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2005-05-26 13:50:18
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Literary Works of Wonder Girl


Never Understood

Can you see me?
Can you hear me?
I'm calling your name...
Begging you, "Please, please, turn around...
Tell me you love me...
You need me...
There beside you, always and forever..."
Recieving no response my mind becomes a blur
Did you forget all those fun times we had?
All those times we played in the dirt,
Those times we stayed up all night just talking about anything
Those times when you needed a friend and I was there for you...?
Can you honestly betray the feelings we once had?
Throw them away forever?
Erase them from our memories?
How can you hurt someone like this?
I'm onlt human,
What do you expect?
I can't fly, climb mountains without breathing, or now, even look at you without it hurting...
I was always there for you, always trying to make your life better, but you were subiminally making mine worse...
First it was the attitude, then the clothes, the hair, and last the drugs...
We did everytihng together and I wanted to be just like you, but now I see I was a fool...
Your nothing anymore, your alone, and you always will be
Your actions cost you so many things you wish you had again
But wishes don't always come true
I'm happy now, you no longer know who I am
I am my own person
I follow not a soul...
You should do the same...
So now I tell you,
And I tell you true...
"You can hurt me, see me, hear me, but you will never understand me."
For I am never understood...

  - Genevieve Choiseul

A dedication to a once friend, though now she's no longer evr to be in my life again. I sign this to you, my last goodbye, I never wish to see, hear, or hear about you again...



   The two dark shadows entered the large city, the streets bare, not a single light on the street, the houses were large olden dated homes, the cool night air embracing the ever cold city. The city was built as it would have been built in ancient Rome or The Victorian Era. The streets made of cobblestones, only wide enough for carts or chariots to roll on still avoiding people. The homes were built from Roman or Victorian designs, most of them would be classified as manors in today’s society. Though the city was masked from the rest of the world, the inhabitants loved the setting. The two figures creeping silently, having appeared from thin air, when in actuality, their presence was only detected once they entered the city.

   Entering the light emitted from the attic to first floor cut out window both shadows could be fully described. One of male, the other of female gender, the two remaining as close as possible while walking, though keeping an ominous presence. The male was just under six feet, his shady blonde hair not shaven short, yet not earlobe length, it sat just between falling in a tousled manner looking as though he’d rolled from his bed without thinking of his appearance, his skin was medium, though not pale nor tanned. His eyes, originally the deepest obsidian, were, with the deep illusionist art, a dark spring green, the right holding a mark of brown, his body lean though toned into it’s strengthen muscular for. His facial hair was neat, unseen by many, his sideburns linking to his beard under his chin, making him seem in his mid-twenties or so, his clothing choice was simple for the time period where the city was set, though out of balance seeing as it favored Egyptian; the soft sand colored pants reaching the ground, where they skidded across the cobblestones with a footstep, the top being a simple sand colored cotton pull over shirt, the shirt reaching his mid-thighs, the sleeves falling over his hands at his sides, the collar of the shirt almost reaching fully to his shoulders, instead ending in center sides of his collarbone leaving a well amount of his chest uncovered.

   The female stood just a good few inches under the male, her long dark brunette hair falling just under her bust in soft brushed down curls, her skin darker than his, but not far too dark, it was still fair in its dark complexion. Her eyes the same deep obsidian originally, though using the same illusion, her eyes were a deep chocolate, not straying fair from their obsidian color, her body petite yet toned in it’s fair maturity, though some might nit pick about her body maturity, it was in all honesty the perfect measurement for a female of her height and age group she appeared in as a female in her late teens or early twenties. Her clothing favored the same Egyptian linage, her feet bare, as were his, her skirt, however, keeping them covered when she wasn’t walking, the long sandy cotton garment reaching to the ground falling out a good two inches once it reached making it drag on the cobblestones, the shirt tying secretly in the back, though it showed her flat abdomen, shoulders and back only covering her bust from prying eyes. Her skirt stopped a good few inches under her navel, making her long body more desirable, the sandy color contrasting decently against her caramel skin tone. Around her neck was a long golden chain, the pendant reaching just shy of the center of her bust in a heart with a symbol on it of some sort, around her wrists and ankles were gold articles of jewelry, in her ears dangled well crafted earrings which stopped at her jaw, dangling comfortably.

   Upon closer look one could see a golden ring around the young woman’s left ring finger, yet not the young man’s, as they walked side-by-side, they seemed happy as they walked. Upon reaching a large Roman designed home they stopped walking inside hand-in-hand, the young woman smiling gently before they entered the home together closing the door. The lights flicking on, the house was glowing a golden aura all it’s own from the amount of gold on the light fixtures and in other ornaments about the house. Standing in the living room the young woman walked to the young man gently wrapping her arms about his neck, his finding their way around her waist, they met in a soft kiss, both of them lingering before pulling away, their eyes now their natural deep obsidian, though instead of dulled as the rest of their kind’s was, their obsidian eyes sparkled in the lights. They got close for another kiss before another man appeared in the house, only just across the room, the young woman let out a gasp before they both turned.

   “Louis, I didn’t believe it could be true, but now I know for a fact, you’ve seduced my wife into loving you, you jealous, greedy, scoundrel!” the man spat before actually spitting in the other’s face, the young woman backing up with her hands over her mouth, upon a close look one could see the same style golden band on the infuriated man’s left ring finger.

   “Draven, I-” she tried to speak but the man the other was attacking, Louis, held up his hand.

   “Seduce is a strong word Draven, be sure your using it correctly in a sentence, however,”Louis snapped back as Draven looked at him dumbfounded.

   “What are you saying, she wishes to betray me?”

   “That’s exactly what I’m saying, she never loved you, your arranged marriage made her unhappy. She loved me before she ever knew she was betrothed to you, even if she may see me behind your back.”

   “Jouslyn, is what he tells me true? Did you honestly never love me?” Draven asked, pure and bitter hurt in his eyes, but her gaze wouldn’t meet his, she simply looked away biting her bottom lip.

   “My point…”

   “You lie!” Draven shouted charging at Louis, even though his blade went through someone, it wasn’t Louis. All of them heard the blood dripping onto the floor,Louis in blind shock, Draven unable to move, and Jouslyn standing there falling down slowly before the blade sliced clean up the left side of her chest from the ride side of her stomach. Her body fell onto the ground as her eyes slowly closed with her last piece of energy, Draven let out a loud shout,Louis dropping to the floor holding his lover tight to his body, tears spilling onto her body, though she didn’t move.

   Louis' eyes bolted open as he let out an unnecessary breath, slowly sitting up, the sheets falling into his lap. He wiped his eyes before looking around his room, seeing nothing he took the necklace from his neck looking at the black leather string holding the small golden ring, it was the only thing he could wear on his person, in the locked attic were her clothes she adored most, all in thick glassed display cases. Her jewelry all wrapped individually in a small chest where they’d remained for the passed two hundred and fifty years, the thought of the years plagued his mind as he remembered he was six hundred years old at this point. Sighing heavily he looked at the clock before getting up deciding it was a nice warm Saturday afternoon, he could go out while the sun was up for a little while.

© Copyright 2005 Genevieve Choiseul. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of Genevieve Choiseul.


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