Page name: Marneus valkyr [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-11-12 23:14:34
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
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Username: [Talos Cyrion]

Character Name: Marneus Valkyr

Gender: Male

Race: High elf

Age: 1500

Kingdom with Fealties To (or none): Sar'dan

Rank/ Occupation: Captain/noble

Personality: Has a typically stern, noble appearance for a High elf, though none of the arrogance. He prefers leading by example and, much to his superiors dislike, will lead from the front lines whenever he can. One of few words, he keeps a close circle of friends.

Physical Appearance: well proportion. Deep green emerald eyes, with flowing blood red hair he keeps neatly in a pony tail braid that hangs down to mid back.

Height: 6'5

Weight: 160

Powers: Telekineses, and lightning. The thoughts of others ring like bells often in his head. His Telekinetic ability has mutated into being able to communicate with the dead should they try to speak to or through him.

Strengths: Skilled warrior, makes battle into an elegant art with stunning twists and turns. He is fast, and very hard to hit. When befriended he is loyal, but has the mental fortitude to see through a facade which leaves him with very few friends.

Weaknesses: His abilities, while very powerful have often rendered him a pariah. He can here others thoughts and demons often haunt his dreams, making it hard for him to sift truth from lie so he is apt to ignore premonitions. And who can blame him, when one has been told every honey coated lie by beings who are far older than he?

Weapons: His own armor is a leafy like set (think High elven armor from the first lord of the rings movie) He carries a single edge blade with no hilt and inscribed with poisoned wards. His shields' edge is sharp, such that he uses it in concert with his blade to make a deadly combination. He only wears armor and shield though when marching to war. When fighting a piched battle he will bring with him his bow an arrow.

Hobbies: When at rest he spends time either with the few friends he has or writing, a favorite pastime of his. Recently he has been asked to drill soldiers in sword craft, a task he both distains and loves at the same time. He will also hunt when he gets the chance, taking his favourite bow.

Abilities: Agile, and fast. some would say unaturally so, his martial prowress is nearly unmatched, and it would come as no surprise for the handful who knew him since his rise in the military ranks. He is a skilled writter, leading to an unatural blend of incoruptable politician, skilled general, and peerless warrior. Few know this as he doesn't broadcast his talents.

Pets: none

Relatives: none

Loved One: none

Companions (friends):

Tatoos/peircings/markings: he bears the mark of the war god, a deity he has patronized in recognition and thanks for his martial skill. He was allowed to take this marking following the final defeat of his legion, instead of acting out of vengeance he accepted defeat, keeping what men he could alive while still allowing for his objective to be completed.

History: Born in Sandurn, his home bordered Helvina. He enlisted in the rank an file as a means to explore the world, taking part in both naval and land engagements. He fought both Helivnac and Volkrar raiders, curbing the worst of their deprications wherever he could. He quickly distinguished himself as a more than apt commander, and soon was given his own legion to command. This earned him a spot in Sandurnian politics and social circles. He enjoyed it, but felt at the time his energies where best devoted to the front lines. If only he knew what would come of what he saw then as isolated raids. Helivan armies invaded, sweeping aside most of the initial defences in a matter of weeks. Marneus, who by then had shown himself to be an apt tactician and leader, rallied what he could. He spent the next few bitter years in a fighting retreat, allowing many survivors to flee. He came to the aid of besieged cities, always fighting on the front lines buying time with the blood an sweat of his loyal men. Eventually he was cornered and driven back, barely escaping with his life.

Other: He is haunted by his Sandurn legions final battle, a battle that resulted in a massacre when they where betrayed by former allies. While many thank him for the hundreds, if not thousands of lives he saved he is a reluctant hero. Burdened by the brutal, bitter war he fought to stave off the Dark alliances armies.

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2010-11-09 [The Dizzy Raven]: I'm sorry, Talos, but can you please use the format I have made for the rp? :(

2010-11-10 [Talos Cyrion]: ya no problem

2010-11-10 [Talos Cyrion]: just a heads up, the character sheet link you give in the comment box leads to an empty page but the one in the members area leads to the template

2010-11-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: XD that's because I typed it in wrong. lol thanks for letting me know.
and thanks for changing it. the profile looks good :D

2010-11-10 [The Dizzy Raven]: What kingdom would you like your character in?

2010-11-10 [Talos Cyrion]: i'm still debating that. hmmm i'm thinking he's a former front line commander from the defeated kingdom and now serves when called upon

2010-11-11 [Talos Cyrion]: what do you think?

2010-11-11 [Talos Cyrion]: also what is the difference between powers and abilities?

2010-11-12 [The Dizzy Raven]: powers is magic, abilities are like physical skills that come with the species or is hereditary. like, agility, poison skin (like Dakuja), can speak to the gods, swiftness and etc. like if he's an excellent swimmer, can hold his breath for long time. that kind of thing. :

well, when it comes to fealties, you can do whatever you wish. :)

2010-11-12 [Talos Cyrion]: ah ok, i figured it was something along that line but wasn't sure.

2010-11-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: I'll add him and you can join in ^^

2010-11-13 [Talos Cyrion]: okie day cool

2010-11-13 [The Dizzy Raven]: ^^

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