Page name: Malfurion [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-12-05 05:03:01
Last author: MechianRed
Owner: MechianRed
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User Name: [MechianRed]
Character Name: Malfurion Jaenarc
Occupation: Student
Age: 16
Race/Talent: Demon/Control hellfire
Gender: male
Description: human: Short black hair, dark green eyes, around 6' tall. Devilishly handsome. Skinny. Demon: Hoofed feet. Typical demon tail and wings. His face is similar to his human face except his eyes are red. Horns that come out from the forehead and curve upward. All of his teeth are pointy. He's a little taller in demon form. his hands nails are longer pointed and black. Entire body is red.
Additional description: Has a black tattoo on his chest of a spear with bat wings.
Medical History: N/A
Personality: Malfurion is a trickster with one goal, to come out on top of every thing he becomes involved in. That and owning an abundance of souls. His policy on how to come out on top is simple. Don't do something yourself if you can manipulate someone else to do it for you. He still follows the creed tho. If you make a deal with him for your soul he will follow the deal to the letter. your soul for a year of fish? deal. all the gold fish you can eat. He prides himself on his ability to find loopholes in almost everything. Souls is his main currency. Despite being a demon and a trickster, He gets all his grades without cheating. No point in wasting energy in cheating if you don't need to.
Grades: Mostly A.
Relationship: N/A
Level: Junior
How long have they been in the school? since 7th
What they are wearing today: A white dress shirt unbuttoned a little at top and black dress pants.
Optional picture: N/A

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2010-12-05 [La Luna]: Looks great crimson, flisky just needs to okay it

2010-12-05 [MechianRed]: K thanks.

2010-12-10 [Flisky]: Okay, firstly, he is 16 and in the school. He is not quite old enough to be smart enough to do what you have in his personality. He would not have time or the power to make deals with people and keep up his grades. (He is a young demon, therefore should not be making deals at all...) His powers also should be undeveloped fully. Plus, the school has rules against certain actions on school property. (Such as taking a soul from another student.)

2010-12-13 [MechianRed]: Give me a sec to find my masculinity. Umm yeah. I never said what he did was legal. Second off you underestimate the intelligence of teenagers. I mean I got mostly a's in highschool and only studied before major tests back in school and I knew a lot of other people who did too. I know his powers are undeveloped. I was refering to easy deals like getting test answer or stuff and I DID point out that sometimes he uses people to get the deals done. i.e. givng somebody the keys to the drawer the test is kept in and Playing distraction while the person who asked for the deal gets the scores. Like an enabler. Also who said students souls. An animals soul would also work since as you said he is still undeveloped. That was the goal so I'm sorry if I wasn't clear on that point. If you still feel he shouldn't be making deals at all I'll fix it.

2010-12-14 [MechianRed]: Thought now that I think about the char. It would make sense for him to be one of those who could get good grades if he wanted to but doesn't.

2010-12-14 [Flisky]: I only knew one person that didn't study in school and got A's, and that was me. But that is only because I have a frighteningly high IQ according to my psych teacher...

The character you have created is border line 'Bad Boy Gary Stu'. Where, basically, he is perfect. He is handsome and skinny (but muscular), smart, can do tons of stuff, never cheats on his tests, never has to study, has all the time in the world to complete everything on his extensive list, and has some sort of mind control power to manipulate people?

As common lore states, only senior demons make deals of any sort. (Senior as in elder, not as in 12th grade. :P ) So I would go with 'he is still learning the aspects of making deals and following through'. Most of the students also wouldn't be up for breaking rules. So be careful about saying he can manipulate people into doing things. And you do say 'if you make a deal with him for your soul'. It says that...right there...*points*! And you would also have to be careful about using animal souls, because you have a shape shifter and werewolf at the school already.

2010-12-14 [MechianRed]: You misread the character. First off high charisma is diff from mind control second there are more ways then one to manipulate somone. I was reffering to manipulate as secret agenda manipulation not mind control. Makeing someone think they are doing something to help themselves and in reality helping him ttype stuff. Also I said mostly As. But as I said earlier going to change that. Also I didn't say never study either. Next. I assked about demons because the only lore I know about them is they possess people. That and what I knoow from supernatural. I didn't get a real definitive answer so I just guessed. I guess I did say your. Sometimes my hands move faster then my brain sometimes.

2010-12-14 [Flisky]: Well, I would say pick one, either trickster or demon broker (someone who makes deals). No hellfire yet, we'll save that one until he's older. You can make him intelligent, but don't make him so cocky. As a general rule, demons that aren't succubi or incubi (seduction demons) tend not to be so attractive. You must make him a shifter if he has a human form, though I would prefer that he has one form for such a young demon.

2010-12-14 [MechianRed]: When i asked about demons [La Luna]: It does sound cool okay so here goes for demons: hates and stays away from crosses, holy water burns, they like fire and the shadow of night, have a human form and demon form (scary with bat wings and the whole shazam in demon) can summon evil spirts yada yada yada... you get it right?

so yeah she said that they have human forms.

second off yeah the hellfire was before she even said that so I forgot to get rid of that. my mistake.

2010-12-14 [Flisky]: He would have both, but his demon form would be his go-to form, and I just don't think that he should be able to hold his human form for long enough to really make much use of it. That's just me, though. We'll ask Luna what she thinks.

2010-12-14 [La Luna]: Wait we're ask me??? Okay here's what I think, I think, he would try to stay in his human form during the day but at night he goes to his demon form, based on his personality he wouldn't want to scare the other students(Mainly the girls xP) and yeah to be that Handsome i would suggest him being a Incubi of some sort, Hellfire to him should be something he has but can't control/summon on will, am I missing something?

2010-12-14 [Flisky]: Trickster versus deal making at the school...and I think that's it.

2010-12-15 [La Luna]: Okay, and a Incubi would be interesting

2010-12-15 [MechianRed]: Machiavellian is the word I've been looking for to describe him. also I believe I said His human form was devilishly handsome not his demon form. btw does no one have a sense of humor the devilishly handsome part was a bloody joke.... devil demon... camon people

2010-12-15 [Flisky]: I got it. But I don't like good looking characters who shouldn't be good looking.

2010-12-15 [La Luna]: Well... I think Its okay because aren't demons in human form unnervingly Handsome?

2010-12-16 [Flisky]: Again, typically only inncubi and succubi. Demons work better if they look rather plain unless they are seducers by nature.

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