Page name: Lucenbourne [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-14 01:32:32
Last author: Nite_Owl
Owner: Nite_Owl
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The City of Lucenbourne

Here can be found the base of the Immaculates and the tomb of the short-lived dynasty of the Bourgians. This was once the capital of the entire kingdom, and after many wars that tore apart the empire it is now the stronghold and shelter of many supporters of the assassinated Emperor. Many of the best schools and churches can be found behind its unbeatable walls, giving hope to the people, and it is known widely for its protectors and their near-unmatchable skill. It is relatively peaceful here, as much so as any city in chaos can be, but walls can only keep people out, and many of the "Immacualtes" hide well what lies beneath their mask.

Last Version Cleaned:
69, 100


The path out of the city was relatively short; only a few minutes in the midday crowds and heat. When they had reached the outskirts, Marcus noticed a man standing by the road, holding a few tethered and heavily laden horses by their reigns. The man seemed to be expecting them, for he approached them and handed Marcus the line of horses after a rather concise conversation. "I suppose these are ours then," he remarked obviously, with a slight shrug of his shoulders. Checking the bags thrown over the horses' backs, he discovered they were filled with water, bread, medicine, and a few other necessities; apparently the Emperor had called ahead.

Yale smiled at the horses, always being a lover of animals. She smoothed a fair palm over the nearest's flank, then up past the mane and face. It was a gray mare, seemingly frail to the passing glance, but the priestess could tell that it was quite the opposite. She mounted the sturdy animal carefully, so as not to startle her or the others, and patted her neck gently; the mare seemed to sigh in response. "They're well kept, and healthy. Excellent for the long journey. And I'm certain they should find their way back should we need to desert them..."

Alia, following behind the others, arrived as the man departed. Convenient, she mused before wandering over to a sturdy looking brown stallion. She patted the horse's neck and pulled herself onto his back. "I say we hope that there will be no need to abandon them," Alia said looking out at the road ahead of them, "I'm not afraid." She looked defiantly at the others, "Shall we?"

"As I hope as well," Marcus commented, packing the maps from his uncle into the pack on his own black stallion for safe-keeping. He watched as the path stretch only a little ways before disappearing into the forests. Steadfastly, he reminded himself that this was the quickest (if the most dangerous) passage to their enemy. They would have to be extra careful in the darkness and night, especially Yalesigna; as the future High Priestess for an empire based strongly in religion, killing a woman of such status would be a great achievement for their enemies. "Everyone, choose your steed and we'll be off."

"My Dear....once we're to the other side, you will be, and thats even if we make it..." Bedevere said, disappearing from the group during the walk to the outside of the city before appearing again by a horse. "Not acknowledging ones fears could lead to disastrous results.." he commented to Alia again packing a few bags of his own on a fairly bulky horse.

"Happy little ball of sunshine, aren't we?" Alia said sarcastically, looking down at Bedevere. "Sometimes keeping up moral is just as important as the strength you seem to value so greatly. And as for fear, I think I may know more about my own fears then you, thanks."

"Clearly you have never been to The Forest before.." Bedevere commented back as he finished throwing his bags on before turning to the city then getting onto the horse.

"Let us first arrive beyond the Solentine," Marcus said, casting a stern look over Bedevere in particular. "The Pass will be difficult and treacherous in this season, but to go around would take several more weeks. If the Pass is closed with snow, we'll have to take the caves instead, which can be far more wicked and blacker than any forest." He again thought of all the dangers of this journey, part of him thinking it to be true suicide to even attempt it, and part of him knowing there really wasn't any other way.

Yale managed a thin but somehow reassuring smile at them all. "I'll protect us," was all she said, then with a quiet clicking sound started the horse moving in a slow absent trot down the dirt path and past the opening gates ahead.

"And if she cant, the gods will." Bedevere smirked as he urged his steed forward as well, "At least us favorables" he finished after several seconds, before taking a swig of some kind of liquid in a water skin he had.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Alia asked, offended, as she spurred her steed on to catch up with the others. She had decided that she didn't like this Bedevere. He was a bit too cocky for her liking and also rather full of himself. "Willing to sacrifice the spy are we? Well, let's see how far you get without me." And with that, she pulled ahead of him and returned to a trot next to Yale.

Bedevere grinned at the thought, as he kept a constant pace behind the others, "I would like to see how far she would get without us.." he took another drink. "Heh..." was all he said as he put down his water skin, and searched around in a bag on his saddle.

Yale smirked at Alia. "Pointless argument, I think. Whether or not we survive isn't so much the problem just yet. First we need to pass through this forest, and with our skill I'm sure that will be simple. It's the mountains mainly that worry me. I've never traveled there before," she admitted, though seemed unworried. "We need to be together on this to make it work. I hope you two can see that."

"Your position is important to you just like the safety and interest of the church and empire is to me." Bedevere commented to Yale, "I already know that we need to work together, and thats why I'm on this excursion...but that doesn't mean we cant spice things up a little so the time passes." Bedevere joked, saying completely the opposite of what he was thinking.

Alia gave a humorless smile, but continued to look forward down the road. Still irritated at Bedevere, she instead decided to strike up conversation with Yale. "I wouldn't worry too much about the mountains. They're harsh, but not impossible. I've crossed them a few times myself, once alone, and I'm alright," she said, with a genuine smile this time. Yale was a nice person, and it wouldn't hurt to have a friend on this mission.

"Well...then we should thank the Gods for your presence," Yale responded with a smile, happy to talk to this curious woman. "I've traveled very little, really. I've only ever seen the mountains from their base, or from the city walls on clearer days. My father told me there are strange cursed creatures in the mountains and caves, and Diatheods in the Forest beyond that. I only hope that with my magi and help from the Gods, we will go unharmed." She paused, as if contemplating those words, then laughed lightly. "I'm sorry. I haven't been in the company of others alone like this in so long, I forget who I'm talking to, and what to talk about. seem to have traveled this way many times before. Where are you from?"

"Me?" asked Alia, having been out of touch with people on a friendly level for a while, this question seemed odd. "Well, I grew up in Lucenbourne, well before things got bad that is..." she broke off with a strained look, "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at talking to people." She looked at back at Yale with a similar strained smile, "But what about you? Your life is probably far more interesting than mine."

Yale chuckled at the thought. "The daughter of a High Priest...? I wouldn't think so. As I said, I've never been so far outside the city walls, except long ago when we traveled to the the Solentine's base. I've always been kept in the temple and the palace, sometimes wandering the market when I can find the chance to. I've always wanted to travel across the mountains and the desert, all across the Empire, but they've always said it was much too dangerous to risk; but even so, I've been in training to take over for my father as a High Priestess since I was very young, the same as Marcus trained to become something of an indirect heir to the throne." She smiled over her shoulder at the man behind her, who shrugged with a smirk in return. "We grew up together, but we haven't seen each other very much until...well, really, until today."

"Hmmm..." mused Alia as they continued to ride onward. She wished she could confide in Yale every thought that was on her mind, but she couldn't. Not only did she need their trust, but she had learned already that confiding in strangers could cost lives. Instead she settled with simply looking out towards the horizon.

"You're a very intriguing person, you know," Yale remarked casually, that ever present smile altering subtly into one of deep thought. "One's silence tells much about a person. I think you have a lot to say, yet never have the chance to say it. Never open, yet always receiving information, and always in complete silence." The priestess chanced to gaze at her curiously, wondering if she was correct, then smirked when she realized that if she was Alia would most likely say nothing.

Alia didn't say anything. She was intrigued by the manner of this priestess, and a bit frightened that she could assume so much from so little. "I think that the term 'intriguing' is a matter of opinion. To many, I'm nothing more than a passing face." Sometimes, she thought, it is best just to leave thoughts unsaid.

"To many I am strong, while to others I am weak," Yale responded. "Yet it doesn't change the manner of my character. I am still who I am...just as you are still who you are despite what I or others think. Is it only a useless opinion to behold the truth in someone? After all, it's in the search for truth and trust that we find a person intriguing."

"You really are cut out to be a priestess," Alia said with a insincere grin, desperate to leave the current subject, "You're very good with all the spiritual mumbo-jumbo."

Yale was quiet, simply humble as always, and not entirely certain what she said was a compliment. She instead turned her attemtions to the forest they were now entering where the road began to disappear into dark treeless areas of wood and leaves. Skylos ran ahead of them eagerly, ready to face any danger that may come for them, and Marcus rode up even with the two women to watch him. The true beginning of their journey had been met at last as the trees of the Listan Woods greeted them.

Back to The Empire of Atrophar
Back to The Legion

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2007-06-03 [Fizban]: wow, I have missed alot..sorry my work hours are INSANE now and I am working 60 hours this well as next week and the following, till I have no clue when.


2007-06-04 [Nite_Owl]: Actually you really haven't missed much. You can still jump in whenever. No worries mate :)

2007-06-06 [Fizban]: Yeah, actually that worked to my advantage lol, I set up a tone for him in the conversation by his delay that I think suits him quite well.

2007-06-22 [Nite_Owl]: Anyone who'd like to get in a lst post, do so now. I'll be erasing the page and changing scene soon :)

2007-06-23 [Fizban]: when you say erasing, mean storing these posts in a history wiki and closing that,...right? <_<

2007-06-25 [Nite_Owl]: I can't decide if I should put it on a different history wiki, or if I could just post the last page version before it was cleaned, like in The Forest of Darkness. Either way would work I won't be lost entirely, I assure you--no worries mate (^,^)

2007-06-27 [Chen stormstout]: O.o

2007-07-08 [opera_ghost319]: So, what's going on here? I mean no one has posted for a while... just wondering.

2007-07-08 [Nite_Owl]: Sorry, I was on vacation :) I'm clearing the page off tomorrow once I make some history pages. No worries mate

2007-07-11 [Nite_Owl]: Okay, since making so many history pages just makes things too confusing, the esiest way is to label the page versions on which the page was cleared. Don't worry, all you have to do is type in the page version listed in the side bar and there it will be :) Nothing's been lost.

2007-08-01 [opera_ghost319]: I'm going to be on vacation for a few days starting on Sunday. I'll try to post again before then if I can, but we'll see. Just thought I'd let everyone know in advance.

2007-08-24 [Nite_Owl]: Someone else post besides me and OG...slowing down a bit too much

2007-09-05 [Chen stormstout]: i just started college so ill do my best to keep up with the rp ;)

2007-09-24 [Nite_Owl]: Anything else to add before moving on and clearing the page again? :)

2007-09-24 [Chen stormstout]: *looks around* i dont think so

2007-09-24 [opera_ghost319]: Nope, I'm good.

2007-10-08 [Chen stormstout]: sooo can we continue?

2007-10-08 [Nite_Owl]: I'm sorry, I'll update this page in just a little bit. Too much going on at the moment.

2007-10-13 [Nite_Owl]: God F(#*%&(&%& bloody piece of shit. Right after I copy something else I notice my post didn't load. Fucking internet....

2007-10-20 [opera_ghost319]: and then there was metaphorical silence...

2007-11-14 [Nite_Owl]: ...and then--behold!--a new wiki! :P Continued in the Listan Woods...

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