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Misty-chan's Pet Pictures [Logged in view]
2009-08-19 00:59:07
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These Are Some Of My Pets, I'll Try And Get More Pictures, They Will Probaly Be While They Are Eating, And Most Are Cats.
These pictures are old some of these cats are dead so I'll take more pictures and replace these ones.

My kitty cat, we never named her.



Brownie(Male), and Fluffy Sama (Female)

Daffy(male), and Diablo(male)

Checkers(Female), and Daffy's butt.

A Male cat that showed up one day so it stays here.

My Mom's Dog Scotter.(Male)

My Dad's dog Ribbions.(Female)

My cat Nubs.(Female)

This is an old Picture of my baby Tibbie, he died Febuary of 2008.

This another old picture of Tibbie.

This was my dog Sandy, she died when I was 10 years old My dad accidently ran over her nose, She had a habbit of sleeping under the vehicals my dad moved her but she went back under his car and he didn't notice and he ran over her nose. The vet couldn't do anything for her because she was old, she couldn't see well, and she was going deaf, so he put her to sleep.
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