Page name: MY ImproviseD StagE [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-07-14 08:28:11
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{A BanneR WilL BE PlaceD HerE WheN I GeT TO IT}


[#SectioN 1] - Art today, and a bit of more introducing.
[#SectioN 2] - People you really respect.
[#SectioN 3] - The law and us.


WelcomE to, what you may have already read, is my ImproviseD StagE.

I started this idea a long time ago, and I decided that it is time to have one of these HERE on Elf Town ((Yes, I wrote ELF and TOWN, not ET, not ELFTONW and not THE Town, because it's the last goddamn time I'm going to write it like that)) as well.

My first, and still undeleted attempt at such a StagE was at the Bulgarian forum [I'm not going to write it down for you because it's in Bulgarian anyway, so screw you], where I had PLACED it in the "POETRY & ART" section, and I used it to place there these... tiny, little thoughts, that just buzz buy you, and you never seem to be able to remember them. Well, I do now - I wrote them down. AND it was a user, who actually named it the "IMPROVISED STAGE", because he hadn't read my plea for no one else to write in that topic, and this is how he called it in his excuse.

Now... For all of my English poetic stuff, I have a poetry corner, which you can find in my house. To those of you who have read thus far - thank you, and keep reading. To those, who didn't reach this far ((if you did - tell the ones who didn't)):"Shove it up your asses please."

Thank you for reading this introduction to this place, and now... The first "topic" I am going to write extensively (or not) about:

{SectioN 1}

Dear ladies, gentlemen, friends, enemies, colleagues... ELFTOWNERS. I am going to write to you today about... Art. AND about Artists. And about WHAT I am not certain I really like about ART((and "-ists")) these days.

Now... First of all, before I continue - do me a favour. While you are reading this - Imagine I am a stand up comedian, who believes himself not FUNNY, but WITTY. you may play with my tempo, my accents, my everything as much as you like, as long as you do not give me a high squeaky voice. To those of you who do - I'll come into your dreams, give you a set of balls, and kick you REAL HARD so you would know what is required for a high squeaky voice. And to those of you, who do not find me witty - go screw yourselves, OR buy yourself a ticket to the wonderful capital of Bulgaria ((I'm not going to say the name of the city - look it up))
SO as I was saying - buy yourself a ticket to the wonderful city of Sofia, so I can do all the screwing up your asses... FOR you.

AND NoW...

I believe I have said enough unnecessary and insulting things and I may continue...
I came to think about the subject of Art nowadays, while I was thinking HOW to upload a friend's Idea to . The idea itself is {ThE ChaiN}, or actually - that is where it has been presented as a phenomenon, the WikI itself is not the idea - it's just an explanation and practice.

So... As I was pondering in the shower on this predicament - HOW do I post the damn thing (and I still am, as my hair is drying up) I got carried away, and came to this conclusion.
Nowadays it is no more the skill, that defines an artwork, but the idea behind it. Nowadays, when you comment to an artist "Well, you know - you have to touch the work a bit - this, that and that other thing need more work..." More often than not, the artist would reply "Well... You know - I won't. It is the IDEA that I wanted to show, and this is the presentation of that idea."
I say - what the HELL! Your piece of "artwork" is a piece of "rubbish", but you DARE call yourself a "painter", or a "sculptor" or a "writer" or a "poet" or a "wahtever" JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE IDEAS!
I'm stunned!
That means, that the next time I grab a lump of clay, and smash it into a wall, I can call it a "MASTERPIECE". And I can sell photographs of it as "PRINTS", because I had the IDEA that it will very much look like an ancient COIN... But it simply DOESN'T. So what - I had the IDEA. I WANTED to make something, but... I didn't. But it relays the IDEA, the ESSENCE of a coin. doesn't it?

Dear readers ((if any)), I myself DARE to call myself an Artist not because I'm really good at it, but because I know my limits, and I know how NOT to go over my head, and how NOT to exaggerate what I can, or can not do.
I do not call myself a writer. I believe I can scribble, but I'm still not ready to write.
I can call myself a poet, because EVERYTHING I've ever presented to the world, has been a FINISHED work, which does NOT I repeat does NOT need any more touching up. You get my IDEA packed and relayed in a finished product, and everything else you may place there, is another idea. Another piece of artwork.
Also... I do not dare call myself a painter, because... I do not paint very well, I'm still studying.

And you know... I feel outraged by one more thing...
Nowadays you can get very good, very fast results, thanks to computers.
You do not need to spend MONTHS of painting, and painting over the painting, and waiting for paint to dry, and worrying about your designs, and worrying about not making mistakes...
No. Nowadays you have half the work already done for you.
I will be honest, that one of the most beautiful (to me - I created it for my self after all) "deviations" in my gallery took me no more than one or two hours.
During this very, very small amount of time, I was able to go through SEVERAL COMPLETELY DIFFERENT versions of the idea that I had in my head, until the result was near perfection.
Yet I see tens, and hundreds of artists, with thousands of FAVOURITES, and hundreds of watchers, that are only being watched because of their ideas, and have no DESIRE, or WILL to actually acquire some "SKILLZ"! ((yes, I placed a "Z" there. I look at it, I hate it, and I hope you hate the "Z" there too)) WHY?!?
WHY have we set our standards so low?
WHY do we tolerate EVERY idea-man out there?
I understand how it is with "original", or interesting ideas.
But clichees, that we see hundreds of, every day, and which only have a basic idea to it, that we are feeling sick of... Why? Why do we chose to encourage those "bigshot artists" to continue poluting us, and our Art with that? Why?

Thank you, and I am sorry for ending it so abruptly, but somewhere after the last quarter of the text, I forgot my "Big finale". My... "ZING" so to speak, and my "Ba da boom".

p.s.: You might see the shorts, the so called "Sparks of poetic seeing" some day, and in my poetry corner.

{SectioN 2}

People you respect can always tumble from their pedestals.
We are human, and we live in a world full of humans.
We make mistakes.
We think in wrong directions.

I have a friend I hold in high regard. He is both intelligent and wise, and has a knack at sorting through the rubbish in the vast sea of information he reads and lives through, finding real gems and sharing them with the world.
He is a person I could look up to. A person I'd always turn to either for advice, or for information on a ludicrous amount of topics...

That is... I used to have a friend, who used to be like that.
I lost track of him for a year or two. He had a job, I had a job, we lived on the opposite ends of the country...

Recently, I read a log of a person, getting to know him.
I remember it clearly - I sat down, getting ready to read my friend's latest thoughts and find out what he'd been up to lately. To see what I could learn from him even when he was lecturing someone else...

People are human.
And humans fall.
And when they fall, they hit the bottom with a loud thwack, and the rumbling of boulders rolling downhill behind them.

I sat there.
Reading the damn thing over and over again, my hands slowly moving from my forehead down to my eyes as if they were trying to shield me from the screen.

Never forget, that you can always improve yourself.
Also never forget, that you can improve yourself to excel at everything you've ever criticised.

Your quest for knowledge can leave you a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

It can happen to anyone.


{SectioN 3}

NOTE: This has mainly to do with MY place of living.

Hey! You!
Yes, you!
What the fuck is wrong with you, eh?
I've been sitting in this bar, listening to you complain ON AND ON AND ON about politics and about laws and about corruption, and about how fucked up it all is. I spent the last half hour listening to your rant on how crappy society has become and how useless everything is.
Well, listen here, you! Who do you think you ARE!?
So you say you don't like our politicians?
Did you even VOTE last time?
Ah... You didn't did you? One of the most important roles Democracy has imparted on you, and you don't do it. So, then, how can you muster the guts to talk trash to a system you have refused to be part of? Get your shit together!
And while I'm on the subject of a system you're not part of...
What was that crap you were talking about the cops earlier?
They don't do their job? Do YOU help them?
When's the last time you called the cops when it was necessary to do so?
Oh, I see. You thought someone else would call.
Oh, and they're corrupt, so it doesn't really matter.
Is that so? You're saying nothing can be done about it? You say we live in a lawless country where every petty crook and master criminal roams free?
I ask you this: When's the last time you got a fine for speeding? Did you get fined? Or did you bribe the cop? Who the fuck do you think you ARE disobeying the law and then complaining about it? There's rules in this here country, and you either try to abide by them, or shut your fucking trap!
I don't care HOW arrogant you are - you can't expect the law to work for everyone else but yourself!
Look at me - I do my share to be a decent part of society. And maybe, JUST MAYBE if YOU did the same, and you TRIED to talk others into it, MAYBE society wouldn't BE such a dump.
What's that? What you can DO about it? You say the law has to fix things? NO, you cretin! YOU are the one responsible for this slice of hell you live in. And if YOU PERSONALLY don't do anything about it, no one, and I mean NO ONE is 'gonna clean your shit up and wipe your ass! Get it? Vox populi, vox dei, but only if the populy don't sit around talking about stuff, and actually start doing and demanding shit done.
I'm going out now - I can't stand to listen to you rant any more!

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