Page name: Love's Second Chance 3 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-07 06:12:09
Last author: ~Crimson Angel~
Owner: ~Crimson Angel~
# of watchers: 2
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D20: 16
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Adrian blushed and shyly kissed Genji's cheek in return.

Genji blushed and took Adrian's hand.

"Ok, you carry the fox and I'll carry you, ok?" Joey said.

Isaac nodded and smiled. "Okay."

Adrian gave him a shy smile.

Joey gave the fox to Isaac and picked Isaac up and began to carry him to his room.

Genji blushed and kissed Adrian gently.

Adrian hesitated for a moment, then slowly began to return the kiss.

Isaac giggled cutely as he hugged the fox close. "When do you think Haku and Mister Zabuza will be awake?"

Genji smiled and kissed Adrian's forehead, "You're cute."

"Not sure, I can ask Kavi after I put you to bed." Joey said going upstairs.

Isaac hummed softly. "I think Kav-Kav is having some naughty time with his lover."

Adrian blushed softly. "You really think so?"

Joey blushed, "I'll wait till you get up then."

Genji smiled and nodded, "I do."

Adrian shyly smiled back. "Thank you."

Isaac giggled.

Joey shook his head as he laid Isaac in his bed.

Genji smiled, "Your welcome."

Adrian gave Genji's cheek a soft peck as he blushed.

Isaac held onto the fox even as he grew tired. "Will you tell me a story?"

"Sure, what story do you want to hear?" Joey asked.

Genji blushed and hugged Adrian gently.

Adrian smiled and snuggled close.

"A fantasy story with dragons and mages," sleepily said Isaac.

Genji smiled and held Adrian.

"Like the Hobbit? Or is that too long?" Joey said.

"Too long. Something like sleeping beauty, but with the dragon good," said Isaac.

Adrian nuzzled his chest softly.

"I could do a version where an evil witch made Beauty sleep and the dragon's the one that wakes her." Joey suggested.

Genji blushed.

Adrian smiled shyly at him.

Isaac happily clapped his hands. "Yay!"

Joey smiled as he began to tell his version of Sleeping beauty.

Genji smiled back.

Adrian blushed slightly and looked away.

As Isaac listened to the story he felt his eyes droop. He really wanted to stay awake to listen to the end of the story, but about half way through he was out like a light.

Joey smiled and kissed Isaac's forehead.

Genji chuckled.

Adrian blushed even more.

The little fox gave a wide yawn as he snuggled up next to Isaac.

Joey smiled as he left the room quietly to get some tea.

Genji kissed Adrian's cheek.

Thomas hummed softly as he stirred his tea and worked on a crossword puzzle.

Adrian blushed brightly and returned the kiss.

"Hi Thomas." Joey said entering the kitchen.

Genji smiled, "So, do you want to go on a date?"

Adrian smiled and nodded. "Sure."

"Hello, luv." Thomas smiled gently at him.

Genji smiled, "Great, where do you want to go?"

"I just laid Isaac down for a nap, everything go ok with Kavi?" Joey asked getting a cup and pouring himself some tea.

"Yeah. He's resting with Kuro at the moment and Haku and Zabuza are in a room together resting. They shouldn't be up for a few hours," said Thomas as he went back to his puzzle. "What's a four letter word for pain in the ass?"

Adrian shrugged. "I don't know. I never got out that much."

"Kavi?" Joey said joking.

"You like tea or coffee?" Genji asked.

Adrian perked up slightly. "I love tea. It's my favorite drink next to hot chocolate."

Thomas laughed softly. "That's what I was thinking."

"Well there a new tea house in town, want to go?" Genji asked.

Joey chuckled as he sat next to Thomas.

Thomas leaned over and kissed Joey's cheek.

Adrian smiled softly and nodded. "Sure."

"Want to go now?" Genji asked.

Joey blushed and kissed Thomas' cheek in return.

Thomas chuckled softly.

Adrian nodded and sat up some. "Sure."

"So, what do you want to do?" Joey asked sipping on his tea.

"Alright, let's go then." Genji said smiling.

Adrian smiled and got up, chuckling softly.

Thomas hummed softly and sat his pencil down. "I wouldn't mind having some alone time with you," he said with a hint of coyness.

Joey blushed and grinned.

Genji took Adrian's hand and led him out of the room.

Adrian happily followed after his lover.

Thomas smiled gently at the other.

Joey kissed Thomas' cheek.

Genji smiled as he led Adrian down the stairs.

Adrian smiled gently in return.

Genji smiled, "Want to walk or borrow Misty's car?" He asked Adrian.

Joey sipped his tea, "How long have you been working on that crossword?"

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