Page name: Mr. Sneakers Banners [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-19 07:03:24
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By: [Kelaria]

By: [Kelaria]



By: [Archeress of Mirkwood]


By: [ashleyamber]


For Memorial banners of Mr. Sneakers' please go to:
Mr. Sneakers Banners2

A great big huge


to [Kelaria]
for making our first two
official banners!


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2004-06-30 [Kelaria]: awwwwww *blushie* I feel loved ^^

2004-07-02 [vagabond faery]: I will put one of these at my house. I like the banners very much

2004-07-02 [Archeress of Mirkwood]: Of course you're loved, Mr. Sneakers and I love you!

2004-07-03 [Mister Sneakers]: [Kelaria] made the top two banners and [Archeress of Mirkwood] made the bottom one. ^_^

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