Page name: Max Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-23 18:07:22
Last author: Piccolo Sorcio
Owner: Piccolo Sorcio
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So, you love Max? You adore Max? then this is the page for you...

I saw Max one year ago and I fell in love with him from the first time he licked my
hand... He's the cutest dog you've ever
seen and I think most of you will agree with that.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Now I finally know how old Max is... He's 3 years old. Well, I still love him. It's a lot more in dog years so... And I love young animals/children/plants... Well, he's not a pup anymore, but I know he's as sweet as one :o)



This is Max his nose. Sander loves it. Well that's what his bio said... His nose is really cute so, I think he's right :o)



And this is Max standing inside the house... Isn't he cute? He's probably wondering what he's going to do next... Sleep, eat or just do nothing...



  Well everyone... Next time I'm at Sander's house and I have nothing to do ((I don't think that will happen but if)) I will go and count Max his furhairs. I know, it's a waste of time you'll think. And I know that you will all think that I'm crazy. Maybe I am, but I also know everything about my other love so... I asked his shoe-size and how tall he was and stuff like that. Unfortunately a dog can't speak, so I can't ask it it's shoe-size and stuff. So I will go count his fur hairs... Then I know something about him nobody knows.
I mean... Somebody's gotta do it don't you think ;o)


We have to hold food above the camera for him to put on his pretty face! =P this is the result!
Isn't he cute??? See that nose! He's soo fluffy! Just like a stuffed animal... Only much cuter :o)



Well... This is Max in the Garden :o)

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2004-10-27 [Tableau Vivant]: max is 3 years old =P

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