Page name: Mirala [Logged in view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2004-10-05 03:39:13
Last author: Windstar
Owner: Windstar
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Age: Unknown/eternal

Race: Goddess

Gender: Female

Looks: Change at whim

Personality: Evil, though at times very subtly so. Very easily angered, and holds grudges for eons, literally. Tends towards bitterness and occasionally regret. Is often said to be incapable of the ‘brighter’ emotions such as hope, love, and joy – other than a certain glee at seeing her plans work out, enemies defeated, death, and pain. Of course, no-one really knows for certain…

History: Not much is known about the gods’ early history, but it is known that Mirala was a rogue among them from the first, always going against the others decisions. She played an active role in the affairs of the world, causing fear of death and creating unnecessary pain, implanting the seeds of greed, war, and hate in the essences of the sentient races. At least, until about two thousand years ago, when she was faced in battle by one of the greater gods, Jientun. Mirala was defeated, and both gods grievously wounded. Not much of either has been heard of since, except in minor battlefield miracles on Jientun’s part and sudden disappearances and intense pain on the part of Mirala’s followers. Mirala seems unable to kill any who do not follow/worship her, and unable to do more than cause pain in those who don’t. Often, she is blamed for sudden cramps that cause havoc in ordinary lives…

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