Page name: Looking Towards A New Dawn [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-12-09 17:41:08
Last author: illegally insane
Owner: Erubeus
# of watchers: 5
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Hidden Leaf Village

Located in the land of Fire, Hidden Leaf Village (also called Konoha) is the largest and most powerful of all Hidden Shinobi Villages, despite the fact that the land of Fire isn't the largest country. But due to the hidden village's large population, its military presence is very powerful. The Leaf's most distinguishing characteristic is the mountain overlooking the village. It has the faces of every Hokage in carved in it.

After the night just given to him, Bakuto woke up as tired as ever. Normaly he'd be smiling and hyper and happy...but that wasn't the case for today, he had been kept up till early that morning, around five, so you can only imagine how tired he looked after waking only but three hours later to go meet his new squadrine. Once he had gotten his usual breakfast, egg whites, rice, and milk, he headed out the door and over to the school building. Easily he jumped to the roof and sat on the rail, staring down at the children who passed by, some as tired as he, others as hyper as he was usually. He let a low yawn escape, cocking his head back so far that he almost lost grip on the railing and fell. He sighed and tightened his grip as he stared down at the children still. With a gentle shrug, Bakuto disappeared from the beam and headed towards the gate surrounding the whole of the village.

Kino stood around a once peaceful village which was now burned to the ground with bodies strewn about. He gave a small, sadistic smile before removing his headband which had the Village Hidden in the Mist's symbol upon it and put it back into his pocket and then pulled out a small piece of paper with names of villages and tally marks resembling how many he killed of each village. He tacked on 34 marks before looking down at the next village which was Konoha. He put his paper away and pulled out a Konoha forehead protector and put it on. He then made his way toward Konoha.

Small sigh escaped thin lips of Miname, a Jounin who was visiting Konoha for her village, Hidden in the Sand. Garbed in black cloth shorts that ended at mid-thigh, a skirt of dark green went over the shorts and had a slit on each side that ended in the middle of the length of each pant leg. Gloves with her village symbol on them fitted each wrist, the right one adorned in bandage wrap. White-blonde tresses fell down all sides of face, bangs in the front were black and were longer, side-swept to the right to cover the eye patch that hid her "disability". Pulling the jacket closer to hide the fact she had a slimming, but tight-fitting tanktop on that was black with a green mesh shirt that went over it, just as tight and short as the undershirt. Around her neck was the forehead protector, revealed still as the jacket was then zipped up halfway. On her right leg, she had a wrap of bandage and dark green cloth, of which had a kunai bag holding it all in place. On opposite leg, bandages began from the knee down to the black open-toed shoes that was the normal wear for any Ninja of any village. Dark chestnut brown eye closed for a moment, before inhale of breathe was taken in and she walked towards the gates, an ID in hand, ready to be shown.

One of the patrollers stopped the white-haired Sand ninja as she neared the village walls. He gestured for some ID with his hand, his eyes peering out through some wrap. "I need to make a verification, lady." He muttered. "Can't have any body enter our village without and ID, especially since those ninja are going from village to village and killing our clans."

Kino walked into view of the gate of Konoha. He saw Miname show her I.D. to one of the patrollers. He stepped aside and hid in some foliage as he pulled out an I.D. and transformed into the that person. He then stepped back onto the road and proceeded up to the gate in his disguise.

Noting the change of the other figure who'd she seen disappear off into the foliage, she gave her ID card to the patroller. She was not trying to be impatient, but Miname really did need to get moving. She needed to talk to the Hokage in regards to the present situation of the fact Clan families were being murdered.

The male ninja swiped the card from her and held it behind his back. "What is the name on the ID? Display your unique technique." He said, a simple procedure that the Hokage issued the patrollers to do if a ninja wanted to pass. If they could not provide the technique or repeat the name, they could not pass. This ninja was chosen to ask for techniques because he studied up on every ninja in the neighboring villages and would soon start studying up on the upcoming ninja from those villages.

Nodding, she understood the requirements in order to gain entrance to the village of Konoha. She spoke in a formal tone, one that revealed her age to be seventeen. "Hiroki Miname, Jounin of Hidden in the Sand. My unique technique is that I am able to conjure creatures made of sand. Also, a clan trait I possess but of what it is I am not permitted to reveal by Kazekage's direct orders." She finished.

Kino calmly said "Shinji Carretsu, Hidden Waterfall Village, Suiton: Bakusui Shoha(Exploding Water Shockwave)."

"I said display it, not announce it. If you do not want to follow the requirements then take you ID and go somewhere." He said rather rudely, holding out the ID to the female. He glanced at the male and gave a slight groan. "Same as her, display your technique, don't say it." He decided not to snatch the ID from the male ninja seeing as he had already said the name and it was pointless to make him say something he already knew.

Bakuto laughed as he came up behind the old patrol ninja, placing a hand firmly on his shoulder. "Having a bit of trouble here, Khano? I could help you out." He said, yawning one last time.

Kino smirked. "I'd show you, sir, if you wanted to make this entire area a massive resevoir which wouldn't put in favor with the Hokage." He said with a laugh.

Sighing, she leapt a few paces back from the two males, eye closing as took a calming breathe and made the proper hand signs for her jutsu. At once, there was several small vibrations pulsing from her feet as it was her chakra going down into the ground. Loose sand moved at once, taking the offered chakra and using it to manifest itself into what looked like an odd imp-like thing. They moved pretty quick for being sand, and ended up going right towards the patroller and the seemingly Water ninja user.

Bakuto nodded and sent an array of over sized blade edge Cherry Blossom Petals at the sand figures, knocking them down to their original form of plain sand. "Alright, I suppose you are aloud to pass." The tired looking male grabbed the ID from the patroller and tossed it to Miname, gesturing for her to pass.

"Just display your technique, boy! I'm not in the mood for any sassy ninja." He muttered, glancing to the young ninja.

Kino gave a mocking bow. "As you wish." he said sarcastically before taking his stance and preformed his hand seals "Suiton: Bakusui Shoha!" He yelled as a massive burst of water appeared from no where in every direction.

Khano flicked his wrist rather gayly as formed a barrier of chakra around himself and the taller Bakuto. "Fine, fine.. whatever..." He muttered, turning around and walking away, seemingly leaving to make his round around the wall of Konoha. "Bakuto, take care of these two.. Can't afford any mistakes on my shift."

You must be getting very old, my friend.. Bakuto thought as he stared at the white haired teen. "Alright, come on... You are going to need an escort going through the village, like Khan said earlier. We can not afford any slip ups in this village.."

"So, are you basically going to babysit me my entire stay here or is it just a temporary thing?" Kino wise cracked but at the same time wondered what Bakuto meant by escorting.

"Well, I was gonna choose another ninja, but if you insist on me being your escort I will be more than willing to be your babysitter." He fired back in a sort of playful yet serious tone. "Come on." He gestured, edging them both forward.

"It's your call, chief." Kino said quickly. This is going to take longer than I thought, They're not gonna like it but since when have I listened to them? I'll take my time here. "So, I hear Konoha has had its fair share of rebels, so why not have escorts for them as well like your visitors?"

"Because we trust out ninja more than we trust any other village's ninja at this point." the white and red-haired male responded nonchalantly as he placed his hands behind his head.

"But why the strict escorting? There's more of a risk, if all your nin are busy escorting that someone could sneak in. Why not just have security set up at all possible entry points and then have them monitor around the city as well?" Kino asked Bakuto.

Bakuto looked back at the white-haired ninja, grinning slightly. "I just don't trust you." He admitted. His ice-blue and white eyes shifted to gaze at one of the passing genin. He gave a slight wave and gestured for Kino to hurry along.

Kino grinned. "I gathered that easily. But don't tell me you're going to monitor me hand and foot because I'm sorry I don't see the point in that even if you don't trust me."

"Hah, you wish! No, I will be waiting for my squadrine later on, but until then I will be monitoring you.. after, you will be handed over to an accomplice." He said with a flick of the wrist. "You in the mood for some breakfast, cause I am starved."

Kino sighed. "Figures... So, what are you here for?" He asked Miname

Miname caught the ID with a sigh, putting it back into her pocket and walking along. She hadn't known that they were escorting visiting Nin and this wasn't what was meant to occur. At the question of her business here, she glanced annoyingly at Kino, eye closed for a moment. "My business here cannot be shared with the likes of others. I will speak to the Hokage himself, my orders come from the Kazekage himself." She replied.

"Okay then Miss Talkative..." Kino said with a laugh before taking careful observations of everything we was being shown.

"There is a miss Hokage running the village, not a mister." bakuto pointed out gently, poking the air towards the building looking over the village. "I take it you're living in the past, hm?" he asked with a bit of amusement coating his tired voice. "Alrighty! Let's go get some food!" He exclaimed, gripping a hold of Kino's shirt carelessly and pulling him along. "I guess will meet up later on today, miss Miname." He called back with a wave.

Miname glared at him for the correction of her statement. Rolling her eyes, she turned and left without a backward glance or a good-bye. She wasn't usually one to talk to others who she did not know. Besides, she wanted to get back home, already sick at the feeling of being in a different village other than her own. Going to the building indicated, she walked in, showing her ID card and telling them she was here to deliver a message from the Kazekage.

"Let go o' me! What's with you, eh?" Kino said angrily as he swiped Bakuto's hand off his shirt.

"I said I am your escort, but I am hungry and you are coming along so I can eat." He muttered rather sternly, turning around to stare at Kino. "So, you coming?"

Kino glared at Bakuto. "I think you're going too far with this escort thing." he argued.

"Nothing is ever going too far when you have children and fellow ninja to protect." His gaze hardened severely as he said this, his eyes narrowing past his bangs at Kino.

"Then go protect them instead of worrying about some trivial person like me on vacation." Kino said.

"I am staying near you, whether you like it or not." He crossed his arms over his chest, looking around for a moment. "Ah, there;s the Ramen Shop. Come come."

It'd be better if I just killed you... Kino thought to himself as he sighed and followed Bakuto.

Before even entering the Ramen Shop, Bakuto caught sight of the female from earlier, seemingly looking for someone. "Hm...?" He gave a half smile at nothing and turned around, spotting one of his fellow Jounin and gesturing for her to come over. "Stay here with this one, don't let your eyes off of him..." With that said, he walked off and headed straight for the Miname girl.

Black-haired female nodded and walked into the shop, smiling warmly at Kino. "So, how do you like it in Konoha so far?" She asked gently before ordering some ramen for herself.

Kino gave a reserved laugh. "Worst vacation of my life. You guys take your escorting way too seriously, to the point where it will probably lead to it's downfall."

"Bakuto is just really serious about his work. Once he gets something in his sights he doesn't let up on it." She said. "Ah, by the way. My name is Naku, nice to meet you mister... um.. I'm sorry, what is your name?" She asked, turning in her seat and pushing a bowl of Ramen to the white-haired male.

"...Shinji..." Kino said before pushing the ramen away.

"Oh, please now. Eat, I would really like it, Shinji." Naku said gently, rubbing his back lightly as she turned back to her own ramen. She dropped her hand from his back and reached for a couple sets of chopsticks, offering a pair to Kino.

Kino took the chopsticks from Naku. "He'd probably force feed me this." he laughed.

"Maybe, perhaps it was a good thing that I was beckoned to hang with you for now, hm?" She asked, separating the sticks and grabbing the noodles, pulling them up to her mouth and sucking them in slowly.

Kino took his time eating his ramen. "So, why exactly is your security so tight?"

She bit off her extra noodles and swallowed that in her mouth, grabbing a napkin to wipe some juice from her red lipstick coated lips. When she was finished, she nodded and smiled. "Well, the killings of the famous clans, of course. Hokage-sama noted that our protection was very weak as of a few months ago, and seeing as we have three of the strongest clans in our village we have to make sure nobody slips in to kill them off. I mean, the Uchiha's only just got revived to their full abundency a couple of years before the hokage's rein and she would not like to see them vanish again. The Hyuuga's do not like so much fuss over them for they think they can handle themselves, and the Daichi's, a clan that was abundant many years before either of our times, need protection as well." She explained rather slowly, turning back to her food.

"Do they even know who's been doing the killings?" Kino asked.

"No sir, that is why it is so tight now." Naku said with a slight chuckle, pulling some more noodles into her mouth via chopsticks.

"They don't have as much as a picture of them?" Kino asked.

"Perhaps the Hokage does, but she will not share information with anybody but her most trusted ninja. The six ninja that she would ever share that information with is Shizu, Mika, Kirom, Looky, Inuzi and Bakuto. You already know Bakuto, as well. The rest are a mixture of Chunin and Jounin. If they have that info, then it will not be safe here for the murderer." She commented after swallowing her noddles.

"So, where do you fall into all of this? Why are you not held in the Hokage's regard?" Kino asked.

"Because she has not liked me ever since I stole her boyfriend years ago." Naku said with a laugh, pulling her hair from her shoulder and letting it fall to her back. "She does not even like the sand village for what was conceived long ago.' She said simply.

"What do you mean by that?" Kino asked again.

"When her great great grandfather was killed, one hundred and fifty-five years ago, the third hokage. When the sand village tried to destroy our village and Sarutobi was killed by the senin Orochimaru. She has hated the village ever since she was told the story by her father, another hokage. She was told the story by her grandfather as well, the hokage before her father. Her family has consisted of hokage's reaching back four generations. Of course, her sister was hokage before her, and she died from a mysterious illness, so she was the fifth person of the fourth generation to be held as the hokage of the village." She waved her hand at the person behind the table and was presented with a bottle of sake and a small cup to put it in. She poured some for herself and drunk it quickly before going for her ramen once more. "Want some sake?"

"I'm fine. Well, if you don't mind I'm going to take a walk." Kino said getting up heading out of the ramen shop.

"Woah!" Naku exclaimed, tossing money onto the table and heading out after Kino. "Hey, Bakuto told me to keep an eye on you, and I'm gonna do that. Please don't try to evade me, I'm one of the best trackers in this village without born talent, so it will be no use to run, Shinji." She informed him calmly, following behind him with her hands shoved into her pockets.

"You underestimate me, Naku." Kino said with a smirk. "You may be the best here, but outside I'm not so sure."

"Please don't try anything, Shinji.." Naku pleaded only semi-helplessly. Her brows furrowed lightly as she watched him, her hand gripping something in her pocket now.

"Do you plan on killing me if I do?" Kino said with a laugh. Nice girl, too bad I may have to kill her. he thought.

"No, I make it a habit not to kill people so much younger than I." Naku said, pulling out what she was gripping and slipping it around her neck, a simple necklace embed with the bluish clear crystal handed down through her family. Her great grandfather won it from the fifth hokage, it was special to her.

Kino gave a wide grin. If she only knew... "Whatever." He said as he started walking away.

She sighed quietly and continued on after him, her hands shoved in her pockets once more. "Where are you heading?" She asked curiously.

Kino looked at Naku "I don't know...and I don't care. Ever live your life like that? So... care-free? I bet not."

"You know nothing about me." She shot at him rather quickly, her eyes narrowed.

"Is that hatred I sense? It's a good look for you." Kino laughed as he turned around and started walking off nonchalantly while keeping his guard up.

Naku rolled her eyes slightly and continued after him. "Whatever."

Kino jumped up onto the roof of a building and began surveying as much as he could. "This place is pretty big." he said softly.

Naku quirked a brow and watched him. "He;s a weird on.." She said to herself.

"It'll take a while to set up but if I keep a low profile it'll work for sure, now to enjoy this extra time." Kino said quietly to himself before jumping off the roof landing next to Naku. "So, what's there to do in this place?"

"You can play with the kiddies if you'd like." She muttered.

Kino cocked on eyebrow. "How nice..." he said sarcastically then started walking down a random road.

"Well, there is a tradition in this village that happens every first sunday of the month, which happens to be today. Sort of like an all out brawl of all the ninja in the village that happens during the evening. You could always do that if you'd like, but it'll be a little while before it all starts." Naku informed gently.

"Brawl? That seems so barbaric for a peaceful village like this. I like it." Kino said with a wide evil grin.

Naku nodded gently and smiled. "Like I said, it'll start in a few hours."

Kino cracked his neck and walked up into a nearby tree and sat down on a branch. "Then I'll just have to wait a few hours. Where's this being held?"

"Wherever Hokage-sama decides to hold it. It is in a different place each month, but I'm guessing it'll be in the Forest of Death this time." She sat, taking a seat down at the base of the tree.

"What are the usual rules and regs for these kind of things?" Kino asked with his eyes closed.

"No killing of the ninja is about the only rule." She said with a shrug.

"You all sure know how to take the fun out of things... wake me up when it's time." Kino said before falling asleep.

"Alright." She said gently.

Kino woke up some time later and looked around. " she?" he said looking around for Naku.

"Down here.." Naku muttered, waving up at him. "You still have about an hour and a half left."

"Whatever." Kino said as he stood up and walked down the tree with his chakra. "You're not going to be following me during this brawl, are you?"

"I will." She said gently, cracking her neck and standing up. "Bakuto trusted me, so I am going to keep an eye on you."

Kino sighed. "Fine, but don't get in my way."

"It's an all out brawl, Shinji.. Last one able to fight wins.. I will have to get in your way sooner or later.." She pointed out rather easily, poking the air with her index finger.

"Does the Hokage participate?" Kino asked with a grin.

"She did before the killings." She said simply, shrugging a bit.

"Damn, that would've made it worth it. A worthy opponent." Kino said said looking off into the distance reminiscing.

"You think you're so bad, huh?" Naku asked with a bit of amusement in her tone.

Kino gave a reserved laugh. "You've underestimated me, therefore you've already lost before it began." Kino pulled out a bingo book and started reading. "So, do you think that killer is one of these guys?"

"Perhaps, perhaps not." Naku said with another shrug.

"Oh, come on! You have to have hunch at who it might be, what is it?" Kino asked.

Naku sighed quietly and walked over to him, looking into the book as he flipped the pages. "Well, I can point one out who I think could be part of the murdering pack of rogues." She placed her finger on one of the names, "Sazuki Akino". She shrugged lightly and placed her hands behind her head.

"Sazuki Akino? What's so special 'bout him? I hear it's just one person, not a pack of 'em." Kino said.

"Sazuki is female, and I said I think she is one of the many "members" killing off the clans. It;s kind of weird, too.. She is one of the children of a strong tribe, and she turned on them.. Sounds like a bad drama." She muttered quietly.

"She seems like someone who wants to get their name around, so I don't think she's the one. I mean there's too much information on her, she's obviously trying to get known." Kino said.

"Even so, ninja have different tactics. Maybe she wants it that way so nobody would think she has the nerve to ever do such a thing." Naku said as she stretched her arms up into the air.

"Then again you could be wrong. Maybe one day you'll find out if you are or not." Kino said with a smirk. "Is it almost time?"

"Yes, some day." Naku echoed, turning to look up to the sun. "I'd say about forty five minutes.. You really can't wait for this to start, can you?" She asked with a small smile.

"Not really, no since there's nothing else to do here." Kino said. "Fighting is the only thing that makes me feel... alive."

"Yeah, not much to do if you're a visitor from a different village." Naku agreed, nodding slightly.

"Let's go to his 'Forest of Death' or whatever it's called. It's one of the few places of interest here." Kino said waiting for Naku to lead the way since he didn't know where it was.

Naku nodded and walked slowly past him, pulling her hair over her shoulder as she headed towards the wall of the village. "Alright.. Come on."

Kino followed and matched Naku slow pace carefully observing the large wall they were approaching. "So, what's your special abilities, huh?" Kino asked.

"You'll find out during the tournament." Naku said with a small smirk, eying him carefully. "I can tell you, though, that I can control a bit of lightning."

"Intriguing." Kino said in a some what interested tone.

She nodded gently and walked past the wall. She waved to Khan and turned to her left, heading straight into the forest. "The Forest of death is past this forest." She informed with a slight shrug.

"And what is this forest called? The forest of pleasant thoughts?" Kino said sarcastically.

"Heh.. you think you're so cute." She muttered out, rolling her eyes slightly. "No, this is where many of the genin are taken to train, smart guy..." She shook her head and turned to her right when she came upon a slashed tree, the Forest of Death just beyond these trees and a nifty little wall of rock formations.

"With a name like the 'Forest of Death' the rule to not kill each other seems almost trivial, don't you think?" Kino asked.

"I did not say there were not to be deaths, just that no ninja was aloud to kill another.. The forest is alive, Kino.. It will kill you if you put your guard down, whether it be by poisonous plant, drowning in a swamp, or being eaten alive by reptiles... It will get you somehow." Her voice was rather serious as she said this, gaze drifting back to Kino before she made her way around the natural wall around the Forest of Death.

Nodding, the young female Genin had been instructed to show their visitor the way. She lead Miname to the office and opened the door, to reveal the old office that still appeared to be the same but was larger. "Here you are, Miname." She said, smiling gently.

"Thank you," Miname said simply, slightly freaked out that everyone was so nice here. They all smile a little too much for my liking... she thought, mouth twitching slightly as she moved into the office, standing four feet from the desk. Hands folded behind her back, she waited to be addressed by the leader of the Konoha village.

"Ah, hello young Sand Ninja." Came the silky voice of the hokage as she turned the chair she was sitting in around to peer at the young Jounin female. She noted that the other's mouth twitched slightly, this only made her laugh. "I see you are uncomfortable. Do you wish for my ninja to start being foul land rough for no reason, cause I can do that." She said rather playfully, poking a bit of fun at Miname. "Ah, but enough of this, you have business with me, young Miname?" She asked in a more serious tone. She had read up on the ninja of the villages and so was not needed to be offered a name or a greeting. Standing from her chair, Lilin cuffed her hands together behind her back and stared at the other with cold emerald eyes. She had not enjoyed being "friends" with the Sand Village too much, she hated the village since she was a little girl for what they had done to her Great Great grandfather, the Third hokage. They had attempted to ambush the whole of the village and in doing so he was lost due to the damn Snake senin, Orochimaru with the help of the Sound ninja.

She had not been surprised when her name was said without her having to introduce herself. As a matter of fact, she expected nothing less from the Hokage. "Kazekage Masa wishes to give condolences for this day of which was a sad one in the time of both Konoha and the Sand village." Miname knew what it was, but she continued, eye closing gently for a moment, before reopening. "He asks that you allow him to send some of his finest Jounin to assist you in the protecting of your Clan families, and in the capturing of the murderers who disgrace the honor of being Nin. And, as proof of this agreement, a personal note stating everything I had said with the seal of the Kazekage and his signature. You can do anything you want to prove its authenticity, as we know the alliance between our villages are still shaky after all these years." Miname pulled out the scroll of which was the note and set it down on the desk, then stepping back and standing where she originally was with hands folded behind her back. It was quite obvious that Miname knew her place and gave no indication of being otherwise.

Lilin took the scroll and opened it carefully, not that she did not trust the Kazekage, but just because she though she might not need the assistance. After consideration, she opened it up the rest of the way and read it carefully, nodding from behind the scroll. "I wouldn't mind it, it was positively help, although I do think the Hyuuga's will disagree. Either way, it is my decision." She rolled the scroll back up and placed it on her desk along with her hands as she leaned over the desk. "Tell him that his idea and offer is good, and it is accepted." The brown haired female pulled back from her desk and turned, walking back to the window to gaze otu at her village. "You may leave when you wish, you may also take an escort if you do not feel safe heading back to your village, Miss Miname."

"Yes Hokage-sama," Miname replied, bowing her head, "Kazekage-sama will be most thankful in your accepting our help." Straightening herself, she turned, adding, "And I thank you for the offering of an escort. On the way here, I felt that I was being followed and my current condition is not its best as the requirement to perform my best jutsu took its toll on me." Miname left the office without another word, sighing heavily when she was out of the building and in the streets. Kids and adults passed by, regarding her with a stare or a whisper. She turned around, glancing about for that Bakuto. He seemed strong and wondered if he would be kind enough to help.

"Ah, hello again, Misses Miname. Are you finding everything okay?" Bakuto asked gently, his arms cuffed together behind his back as he smiled down to her.

She let gaze fall to the male who she'd been searching for. "Please, just call me Miname. I need to go back to the Sand village, but do not feel up to par and I am on an important mission for the Kazekage. Hokage-sama said that I could have an escort back to my village and seeing as you are the only one who I know, I wanted to ask you to be my escort."

"Ah, I see. Well, sure thing Miname. It would be a good break from this place, much needed." He stretched his arms above his head and yawned into the air, pointing it away from the female, he thought it was rude to yawn in someone's face and what not. He turned back and nodded. "Well, we can leave when you wish."

"The sooner we get leave the better." Miname said, turning and heading off towards the exit of the gate she had used to get in. "What was your name again?" she asked.

"Bakuto." He said simply, nodding and following after with his hands behind his back once more.

"Alright then, Bakuto. You are aware of the Sand village customs as well, correct?" Miname asked, making sure that he did know as there were different ways Konoha nin acted compared to Sand nin.

"Aye, that I do." He smiled at the passing females and children, ninja and men going by, stopping so he could pet one of the dogs in the village that walked by. He continued on, following once more behind Miname.

"Then I do not have to waste time showing you the customs then. That is a good thing because I do not feel like showing them." Miname said, laughing slightly, but nothing more than that.

Bakuto nodded solemnly. "I understand." The white-haired male waved to the patrolling Khan, a flick of the wrist in response, and placing his hands on the back of his head, lacing fingers to keep them in place.

A lone figure emerged form the forest. It appeared to be a boy, a older teen to be exact. His sandy blonde hair rustled a bit in the slight breeze. His entrancing blue eyes fell upon the guard house. "Um, hello?"

Khan lumbered out from behind the wall from the call, his wrapped head letting loose a pair of green eyes with little emotion. "Welcome to Konoha.. If you would be so kind as you hand me your ID card, state your name and show your special ability you may be liable to pass through to the Village of Konoha.'

" card? Well my name's Justin, Justin Steelheart Nakini, but im afraid the only recognition i have is my headband...." Justin Flashed the Chisiogakure headband that he wore on his arm.

"Hm..." Khan placed his finger at his chin and stared at the forehead protector, his eyes squinting. "I don't think I've read up on those files yet, the Blood Village..." He echoed the last few words, trying to think of his face. "I'm sorry, Justin, but you cannot pass without an escort.. It is the law here since the killings started.. Do you agree with taking an escort?"

"Uh sure i wouldn't mind. im not surprised the blood village is very secretive." He chuckled as he swept his hair back from his forehead.

Khan nodded gently and turned around, walking a few paces forward and sending a shock of light up into the air using his chakra. He turned back around and crossed his arms over his chest, soon turning his head to look at a figure standing next to him, a blonde-haired male. "Alright, Juton. You are the escort of this fine young man for the day, or until he leaves. He requires an escort since he does not have an ID. His name is Justin Nakini."

The blonde nodded, looking to Justin now. "I understand." Was all he said, his blue eyes staring holes through him. He looked him over slowly and crossed his arms, gloved covering scars on his wrists, palms and knuckles. "Come on, Justin."

"Eshh...scary much. Thanks, im here to visit family so would it be ok if i was escort by them once we reach their house? They aren't here because its kind of a surprise visit." Justin nodded then stuck his hand out to shake the Guards.

Khan shook the hand and nodded gently, releasing quickly and walking away back towards his post. Juton simply turned on his heel and walked on into the village, seemingly ignoring the male behind him.

"So..Juton know the nakinis that live around here?" Justin asked making some small talk to lighten the mood. He stared absently at the small shops and villagers wonerding why his village was so much different.

The taller jounin stopped in his tracks and looked around slowly, furrowing his brows a bit before he realized it was the first Sunday of the month. "Ah, right. I'm am sorry, boy, but you're parents are not in the village at the moment. Every ninja has left for the tournament in the Forest of Death." He turned as he spoke, his arms cuffing behind his back firmly. "We should go there, it is probably already almost finished by now."

"Not my parents big guy, uncle; but sure lead the way. Id love to see some amatures...uh..equals fight." Justin stepped aside to let his escort lead the way to the center off attention.

"Every ninja gets cleared from the village by the Hokage herself, even those of the newborns. They are to attend the tournament to recognize and give their respects to the ninja with the most stamina and power of the month." Juton simply shrugged and walked around Justin, heading back out of the gate and heading towards the Forest of Death. "The only ninja who do stay are those of the patrollers, this is only because they give respect to tall the ninja."

Barely a rustle was made as a black-haired ninja headed through the forest, narrowing in on the Konoha village. Her hair was kept in two neat braids on the back of her head that blended in with her whole outfit. A pair of black pants, a black tank top with a color that covered half of her chin, arm guards down to her fingers and a pair of feet hugging shoes with red wraps going up her calves. Under the straps were markings on her left leg, something she had receive while residing in this village, she hated this village so much. She went by the name of Aikox Nakoust, but ever since she has been meeting with many a ninja in different villages she has acquired the nickname of The Vengeful Spirit of Konoha, or Tvsk. She steadily crept up to the edge of the forest and watched Khan head into the gate surrounding Konoha and then into the small house type deal he usually sat when he was eating. Easily, the teal-eyed ninja jumped up onto the top of the wall near his station and quietly jumped down, her feet barely making a sound when she hit the ground. With a slow reach to one of her many weapons, Aikox grabbed her dagger with the hand guard one it coated in spikes and jabbed it into the back wall of the wooden wall, a low grunt coming from inside. She withdrew the weapon and wiped it off with one of her clothes she had to clean her weapons. She casually walked around to the front of the small structure and looked in, pleased that she had hit with pin point accuracy into his temple and head. When she heard a sound behind her she froze suddenly, not expecting anybody to be in the village since today was the day of the tournament. She slowly turned around to see Athav Hyuuga already rearing to kill her. She smirked lightly and replaced her blade at her hip, not really afraid of this Hyuuga. "Athav. I haven't seen you since you were a baby, how's it going?"

Athav simply glared at her when she saw the limp body of Khan laying in the small house. "Get out of my village..." She muttered darkly, bringing her hands together and bringing out her Byakugan quickly encase the female did decide to attack. "Or I'll force you out." She finished slowly taking her fighting stance

Kino headed toward the gate and saw that the guard wasn't posted there. Sure, *now* there's no guard posted...

Bakuto stopped when he reached the gate as he noticed Khan was not patrolling like he should be, it was weird. Khan never left his post or was never distracted while patrolling. He flinchined slightly when he heard a crash behind the gate and then saw dust rising up from the ground. He ignored Kino for the time being and hurried into the village, stopping when he saw Athav lying on the ground in a pile of rubble, struggling to get loose of a few pillars of wood over her stomach. He glanced around and tried to spot who was attacking, furrowing his brows more. He shook his head and hurried over to Athav, easily slicing up the pillars with his Cherry Blossoms. he grabbed her and pulled her up by the arm, caught off guard by a kunai getting his forearm.

Aikox appeared ontop of a roof nearby, turning her attention to the other white-haired male, Kino. "And who are you? You a friend of their's?" She asked simply, crossing her arms over her chest and staring down at him from behind her few loose bangs she deliberatly left out of the braid.

Kino cocked an eyebrow. "Does it matter who I am? It seems you're mind is already made up... you plan to kill me. I know a killer when I see one." Kino said with a grin. "I know who you are and I, honestly, don't care what you do, but if you plan to kill me then you've bitten more than you can chew." he said meeting stares with Aikox.

"If you knew my intentions than you would keep your mouth shut and stay out of my way. I don't waste my blades on mere outsider ninja, I only use them on these pathetic ninja." She explained, turning to glance at Bakuto and Athav. She knew Bakuto, she knew he lived in this village but he was not a leaf ninja, she should not have wasted her kunai on him.

Bakuto pulled the kunai from his arm and winced slightly when he saw the blood pouring from his arm. He pulled his sleeve up to his bicep, both, and stretched out his arms. "Okay, you just messed with the wrong person." He mumbled out, biting his thumb through his mask and making his hand signs to call up his beast. It would not be a squirrely though, something much more powerful and larger than the small critter.

Athav grabbed his hands before he could finish them and shook her head. "No, go get some help, Bakuto. She is only after the leaf ninja..." She explained once more to him, and reluctantly he had not listened to reason.

Her hands were shoved form his hands as he finished his justsu, Cherry Blossoms coming from nowhere, as they always had, and forming into a large wolfish-fox looking beast. It let out a low growl, it's eyes large balls of red chakra, and ran at the ninja at the building. Before it made contact with the building it desolved and Cherry Blossoms went circling around the building, slicing it down to size, slowly pulling her down.

"I don't care. You're just trying to settle your petty difference with this revolting village. I guess I'll let you do what I came for, that is... if what they say is true about you." Kino said with a mere chuckle before walking into the forest, out of sight but still watching the battle going on.

Lilin readjusted the genin in her arms and looked around, looking for B akuto and the Kino fellow. "Hm, Shinji, Bakuto!" She called out, making her way back to the village. When she noticed the fighting she quickly stopped in her tracks, turning her head to look at the ninja following her.

Juton hurried to the front to see why everyone stopped and spotted the cherry blossom tornadoe devouring a house. he furrowed his brows and dropped the Genin carelessly, not being one for manual labor himself.

Aikox jumped from the cherry blossom tornado and spotted the large group of ninja waiting outside the gate. With a small frown and a few hand signs she disappeared in a puff of smoke, her words lingering in the air. "I'll be back for you, Lilin..."

Bakuto stopped his attack and looked at the grou outside the gate, his brows furrowing slightly. He fell back onto the ground and sighed quietly, his chakra nearly completely gone and his body aching from the many wounds in his thighs and arms and whatnot. "Damn."

Kino laughed. "That's interesting. She'll attack a single weak guard to set up a trap for others. That's an odd tactic, maybe one worth using but it appears she didn't plan on others coming to their aid. Poor planning on her part..." he said to himself as he turned away and headed off to another village to figure out his next move.

Naruto. Looking Towards a New Dawn rp

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2007-11-16 [Erubeus]: ...
That's who he was asking, [illegally insane]....

2007-11-16 [illegally insane]: Oh! Wait hold on put yours in front of mine then take that last part out lol.

2007-11-23 [twitchboy]: [Erubeus] are you playing the NPC's?

2007-11-23 [Erubeus]: Yes indeed.

2007-12-01 [Erubeus]: Just for now until I feel like typing more.

2007-12-04 [Erubeus]: You should play Athav so that I do not have to rp with myself, Hige. D:

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