Page name: Members of Stuffed Animal Lovers [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-27 19:27:02
Last author: Astra
Owner: Mythical Angel
# of watchers: 3
Fans: 0
D20: 11
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Creator:[Mythical Angel]- I just love them! They're so soft and huggable!

1. [EveEnthrall]- i still love my bear bear, he is always there when i need a hug ^_^
2. [Devil Doll]- WEEEE! stuffed animals are soooo cute! I LOVE THEM! *kisses*
3. [Wolfpaw] I have a stuffed wolf! ^^
4. [journeygal] I have a little family of stuffed animals and I love them all:)
5. [THE GOOD UNICORN] i used to have loads of stuffed animals ^^ but i dont anymore. i love beanie babies though!!!!
6. [xRage_Despairx] -I wuv stuffed animals
7. [walk_tall] YAY! I love stuff animals. They are the BEST!
8. [Asrun] I love stuffed animals. Especially strange ones. Like Otters, Armadillos and my favourites.. Raccoons.
9. [mySTEGOSAURUS™] I reckon I've got at least a hundred of them..they're great! :)
10. [Natasha17]saw this and loved it :-)
11. [fairywings218] emialed me so i thought i would join
12. [cc323] i love my bear because my best friend whom i miss and love gave it to me
13. [alu]-YAY stuff animals!
14. [Angel of Ice]
15. [Tea Table] I love stuffties *hugs her stuffed bunny*
16. [I Want U But I'm Not Giving In This Time]
17. [sanke] yay! stuffies! *cuddles*
18. [Raziel Ahnara] I have 3 that I sleep with every night. ^_^
19. [Denny Jojomojolojo]
20. [koda kodiak] do u mind my whole room is stuffed animals
21. [spiritee] *squeaaals* they're so cuddly!
22. [Megan15] *eeeee* i love stuffed animals i sleep with my very own and its sooo cuddlie i have totes full!!
23. [elvendumaovira] good reminders of the good days!
24. [Ulaan] ooooo i lovies thems

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2004-12-30 [Natasha17]: [Natasha17]- saw this and loved it

2005-01-12 [cc323]: me too ^^

2005-07-20 [Mythical Angel]: yay! 24 members! ^_^

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