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Name: Mercie Gray
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Wolf form: Her coat is steel gray with the tips of her toes, her tail and a small triangle above her nose being white. Her eyes are yellow, trimmed in black. As far as size she's average if not a bit on the smallish side, she's narrow and lightweight which adds for speed and manuverability
Humanoid form: With light blue eyes she stands 5'2", relitivly dimunitive with long straight gray hair which she usualy keeps in a ponytail or sometimes pigtales. She has a rather narrow frame, not quite bony but not full figured by any means.
As far as her clothes go she prefers the comfortability of jeans, flannel and work boots. But more recently her look has leaned a bit more along the lines of "Homeless Sheek".
Opinion on humans?: Even though she was raised by humans she's learned in the recent years to fear them.
Personality: Due to a sheltered childhood she's timmid and very rarely speaks up for herself but she often makes up for that with her kindness and tenderness.
Brief History: Left on the steps of a homeless shelter Mercie was adopted by an older couple who could have no children of their own. She was raised on a small farm they effectionaly refered to as "Hillbilly Heaven". They raised rabbits, pigs and chickens for the meat but also had horses, dogs, more cats than they could count and a cantankerous mule named Moron. It was the perfect southern paradice for a growing young girl until her mother found a wolf cub in her playpen one day.
All be it disturbed by the discovery her parents did their best to keep their daughter hidden. That was until she was attacked on her way home from school when she was 13. Two boys where sent to the emergency room with sever lacerations to the face while her third attacker promptly fled to unveil Mercie's secret.
Her parents where slaughtered by the time she'd returned home and their Hillbilly Heaven had been burned to the ground. Search parties combed the woods for weeks looking for her but soon gave up when the fire for vengance died out.
Current status: Since her parent's death she had been keeping relitivly close to home. She's lived in the woods mostly, surviving on what animals had escaped the distruction of her home and only venturing into town when hunting became scarce. When the property was seized for back taxes she was forced to leave when she learned that the new owners where planning to clear cut the forest for the timber. This recent year she's been wandering, dumpster diving and stealing to survive. So far she has not met another Wolf.

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