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2005-09-18 16:28:38
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Remus John Lupins Timeline

Timeline: Remus J. Lupin
c. 1960

Sometime before his 11th birthday.
Date unknown. Bitten by a werewolf, he becomes one himself. "I was a very small boy when I received the bite".

A house is built in Hogsmeade, a tunnel dug connecting the house to the Hogwarts grounds and the Whomping Willow planted to enable Lupin to transform in safety and secrecy. 
September - invited to attend Hogwarts by new Headmaster Albus Dumbledore; Remus begins his first year at Hogwarts. 
Sorted into Gryffindor, becomes close friends with fellow Gryffindors James Potter and Sirius Black, as well as Peter Pettigrew.

September - begins his second year at Hogwarts 
Potter, Black, and Pettigrew learn that Lupin is a werewolf and resolve to become Animagi to keep him company.

September - begins his third year at Hogwarts

September - begins his fourth year at Hogwarts

July - September - notified of his selection as a prefect 
September - begins his fifth year at Hogwarts 
During their fifth year at Hogwarts Potter and Black master the complex spells to become Animagi and assist Pettigrew to do the same. They accompany Lupin when he transforms. Under their influence he becomes less dangerous, his mind less wolfish. 
June, afternoon of the D.A.D.A. O.W.L. - "Snape's Worst Memory". Potter, seeing Snape nearby, decides to relieve Black's boredom by picking on Snape. Lupin is later to feel guilty that he never had the guts to tell Black and Potter when they were out of order.

September - begins his sixth year at Hogwarts 
Black, Lupin, Potter and Pettigrew leave the Shrieking Shack to explore Hogwarts and Hogsmeade by night. They create the Marauder's Map and sign it with their nicknames: Moony, Padfoot, Wormtail and Prongs. 
Exact date unknown, but Sirius was 16. Black sets up a dangerous "prank" to tempt Slytherin Severus Snape into entering the Whomping Willow's tunnel during the full moon, which would have brought him face-to-face with Lupin-as-werewolf, and would have resulted either in Snape's death or in Snape becoming a werewolf himself. Potter got wind of it and rescued Snape just in time. Snape believes all three were in on the "joke", and deeply resents being saved by James, whom he already disliked. 
Date unknown. The Marauder’s Map is confiscated by Argus Filch.

September – begins seventh year at Hogwarts.

Leaves Hogwarts and is part of the Order of the Phoenix supporting Dumbledore in his opposition to Voldemort.

Suspected by Black of being the spy passing information to Voldemort; Black persuades the Potters to use Pettigrew as Secret-Keeper. 
Oct 31--Nov 1 - Loses his closest friends with the death of the Potters and subsequent "death" of Pettigrew and imprisonment of Black in Azkaban.
Sometime before 1993, but not long before
Date unknown. Discovery of the Wolfsbane Potion enabling Lupin to keep his mind when he transforms.

1 September - protects Harry Potter from a dementor on the Hogwarts Express while en route to take up a position as DADA teacher at Hogwarts. 
November - Harry asks Lupin to teach him how to defend himself against dementors, as Harry fears a repetition of the events that cost Gryffindor the match when playing Hufflepuff; Lupin agrees to tutor him during the next term (PA10)

January - begins tutoring Harry privately in the Patronus Charm 
6 June - Lupin and Black confront Pettigrew in the Shrieking Shack and discover more of the circumstances surrounding the death of Harry's parents and Black's imprisonment. 
7 June - Lupin resigns, having been exposed as a werewolf by a vengeful Snape, and being himself concerned that students are at risk. 
September - "Moody" mentions during the fourth years' first D.A.D.A. lesson with him that he had had a letter from Lupin about their class (GF13)

22 June - Sirius Black is sent to alert the old crowd and to "Lie low at Lupin's for a while". At some point Lupin moves into Number 12, Grimmauld Place, since in August it's noted that he's been living there but has been busy lately. 
5 August - Lupin arrives at Number 4, Privet Drive as a necessary part of the Advance Guard (the only one Harry both knows by sight and would trust without hesitation), and accompanies Harry to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix. Lupin is later key to settling the argument about how much Harry should be told, in favor of giving Harry an undistorted version of some of the facts (OP3, 4). 
25 December - Lupin forms part of the Weasleys' and Harry's escort to St. Mungo's to visit Arthur Weasley. He befriends a newly-made werewolf on Arthur's ward who has no visitors.

end of Easter holidays - Lupin is at Number 12 Grimmauld Place when Harry contacts Sirius through the fire, and provides some perspective to what Harry saw in the Pensieve. Lupin restrains Black from confronting Snape, saying that if anybody does that it will be he, Lupin. Lupin urges Harry to go to Snape and resume the Occlumency lessons. 
June - Battle of the Department of Mysteries, in which Lupin fights as part of the Order of the Phoenix. Lupin witnesses Sirius' death, and restrains Harry from what would have been a deadly attempt to retrieve Sirius. 
June, end of term - Lupin, along with several other Order of the Phoenix members, greets Harry at Kings' Cross and warns the Dursleys to treat him well.

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