Page name: Matthias Hartnall [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-01-31 03:07:23
Last author: XxTsomexX
Owner: XxTsomexX
# of watchers: 2
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Player: [XxTsomexX]

Name: Matthias Hartnall

Age: 42, birthday is 02/07

Subject: Principle. He runs this school.

Physical Description:
Hair: His hair is mostly grey, with remnants here and there of what looked like used to be black. He started greying early, but never bothered dyeing his hair, since he liked the grey look better.
Eyes: His eyes are a sparkling green, still showing that he has some youth yet. They also hold his wisdom, since he has many years under his belt.
Other: He is tall, at about 6'1". He is thin and lean, and that's all due to the walks he volunteers for. He also does triathlons, and keeps himself fit.

History: He remembers well what it was like in his years in High school, so he uses it to his advantage. He started out as a history teacher, and made his way up the ranks as his diplomas increased. He has a master's degree in History, but prefers being a principle a lot more than he did being a teacher.

Personality: He's kind, but when can be very strict when he needs to be. He's great at giving advice, but he isn't good at taking it. His temper is very rare, but when it bursts, it's like a wildfire, and it is quite terrifying.


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