbie & Betty were waiting for them by the gate, Betty's eyes were red and puffy but she was able to give them her usual kind smile. Debbie gave them a weak smile before running over to hug Anna tightly. What happened next is lost to Anna's memory, there were a lot of people, Betty kept try to get them to eat and drink...the rest was a blur until her father finally arrived...without there mother.
After that the facility became their home and Anna sparred everyday she could. After all, someone had to make the undead pay, someone had to stop the monsters and she was more then happy to due so.

Anabell's obsession got worse when she turned fifteen and was able to use the actual training grounds. Her hatred for non-humans grew more by each mission. She even trained to lessen the thickness of her accent and correct her grammar so she would be taken more seriously. The only break was when Debbie and Lance managed to get her to relax a little and hang out with them.

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2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "It was the right thing to do!!" =D

Anabell: "...That was different...but effective."

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: *looking proud of himself*

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "Lance you going to have ta step up his game, cuz I think I found a better drivers!"

Anabell: "=___= I don't know about that.."

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Uh, Debbie...that's, uh..." *a little nervous about what she's saying in front of Anabell*

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "Lance has never nocked down that many before!"

Anabell: "How about when he ramped into a cluster of them, I think he knocked quite a few."

Debbie: "You heard Jace, we have to ramp something!" ;3

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Unless there's an old low-rider parked 'round here, I don't see that happenin'."

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "Bu-but Anna won't be satisfied until we ramp something~"

Anabell: " e.e I never said that."

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Heads up my hand writing is awful so you might not be able to read any of the card I sent you. XP

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: XD That's ok. I feel super-special anyways. <3

Jace: "Yeah, yer the only one sayin' that, Debbie." XD

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Well you are!

Debbie: "traitor! You were supposed to say that you heard her say it too."

Anabell: XD "You have an interesting idea of what makes someone a traitor."

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: XP

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "There are different levels of traitor both personal and national." *Sage nod*

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Not sure how I can be a traitor when we never planned anythin'..."

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "You should have known, I was sending you some serious mental messages."

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...Since when was I supposed ta be psychic?"

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "it's not psychic it's just an unbreakable bond of friendship."

Anabell: "We've been friends for /years/ and we've never had anything like that." e.e

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: "...Nah, still sounds sorta psychic."

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "hey when your a** in hot water and I bust in and save you, you'll understand."

2016-08-16 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Does this count as an '*ss in hot water' situation?"

2016-08-16 [Kbird]: Debbie: "When in Thumper, there is no way we could be in hot water."

Anabell: "Don't jinx us."

2016-08-17 [ancienteye]: Jace: "Sooo, no emergency psychic-friendship abilities. Not now. Achievement is locked."

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