Page name: Members For Shiny Lovers United [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-09-12 05:11:06
Last author: Kbird
Owner: Slayer Chick
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MEMBERS FOR Shiny Lovers United


HEY! If you have a banner, or want one in your house, you have to join first! Oh and also, If you have a banner or are putting one in your house right now, put a star*next to your name, thanks!

*[Slayer Chick] creater...shiny mine!
*[Leper Khan] creater
*[Nader 301] creater
[Sally Stiches] Slayer Chick's friend irl...i help on creater...whatever...
[Crimson Wolf] Slayer Chick's brother on here...^^
*[darkstar151] shiny!!!!
*[Mechanical Bride]
[*Clause Patent*]
*[eatable cookie]
*[true dude]
[Dollie VOMIT]^_^
[deranged-bugosh] ohh...shiny...*reaches hand forward*
[The Jesus Fetus] wahaha...shiny things..ooooo aaaaaaa
[Temptations wrath]
[Araglas]MY SHINY MINE!!!!!
[Hells Chaos] ITS MY SHINY ARAGLAS!!!!!
[kaeKae.] @.@ oooh....SHINEY!!!
[DarkAngel3] I WANNA SHINEY!!!
[Lord Balmung of the Azure Sky] SHINY!!! shiny is beyond cool its kichken!
[Rowena Calen'loki] and [BIGBLACKBEAR] We love shiny things! My preciousssss....
[crazy_juggalette] i'm a tweeker... so shinys are like candy
[angeltear] oooooo shiny ooooooo
[amyleewolf14] *spots shiny object in bush* SHINY!!!! *pounces*
[defective suicide6669]i love shiny things...they interest me
[Foamy]..o0oh.. purdy..GIVE IT TO ME!!!!!!
[Jessika Maria.] I will Concentrate I will Concentrate I will OOOOO SHINY!!
[.jimmyjuicebox.]oooh shiny....hey monkeys could be shiny
[pwittypeaz11504] i had a shit day! *sigh* o0o0o0o0o shiny!!!! :D
[Erykun] shinyyyyyyyy wahooooooooo!!!!!!
[Bread] Shiny things are distacting.. so shiny and.. shiny... w00t
[Temptations wrath] oooooh so pretty.. like the bug zappper on my porch, i am drawn into the prettyness and shocked to death.. (convulses on the floor) mmmm... yummy...
[PaniC PronE]ooo shiny,i like shiny!o.0
[guardian584]eeeeeeee shiny i luv shinyahaha
[deathblade] i love shiny things!
[Naomi Juling] *points* SHINY! *runs after shiny object*
[Bleeding--Roses] go shiny things!!!!
[treebo2] *sings* I love shiny things I love shiny things I love shiny things.....
[Harry Potter Dork] *something shines in a tree* *DarkBloodRose doesn't move for 5 whole hours staring at it*
[Snowflame]*is robbing magpie nest*hehe
[Ukia] I'm a dragon . . . of course I love shiny things . . . that's what most of my treasure in one of my storage caves is . . . just shiny stuff . . . sshhhhhiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyyy . . .
[shadiz] shiny stuff...mmmm... n_n
[Sarenyth_Elwood] Shiny things turn me on... ^.^
[Explosive Kittens] I Lurvs Shiny Stuff Like A Fat Boy Loves Cake!
[Neon Tiger] People say I have ADD but they just don't understa..OH LOOK SHINY!
[punk_sk8er] ilove shiny things
[rift dragon]i like shiney pointy objects!^_^
[Mizz Person] just no1 who luvs...O.O ohhh SHINY!!!! *glomps the shiny!* hehe muwahahaha!
*[Silver Badger] I'm like a shiny detector. I can find tiny little screws from my dad's glasses :P
*[me matas] ive been staring at this really shiny nechlace for liek hours!!i love shiny things
*[The UnBlissed]gazes at the shiny objects in the glass case in Wal-Mart
*[verixia valentine] Shiny Shiny all miiiine runs around the room and grabs all the shiny things then hides in a hole in the wall looks at all the mad people what? You know how it is hehe pets her new found shiny objects
*[Dark Mousy the Kaitou] Shiny! Shiny! *runs after shiny things*
*[Eschew Obfuscation] *stares bright eyedly at shiny objects in corner*
[patient love.] *stares in awe of her glittery ceiling* hehe
[ZombiezJojo] oo! shiny, i want to touch!
[Konoha ANBU] *ooooh shiny, i think i'll tuch it*
[Skippie] Ooooooooooooo! shiny! shiny! *grabs the shiny* MINE! MINE! GET BACK! IT MINE I TELL U! MINE! *goes and locks self in room* 8yells from room* MINE!
* [I Want to Be Bella, And I Want My Edward] hehe *poke* shiny *poke* hehe
* [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves] SHINEY!!!!
*[Paradise Lost] YAY SHINEY!!!!!!
[Vampire Kitty_311] Shiney....Shiney...SHINEY...MY SHINEY hehehe
[Nemasis Unicorn] Loves the SHINY!
*[~Angelo~] SHINY.....Must....Have....SHINY
*[LunaSoleil] Oooooo, SHINY! I LIKE SHINY!!! *poke* *clapping hands* WHEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
[Nazarath.93] lets make biscuits, as long as they are shiny..very Shiny shiny
shiny!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHINEY!!!!!!!
*[TwiztidYoshi03] I luv shiny thingys.... hehehe~!!
*[Kaitou's Requiem]-SHININESS!
*[Leiser Tod]-Cant beat the shiny
[kitty daemon] Everything is better when it's shiny
[Chimes] I luuuurve my shiney thing.....NO mine
*[better things to do]@_@ mezmerized by the shiny
*[alec] hehe my <a style='text-decoration: none; border-bottom: 3px double;' href="" onmouseover="window.status='guitar'; return true;" onmouseout="window.status=''; return true;">guitar</a> is shiny!!
[HELPLESS FALLEN ANGEL] Shiny things=good.
[Magic is in a Sunrise] Do you want to know the meaning of life??
[Gray Fox] yahy
[jumpy little pixie]i like shiney things and lights thats why they need to keep me off of roads
[STFU]Shiny....O.O *stares*<img:stuff/starsparkle7.gif>

To collect as many shiny things as possible!!!!!!

*[AnnaDaQueen] bling bling** luv it!
[Kbird] I love the shiny jewelry...but hate actually wearing..cause then I get distracted and....Ohhhhh shiiinnnnyyyyyy~

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2004-08-08 [kaeKae.]: ooh me like shiney! i wanna join too!

2004-08-16 [fi-deaith]: lots of ppl now...

2004-08-19 [kaeKae.]: O_o wow lots of people like shiny stuff

2004-08-19 [swabloo]: i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE shiny things!!!!!! shiny things rule alll!!!!!!!!!!! can i join?

2004-08-22 [Slayer Chick]: meh soooo happy that u like meh wiki^^

2004-08-28 [Slayer Chick]: I LUV SHINY!!!!! THANX FOR JOINING!!!

2004-08-29 [Countess Overkill]: Uh, one of my nicknames is Shiny... how... odd...

2004-09-04 [Ukia]: shiny shiny shiny . . . *dragon is staring at shiny treasure in her Bag of Holding* Ooooooooooooooooo . . . .

2004-09-11 [Slayer Chick]: shiny things rule!!!! man i didn't think we would get this big!^^ i'm so happy!!!

2004-10-25 [me matas]: your welcome i think!~!!!

2004-10-26 [verixia valentine]: gotta love shiny things lol hehe for realz or why would any of us be in this group? lol ~stares at a shiny thing lying in the road~ ooo oh wait can't go get it not safe hehe

2004-10-26 [verixia valentine]: LOL i'm a dork I know nobody needs to tell me that LMAO

2005-03-02 [Slayer Chick]: LOL u know it! haha j/k anyways...this is so awesome! ^_^

2005-03-06 [LunaSoleil]: I think that everybody loves shiny things, but just not everyone will admit it

2005-04-08 [flipman]: yeeayeayeay shiny

2005-05-30 [Leiser Tod]: ya know what? You can t beat the shiney

2005-08-06 [STFU]: <img:stuff/starsparkle2.gif> I admit that this shiny is very-very sexy. ^-^

2005-08-08 [Slayer Chick]: *stares at [STFU]'s shiny thingy O.O oooooohhhhh tis shiny.... *drools* whoo whoo weeeee! shiny >> wow... lol ><

2005-08-08 [Slayer Chick]: It is seeeeexy *drools*

2005-08-09 [STFU]: ^-^ I know! It turns me on! lol

2005-10-05 [ChibiTibs]: yay for all things shiney!

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