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2009-02-25 [Madhalf Heatlump]: I know they would if my monitor would allow it but it doesn't so no biggy... lol
It's not like I can't see it somewhere lol
2009-02-25 [LynnAnneBrown]: I have idea, moira, because I know you have some wonderful ideas for the map but have been only waiting on wicked putting her piece in. But what I was thinking would be good is if you were to pick out a nice spot for her, make it a good size hunk, like the little island you have made for yourself, and see if she likes it when she can get to it. And when she gets here she can claim that spot or if another spot is open that she would prefer then just open up the spot we have been holding onto for others to claim, what think you.
Also I would love if a thin strip of the sand beach extended over to Alvanby so I could just walk along it when going over to Lake View Commons
And by the way that little Island that you have carved out for yourself is lovely. I think it would be fair to consider that all a part of Caledon. I think that it is fair that each of the founding households, Yours, mine and Wickeds be given a little place that we get to turn into our own little world within a world. What think you.
Although I am not looking to carve out any a larger piece for me since I already have covenstead as my playground. The cottage, the lake and stream, and the tree's behind are enough for me when I have all of Covenstead to explore and play in.
2009-02-25 [moira hawthorne]: the island really isnt mine... I just wanted one... I can extend the beach to your home... I didnt do it before b/c you may not of wanted it... I can make you an island as well.... maybe make a larger center island aswell... 3 islands sounds good... and a ferry to docks at both streams
2009-02-25 [moira hawthorne]: I dont really want to impose on Wicked's choice... I will extend the map if really needed...
also I was thinkin of a wild nymph spring behind madhalf's place... make some mountains...
2009-02-25 [LynnAnneBrown]: That sounds absolutely amazing. And the ferry docks are great. People need more that one way of getting in and out, I like that.
And Although I came up with Lake View Commons for the Nikkid beach it was mostly because I couldn't come up with anything else at the time.
I almost called it Sunnyside Beach because of the happy associations I have with it from my childhood. But I think it would be good if that could be traslated into something with a pagan flair to it. If you have any idea's........
2009-02-25 [moira hawthorne]: hehehe SunnySideUp beach
2009-02-25 [Madhalf Heatlump]: OverEasy ? lol
2009-02-25 [moira hawthorne]: hahaha... Toasted Titteys Burnt Buns and Pink Dink beach
2009-02-25 [LynnAnneBrown]: And all with hash browns on the side.
2009-02-26 [Madhalf Heatlump]: lol
2009-02-26 [moira hawthorne]: maybe we need to note that the building on the beach is a love... sunscreen shack
2009-02-26 [LynnAnneBrown]: and other items that might be useful to happy nikkid people playing around on the beach......Vol
2009-02-26 [moira hawthorne]: somewhere to come in incase of a sudden bad weather...
2009-02-26 [Araglas]: ooohh!! I found the perfect spot for the hunting lodge!! On the otherside of the river of LadyRavenLynns lovely home!
2009-02-26 [moira hawthorne]: other side is virgin wilderness...
The main area of Building will be in the center area of Covenstead, between the lake and the road to the north and south and the two streams to the east and west.
The lands to east and west will be left wild except for the natural footpaths that I am sure will be worn by those who enjoy more primitive environments.
you can go above her place between hers and madhalfs tho...
2009-02-28 [Araglas]: ok then how about.....the lake at the top right? There's a little alcove or well bend into the river right at the lake, how about there? on the west side of course now that I know the building area! ^_^
2009-02-28 [moira hawthorne]: beside the beaver pond? sure... I get on that soon...
2009-11-12 [dayah]: looks great..:) even if it simple its cool...* applauds*
2009-11-12 [moira hawthorne]: ooooooo havent been here for awhile tooo many other things kept needin to be done...
2009-11-12 [dayah]: giggles understand I just seen the link to it in your house and checked it out..:)
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